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We gather here today to mourn the deaths of not one, but two beloved members of the Circus.
Mikashi Akatano left her Home in Xian after her mother was killed to learn the way of the staff from a traveling Monk. After her Long Journey she Ended Up with the Circus and performed marvelous Shows. However, after arriving in Willowside and entering the Fortune hall, she underestimated the Power and mighty of two Brughadatchs and found her end in one of their bellys.
By her Side was Jack Highcard. A wanted criminal that grew Up on the streets of Escadar sceeming and Picking pockets. He was known for His tricks and His Grace in swinging His Rapier. But as Legends are written, so are the deaths of those who Run blindly in a room full of angry feys. And so He too found His end in Fortune hall.
So we raise our drinks for our fallen Heros. May the Spirits find Peace at the boneyard.