
Azaryth's page

24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I have been running a bunch of these ideas and wanted to throw out a new idea.

521. Cazmit's Traveling Circus: Every 5 years Cazmit's interdimensional Circus appears outside the city of Traynor. The "tower of mysteries", filled with extra-planer creatures and fun house style amusement, and various "tents of wonder" materialize on the hill and entertain the masses. Over the decades more and more people have come to the city to take part of the circus and the related festivities. This year when the circus materialized all hell broke lose literally. Demonic clowns, crazed monsters, and a demented ringmaster put on a show for the ages.

522. Will-O-Wisp Mating Season: It's will-o-wisp mating season and thousands of the little beasts have settled over the town of Bog Gulch.

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I haven't been around much but I came on here just to find this thread... Thought I'd try to bring it back to life.

463. Sweet sweet revenge
You and your companions are the only survivors of a raid on your village when you were children. Sold into slavery by the raiders you have now gained your freedom, reunited with the other survivors, and plan on hunting down and killing the men who burnt your village to the ground. All you know if that they flew a banner with two snakes facing each other.

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I'd forgotten about this thread. Did we skip 130-139?

145. You have been summoned to appear in front of the local constable. Maybe they finally found the thief who stole your wallet. Sitting in the waiting room you begin talking to the 4 others who have been summoned. None of you seem to know what this is about. When the constable emerges from his office into the waiting room he looks at you and says: "I am very happy that you all decided to turn yourselves in. These are some very serious charges you all face."

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70. A comet streaks across the sky and makes landfall. The players who are from all walks of life are sent in various groups from their assorted town to find this comet. When they arrive at the impact zone (with all the other groups) the area looks to be infected with some dark cosmic matter. The groups began to ward off and fight whatever menace the comet is causing to the area. One by one people fall until all that remain are the players who obviously survive. When they get back to the nearest town they find that the effects of the comet are more widespread than they thought…

71. An event such as an earthquake shakes a town sending buildings toppling and creating a deem chasm. The players could be from all walks of life and awaken as the only survivors that are currently at the bottom of the aforementioned chasm. They must find a way back to the surface and encounter some creatures on the way and maybe find out that the earthquake was not as natural as they thought.

72. Players could be from any and all walks of life. They could be from any region and pretty much any race. When a young wizard uses an ancient scroll to summon monsters to aid in his battle the group members find themselves “summoned” and for a brief moment are under the effects of a summon spell. (The monsters have to come from someplace right?) However for some reason the players remained even after the duration. Why? Maybe the gods have plans…

73. A traveler comes into town and does a “show and tell” of some artifacts he found in ancient dungeon. One of the artifacts drop and there is a flash of light everyone is dazed for a moment. Not much is thought at the time bit everyone in the bar begins seeing odd things. Soon it’s reported that a person died, then another. Players discover that the people who were in the bar and saw that flash of light are the ones mysteriously dying. The players characters are the last remaining survivors from that ill fated night. Can they solve the mystery before they are next?

74. All the players have an odd tattoo that they have little recollection of how they got it. They don’t even know when they got it. This is not kind of tattoo you get after a night of drinking. It’s odd and incomplete and on their shoulder. For years it’s been a mystery. Then one summer at a festival that bring in people from all over the realm the players make spot checks and find other people with this same tattoo (the other players). Together the tattoo creates a rune or a map or something that gives the players a quest or mystery.

75. The burial grounds of a cemetery have been dug up and various bodies are missing and they happen to the deceased friends or family of the PC’s. When the city is too busy and tells the concerned citizens that they have no leads and will not be able to help the players band together to avenge their dead anncestors. This leads them to a Necromancer with his possie of walking dead who happen be the PC's recently dead loved ones.

These are not my ideas but taken from a similar thread... credit goes to MuadDib

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35. You and your party of adventurers have just returned to the city of Glimmermoat after completing a small quest for the mayor. Upon arriving at the city gates you are told by the captain of the guards that the mayor does not have your promised reward but instead wishes to discuss an alternate form of payment. Arriving at the mayor's home you find him and his family dead savagely mutilated. Moments later the city guard arrives and you must flee the city as they blame your party for the mayors murder. Now the city has hired teams of adventurers to to bring you back to the city "dead or alive". Can you stay alive long enough to prove your innocence?

36. An ancient evil threatens to return to the realms and only the descendents of the heroes that banished it eons ago can stop it. Can you find the 5 artifacts needed to defeat this foe before he returns to bring about the apocalypse.

37. The PCs enter a town populated only by children. After investigation they learn the adults will return shortly; they always leave the valley at times of the full moon... The children claim that it is because in the light of the full moon the demons come and slay the adults. Wouldn't you know it the Full moon is tonight.

38. The local thieves guild hears that an experienced thief has come to town who has not checked in with them. They send a few associates to visit the party rogue to remind him of the guild’s fees and rules, and, of course, penalties for failing to abide by them.