About AyluinCrunch:
Culture: Rangers of the North
Standard of Living: Martial Cultural Blessing: Foresight of their Kindred Calling: Leader Shadow Weakness: Lure of Power Traits: .....Specialties: Lore of Arnor, Leadership, Story-telling .....Distinctive Features: Lordly, Keen-eyed Foresight of Their Kindred- The Rangers of the North still have in a measure the foresight their ancestors possessed in full before their race was diminished. A Ranger of the North ‘activates’ the Foresighted Trait the first time that he successfully invokes it with the usual Trait rules (see the Traits section on page 92 of The One Ring for details). The activated Trait may then be invoked normally for the length of the current gaming session. When the session ends, the Trait won’t be available for activation until the beginning of the following Adventuring phase. All Ranger of the North characters add the Foresighted Trait in brackets on their character sheet. Foresighted- A sense of watchfulness, and of fear, may at times arise in you to warn you of a danger that has not yet come
Keen-eyed- The keenness of your eyesight surpasses that of most folk. Leadership- You possess the capability to win the trust of others and push them to action. When under pressure, other men naturally turn to you for guidance, as ducklings follow their mother, or wolf pups heed their father. Lordly- Your dignified bearing arouses feelings of reverence and respect in onlookers. Lore of Arnor- Your folk have long preserved the lore of the kingdom of Arnor, passing on its wisdom from generation to generation. You are learned in the old lore of the Rangers and you know the crossing paths of Eriador like the back of your hand. Lore of Arnor bestows the benefits granted by both Old Lore and Region Lore (Eriador). Old Lore- You are learned in the traditions and the rumour of bygone days. Your knowledge may derive from different sources, from stories heard around the fire to the dusty records of a chronicler. Region-lore (Eriador)- You may call upon your knowledge of an area when planning to traverse it as part of your journey. Body: 5 Heart: 5 Wits: 7 Body (favored): 8 Heart (favored): 7 Wits (favored): 8 Common Skills
BODY...................HEART....................WITS...............SKILL GROUP Awe: 0...................... Inspire: 0 ............... Persuade: 3...............PERSONALITY......XOO
Weapon Skills
-Rewards-: Heirloom of Lost Arnor, Grievous Long Sword
Dauntless Guardians- You have been raised in a land dotted with desolate ruins and burial mounds. You have heard the dead whisper with cold voices out of lonely barrows, while ghostly lights
When you first select this Virtue you learn how to See the Unseen. You may later reinforce your spirit with Strength of Will by spending 1 Experience point as your undertaking during a Fellowship phase. Finally, you reach the stature of a true Wraith Bane by spending another Experience point as a new undertaking during a later Fellowship phase. Endurance of the Ranger- They say that a Ranger with a clear trail to follow can never be weary. You hope the saying will prove true, as it will be your fate to often travel in haste, to seek distant lands on urgent errands, or to relentlessly hunt your enemies. If the total Encumbrance of the gear you are carrying is equal to or less than 14 you gain the following benefits: your maximum Endurance score is considered to be 3 points higher, and every time you obtain a great success on a Fatigue test you may let another companion who failed his own roll to pass the test instead, or two companions on an extraordinary success. Heirloom of Lost Arnor- You have been entrusted with the keeping of an ancient relic, an artefact going back to the days when a King ruled the land. When you choose this Reward, use the tables on pages 94-95 of the Rivendell supplement to create a Wondrous Artefact possessing one Blessing. You should create an interesting story and description for the object, possibly with the help of the Loremaster. The item is generally of Mannish craftsmanship, but might even be of Elven or Dwarven make. In addition to the blessing possessed by the relic itself, you are recognised by your kin as its bearer, and as such you enjoy a +2 bonus to Standing. See the Unseen- It is said that the Elven-wise can perceive shades and wraiths that are otherwise invisible to the eyes of Mortals. You have been taught to recognise the signs that betray the
Endurance: 31 Starting Endurance: 31 Fatigue from Encumbrance: 10 Fatigue from Travel: 0 Total Fatigue: 10
Wisdom: 3 Valor: 3
Fellowship: 0 Advancement: 0 Treasure: 12 Standing: 4 Known Background:
Ask around. Everyone knows Rambler!
He's been to the Shire and back. He's been to Eriador. Rumor has it he's even seen the White City and visited the Horse Lords! For all that, you won't find as kind a man anywhere. He comes into town, sings sweet as a bird, helps folk with whatever they need help with, then rambles on, leaving the place just a bit better than it was before. That's what the common people know. To those that have traveled with him, not much is different. Rambler seems much the same... Except when battle is upon you. Then, Rambler becomes someone else...maybe something else. Whatever he is, you're glad he's on your side. He's proved his skill as a tracker, as a guide, as a warrior, and has proven a true, stout-hearted friend. You've got more questions than answers; he speaks the Elven tongue like he was born to it, and nothing you've seen in your travels, from a pack of orcs to a barrow-wight, seem to have much surprised him. You get the sense that he's starting to warm up to you, and the truth won't be far away. Whatever the truth, Rambler has proven himself a staunch ally. |