
BaconAlex's page

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In the Kingmaker 1e forums, I saw a bunch of posts that came up with this idea of the PCs having to make deals with various groups to actually get the funding for their kingdom to go through. I decided to take the work done there and reimagine it for 2e. I'm not as familiar with the Kingdom rules, however, and was wondering if people had better ideas.

I was inspired mostly by this thread and this really great blogpost.

My version is here.

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I made a document outlining each of the side quests in Kingmaker 2e, colour coding them based on the approximate level they show up, and then organising them based on location and certain conditions. I put a timeline at the end giving the approximate (and very rough) idea of the order in which the side quests take place. I did not include the main story quests, as I didn't feel they were appropriate to put here. The timeline itself will largely vary based on how fast your players are going and whether or not they build certain buildings at all. Hopefully this is something people can find useful!

Here: 3CeY/edit?usp=sharing