
BaconAlex's page

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In the Kingmaker 1e forums, I saw a bunch of posts that came up with this idea of the PCs having to make deals with various groups to actually get the funding for their kingdom to go through. I decided to take the work done there and reimagine it for 2e. I'm not as familiar with the Kingdom rules, however, and was wondering if people had better ideas.

I was inspired mostly by this thread and this really great blogpost.

My version is here.

In preparation for my Kingmaker campaign, I decided to write out what each companion gets at each level, so that I can easily level them up to around the party's power if they choose to take one (or more) of them on their adventures. I was a bit dissatisfied that none of the NPCs were provided stats for the higher levels, and I was also sad to see that some of the NPCs didn't have stats at all, so I tried my best to recreate the spirit of them as best I could. I may have made mistakes, so if you see any, let me know, and I'll make the necessary edits. Hope it's helpful!

The link to each sheet can be found here.

Amiri: I didn't change too much about her. I gave her the class feats that increase her size based on her instincts and focused her skill proficiencies on Intimidation, Survival, and Athletics.

Ekundayo: Not much changed here either. He's got Dog as an animal companion, and proficiencies in Crafting, Nature and Athletics.

Harrim: Harrim doesn't have stats in the companion guide, so I built him as a cleric of Groetus. Since Tristan exists, I didn't want them to be too similar, so Harrim is a War Cleric, and focuses on Harm Spells.

Jaethal: The book recommends that Jaethal be built as a Champion with the Cleric Archetype. Assuming she's an elf, that means her stats are...not great. I did my best with that, and made her a Dhampir to represent her weird undead nature.

Jubilost: Not much to say about this guy. He's an alchemist, and I tried to give him formulas that made sense. I don't know too much about alchemists, having never played one, so I may have not done a great job here.

Kalikke/Kanerah: The book asks that you build these two as Sorcerers with the Elemental Bloodline. I decided to at least give the kineticist playtest a try. It was confusing and hectic, and I'm not sure these two are necessarily the most powerful companions, but their story is interesting and hopefully that'll be enough.

Linzi: Another pretty classic, straightforward character. Gave her everything that helps her support, as that seemed really in character. I can see an argument that the Maestro muse makes more sense for her, but I didn't do that here. Go wild.

Nok-Nok: This gobby lil boy is...confusing. The statblock has him wield weapons he's not even trained in. While that is very flavourful and in character, it's not going to make PCs want to travel around with him if he's such a liability. I gave him the poisoned weapon chain of feats to make up for it, but you may want to cheat and give him higher proficiency in kukris.

Octavia: The book says she should be a Wizard with the Rogue Archetype, which sounded super cool. In the videogame, she's a Transmutation wizard, so I built her that way, focusing on supportive spells. I also gave her the 'Umbral' line of spells, as that seemed in flavour.

Regongar: I built Regongar with some extra spice, making him an Inexorable Iron magus with the Sentinel Dedication for some Heavy Armor proficiencies. He can Intimidate pretty well with Orc Warmasks, and the use of Expansive Spellstrike makes him a dangerous foe on the battlefield (both for his enemies and his allies).

Tristan: Healing. If it has to do with Healing, Tristan has it. He loves healing. I also gave him the 'winged' line of Aasimar feats, which makes his quest to discover his heritage a little silly ("I don't know who I am!" stares at angelic wings), so you may want to switch that out.

Valerie: A classic fighter, with every feat relating to shields as possible. I also gave her proficiencies in Art Lore, which was in expectation to some character development she might get later on - whereupon she becomes more accepting of her relationship with Shelyn. If that doesn't work for your version of Valerie, you may want to switch it out.

Astrid, Tyrael, and Glomnir: I built these companion characters to fit into the backstories of my players. If you think they're cool, you may use them as you wish!
Astrid is a wintertouched human Warrior Muse Bard with the Viking Archetype - I intend to have the player's meet them around the same time as they're doing Amiri's personal quest with the Fey Giants.
Tyrael is a woodland elven Champion of Erastil with the Archer Archetype. She serves the role of Jhod Kavken, pointing the PCs out towards the Temple of Erastil (and maybe going alongside them).
Glomnir is a dwarf Wizard Runelord of Gluttony - he's come to the Stolen Lands from western Varisia in the hopes of finding some powerful Thassilonian relic. I'm intending on the PCs meeting Glomnir around the time of the Varnhold Vanishing.

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I made a document outlining each of the side quests in Kingmaker 2e, colour coding them based on the approximate level they show up, and then organising them based on location and certain conditions. I put a timeline at the end giving the approximate (and very rough) idea of the order in which the side quests take place. I did not include the main story quests, as I didn't feel they were appropriate to put here. The timeline itself will largely vary based on how fast your players are going and whether or not they build certain buildings at all. Hopefully this is something people can find useful!

Here: 3CeY/edit?usp=sharing