Jack in the Box

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Organized Play Member. 216 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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an adventure path in hell would be nice from lvl 1-20 with mythic :D

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i guess like the isle would have a climate much like malta/cyprus

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i dont think taking 10% for making an item is much at all, i would be perfectly happy with that deal as a player.
Taking crafting feats is switching gear "power" for real useful feats.
Considering the time it will take you to craft some of the more powerful items your group will want in the future it would be strange for a "friend" to spend 50 days crafting just because he is a nice guy.
You could say that the magic crafting guild in your kingdom wont let you sell items for less, as it would ruin future Bp income.

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Chobemaster wrote:

If you can breathe underwater, then that means the shell of fresh air is strong enough to withstand water pressure. I see no reason to rule that the shell of fresh air is stronger right around your mouth/nose than everywhere else, so accordingly, if you can breathe in the shell, you are also staying dry.

At the risk of thinking instead of only doing what's written on the page, I'd say the acid is not in contact w/ you and therefore is not doing any damage.

I dont agree with this.

This makes the necklace even better then it already is.
As the item does not grant any resistance to acid i would rule that it does not protect against the liquid acid.
The item is made to allow you to breathe under water and protect from lack of air and vs gasses and vapors.
Granting it extra bonuses is wrong even if it makes sense...

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nothing is nastier then player characters :)

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3 Longships filled with 300-400 lvl 2 Barbarians.
Now what would we expect them to face, how much "plunder".
My players are mostly a 7-8th lvl party.
Any suggestions and tips would be helpful.

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Courting disaster can be a lot of fun though

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I houserule Smite Evil only to bypass Good/Law/Magic other DR are not effected in my campains.

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WHY would your dm ever let you make a CE character....

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