Malyas' Shield

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Grand Lodge

To give a bit of background, I've read a bit about the rulings regarding the other banned archetypes, and can understand why they were all banned. They all have pretty straight forward reasons why they aren't allowed in organized play. Gravewalker Witch and Undead Lord Cleric aren't because of their focus on undead, and how their powers deal with creating and controlling them. Synthesist and Master Summoner both aren't allowed because they're too powerful and bog down the game with extra combatants or with ambiguous rules regarding their eidolons (I've played a Synthesist before in a home game, so I know how much of a pain it can be). Finally, Vivesectionist isn't allowed because of flavor text?

It seems to be the case due to the text reading "A vivisectionist studies bodies to better understand their function. Unlike a chirurgeon, a vivisectionist’s goals are not related to healing, but rather to experimentation and knowledge that most people would consider evil." Emphasis on 'experimentation and knowledge that most people would consider evil'. The archetype doesn't list an alignment requirement of "Always Evil" or "Any Evil", so it can't be due to aspect. The original flavor might not fit PFS; but the mechanics don't bog down combat, it isn't overpowered from a rules standpoint (doesn't seem to be, at least), and it while the flavor deals with dissection, it isn't inherently evil. Mainly since many early doctors used medical knowledge about the inside of the human body through the only way they could. Can't know what's inside there if you don't take a look, after all. In regards to the sneak attack gained, the knowledge of the body's weak spots is hardly evil, and if exploiting them is, then one wonders why rogues are an allowed class for PFS play.

Since rogues are a perfectly fine option for organized play, Vivesecionist not being allowed for flavor reasons is a bit far-fetched don't you think? I realize that the archetype is a bit squicky, but I only see Torturous Transformation as a potential reason why this archetype isn't allowed. Other archetypes have had parts replaced to make them fit, with some classes even having feats replaced for organized play. So why not the Vivesectionist?

I'm asking mainly since there are many players that would play alchemists but wouldn't due to the bomb class feature not being what they would want to base a character around, but they'd have it as an alchemist regardless and would have to use it in early levels to pick up the slack since they have no alternative. Since the Tortuous Transformation feature is pretty far into the class it could be substituted for, say, the Extra Talent feat since Vivesectionists get the opportunity to select the Bleeding Attack rogue Talent in the place of a discovery, so they would qualify for it anyway. They are already rogue-like to begin with, so why not? I understand the view of "why not play a rogue then?", but being a rogue doesn't have the same feel to it. Much like why some people choose to play rangers, while others play inquisitors. They both focus on hunting down chosen targets, but the flavor is different.

At any rate, those are my thoughts on the matter. A bit of a whine, but I found no one else raise the question for Vivesectionists that has been raised for the other archetypes. From the Asmodeus's advocate perspective, what's the worst that could happen if it was allowed? Would like an official opinion on the matter to put the issue to bed for myself and others who have expressed interest in the archetype.