Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Aviana's page

19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I agree with this. My ranger has lore hunting and that should really key off of wisdom.

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I'm less sure, because there are some spells and rituals and the like with longer casting times that don't specify anything about take a ten minute break every ten minutes.

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Very general question - in exploration mode, the opening section acknowledges you could be traveling on horseback or something like that. There are three fatiguing actions you can take in exploration tactics, casting a spell, concentrating on a spell, or hustling. I don't think this question is relevant for hustling, but would you still be fatigued from casting a spell or concentrating on a spell if you weren't currently moving with your own two feet?

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Witch of Miracles: That's better than nothing, but I'm still of the opinion that stealth should be a viable option in and of itself. I'm glad deception is working hard, but I don't get why you can't stealth into a sneak attack. The spidey-sense line just doesn't make sense.

Quickly voicing agreement - not only is it contrary to what you would expect from sneak attack (even if we disregard sneak being in the name, which I'm not entirely), why in the world would you notice a ranged attack made in this way? I can almost see the case for melee, because sure, you're really close and maybe you didn't realize you smelled bad, or.... something??? But this also shuts down pretty much any sniper focus anyone might want, and I can't think of even a weak reason that should be.

(To clarify, I don't think that melee attacks should be denied FF when you break stealth to make an attack. The stealth should be broken after the attack and no sooner, regardless of attack type. It just seems especially absurd for a ranged build.)

Xenocrat wrote:
The Tanglefoot cantrip doesn’t list base duration, only heightened durations.

Also, this part absolutely needs to be clarified before final print. By context, I'm assuming one round. But also, I shouldn't have to assume.

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Xenocrat wrote:
Aviana wrote:


Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range touch; Targets one creature
Duration until the start of your next turn or until dismissed
You ask for divine guidance, granting the target a +1 conditional bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. The target chooses which roll to use the bonus on before rolling. If the target uses the bonus, the spell ends. Either way, it’s bolstered.
Also, guidance is extremely lackluster, especially with the bolstered line. Was that really needed?
Agreed, this needs single action, no bolstered, or maybe range to make it at all worthwhile. Single action and range are the changes I would make.

Really, my opinion is bolstered is the biggest problem. You used to be able to have your low level cleric giving people little bonuses when they didn't have anything better to do pretty much every battle, and the target being bolstered after one use shuts down that basic usefulness.

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Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range touch; Targets one creature
Duration until the start of your next turn or until dismissed
You ask for divine guidance, granting the target a +1 conditional bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. The target chooses which roll to use the bonus on before rolling. If the target uses the bonus, the spell ends. Either way, it’s bolstered.

Also, guidance is extremely lackluster, especially with the bolstered line. Was that really needed?

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Casting Somatic Casting, Verbal Casting
Range 40 feet; Area 40-foot aura
Duration varies
You utter potent words linked to your faith. Choose an alignment
your deity has (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful). You can’t cast this spell
if you don’t have a deity or your deity is true neutral. You deal 7d6
damage to creatures of that alignment in the area; each creature
must attempt a Will save. Creatures that match the alignment are
unaffected. Those that neither match nor oppose it don’t suffer
effects other than damage and treat their result as one degree better.

Bolded the part I think is an error - you deal damage to creatures of that alignment, but creatures that match the alignment are unaffected? I feel like this should read "creatures not of that alignment", or re-written to be "according to their alignment".

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I've no interest in creating undead, but I wondered about that as well. While I think it would make sense to be a playtest only omission, what I really want to know is if there's a list of what's playtest only omission and what's been flat out removed. That knowledge would be very helpful in evaluation.

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Hi, seconded.

My friends and I were just talking about this earlier today, and while I get that there's (probably) duplication across spell lists that make it impractical to split it by list, it seems like the least that could be done is separating the spells by levels. I also think it'd be easier to read through the spells if it was noted on the spell what lists it appears on - was that not included for space?

Also, powers should at least be their own section if not moved to the class page they're relevant for. I wouldn't swear that each power is unique to a particular class, because I haven't done a comprehensive comparison, but I'm willing to wager a lot of them are. It just makes more sense to have them with the class rather than muddying up an already muddled list of spells.

Hopefully Ectar is right and these are the kinds of things that will be fixed for release!

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I was a little disappointed that it wasn't as useful for spontaneous casters any more. It's not important, I guess, I was just excited to give my sorcerer a little animal friend and then realized I would get extremely little out of the exchange.

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Signature skills feel kind of limiting to me on a couple of levels. The first issue is, as mentioned, the inability to pick something unique to your character as a signature skill. It's all dictated by your class, which is a bit frustrating. I feel like backgrounds adding signature skills for whatever relevant feat they add would make sense, as traits once added class skills.

The second issue for me is the amount of trainings you can get tends to line up pretty closely with how many signature skills you have. My ranger is allowed to train 6+Int skills, and coincidentally I have six signature skills and didn't invest intelligence. I know I could choose to disregard my signature skills and train something else if I wanted, but then it feels a little like I'm being punished for doing so, since I can never go past expert without the skill being signature.

Overall I think my opinion is signature skills require a little more flexibility, and I think including them with backgrounds as a way to gain signature skills would be a clean route to do it. I'm sure everyone else has other ideas for how to improve them as well!

David knott 242 wrote:

Making the Sorcerer bloodline skills trained in addition to being signature skills has to be a mistake. This is the only place where there is a statement that signature skills are automatically trained.

I must have missed it, where is that statement? All I saw was signature skills being added according to bloodline, but you get 5+Int to train as you see fit.

EDIT: Never mind, found it.


Bloodline Signature Skills: You are trained in the listed

skills and add them to your signature skills.

I agree that must be a mistake, what would you even do with your other trainings?

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I think having the free ability boosts is fine the way it is. If word count is a concern, you could add a general note about there being a flexible ability boost, but I feel like people would miss it a lot if you did it that way.

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I feel very frustrated about missing out on picking up an ancestry feat because I'm too busy proving I'm really a half-elf. Like at the very least, please let me take one more ancestry feat with the heritage feat.

Still reading over everything, and wanted to give an affectionate shoutout to there being a frog option.

Like, oh my god, please tell me about the tribe that reveres the mighty pond lord.

(Has anyone built an animal totem barbarian yet? Which options worked best? :) )

Are wrote:

Has anyone run this module as a PBP? How did you handle the play?

Okay so I'm like four years late on this but I didn't see anyone else answer it, so. I'm running the play right now as a PBP. Everyone has a copy of the script, and we're letting one person post a block of lines for the non-combat sections. For act one, we had about forty lines, and five people with lines to post (including me). So one person posted the first eight lines, the second posted the next... There was a fair bit of editing involved, but that way we didn't had to wait for Dentris or someone to show up and post, and we didn't clutter the thread with forty posts where five did the job fine.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Bigger concern: Your GM has all your coworkers statted up. This is a cause for some alarm. Get them before they get you!

I would be the above referenced GM, and I appreciate your sense of fear!

In all seriousness, even when the NPCs don't come up with stats, I do usually like to give them sheets just in case something stupid comes up and they need a skill check, they piss off a PC too hard, etc. Better safe than sorry.