Austin Bevers's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I haven't posted because I put forth my skype contact info for folks to reach me with questions and characters.

Reckless: Just the two traits. Unless something hilariously broken occurs, take campaign traits if you want. Negatory on the flaw.

Entirely up to the people who decide to play, Reckless.

A clarification which as come up: I will not be making use of unchained material. The classes are theoretically on the table, if someone wishes to use them, but things like background skills are not.

Olaf the Holy wrote:

Okay. Then I understood you.

I was just asking because the standard way of determining a monster with class levels' CR is to add +1cr per associated class level, and +1/2cr per nonassociated class level.

So a minotaur barbarian 16 would be CR 20 before adding wbl, but a minotaur rogue 16 would only be CR 18.

I appreciate the attempt at clarification, and I'm glad we were on the same page =)

The fault was mine, operating under the assumption that players wouldn't opt for the "non-associated" route, but given the opportunities to make use of the lower Cr to squeeze in, say, four mythic tiers, I can see why it was in question.

So, for those of you who understand math, use Olaf's equation. Otherwise, text explanation provided. Learning get~

Olaf the Holy wrote:

Yes, I know you said that, but the 'monsters as PCs' rules don't actually give the resulting character a CR.

But, extrapolating from that, you want (CR=1(wbl)+class lvl-1+monster CR+MR*1/2+template CR) to describe the characters' CR?

At the risk of sounding like a tool: I don't speak math. I could probably suss out exactly what the formula above says, but I'd rather not get it wrong and look a fool, so the easiest way I have to answer coherently is:

Use the various maths provided for calculating the cr of all of the options you choose. Using the example given:

"For example, in a group of 6th-level characters, a minotaur (CR 4) would possess 2 levels of a core class, such as barbarian."

We're 20th CR (The equivalent of a 20th level character with WBL) So said Minotaur would have 16 class levels or the equivalent to disperse. (assuming of course, it took WBL. I don't know that anyone won't, but if it happens to come up, I'll address it then. I just can't imagine someone only wanting NPC WBL)

That Minotaur could disperse the 16 levels in the form of 11 levels in barbarian and 10 mythic tiers, or 6 levels in barbarian, 10 mythic tiers, and 5 CR in templates, or any other combination that comes to the appropriate total. CR additions, like templates, add to the CR directly. Class levels behave as class levels always have for the purposes of calculating CR (level-1, per the core rulebook, iirc, but certainly cited elsewhere on this thread) and WBL is +1 to CR.

See, we don't need algebra ;)

oyzar wrote:
Austin Bevers wrote:
It will not be PBP, I can only imagine the nightmares of trying to run a game of this scope, mechanically, via only text. On the one hand, things like how far away a person is from another, barring insane distances, becomes irrelevant, but the complexities of flanking, cones, etc, would largely be down to fiat.

Uh, have you thought about using maps? It's the most common way to deal with positioning and areas of effect. Most of your issues are solved already, there are several guides on the issue (Painlord's guide to pbp GMing for example). How would you run it live without a map anyway?

As mentioned, I'm not interested at all in a non-pbp game.

Oh, I fully intend to use maps, as noted in the first post. The problem is more in narrating via walls of text the specifics of say, a hundred imps and ten ice devils each making use of their various abilities. Speed and clarity are desired, and while it's possible to simply say, for example, that all of the ice devils use their "Summon Bone Devil" ability and leave the post at that, a "more efficient" use of their turn economy is, potentially, to wait to see how the 50% chance plays out for each of their comrades in turn. This works fine as the GM, I can roll them all, then narrate how it goes. It gets vastly more complicated with abilities targeting players (All the vampires cast Dominate Person on the same target! Oh wait, it failed the save for the first one, whelp, rest of the vampires wasted their turn, lul)

We speak faster than we write. Combat will be bogged down enough as it is. Questions are more easily asked, and more easily answered, as the situation plays out, rather than having to write, re-write, and revise a post umpteen times.

Olaf the Holy wrote:
Right. I won't be able to join you, but in the interest of others who might, could you outline the rules you're using for calculating the CR of a monster PC with class levels? Because more than two variations.

To ensure maximum transparency/Ease of use:

There are a number of monsters in this book that do not possess racial Hit Dice. Such creatures are the best options for player characters, but a few of them are so powerful that they count as having 1 class level, even without a racial Hit Die. Such characters should only be allowed in a group that is 2nd-level or higher.

For monsters with racial Hit Dice, the best way to allow monster PCs is to pick a CR and allow all of the players to make characters using monsters of that CR. Treat the monster's CR as its total class levels and allow the characters to multiclass into the core classes. Do not advance such monsters by adding Hit Dice. Monster PCs should only advance through classes.

If you are including a single monster character in a group of standard characters, make sure the group is of a level that is at least as high as the monster's CR. Treat the monster's CR as class levels when determining the monster PC's overall levels. For example, in a group of 6th-level characters, a minotaur (CR 4) would possess 2 levels of a core class, such as barbarian.

Note that in a mixed group, the value of racial Hit Dice and abilities diminish as a character gains levels. It is recommended that for every 3 levels gained by the group, the monster character should gain an extra level, received halfway between the 2nd and 3rd levels. Repeat this process a number of times equal to half the monster's CR, rounded down. Using the minotaur example, when the group is at a point between 6th and 7th level, the minotaur gains a level, and then again at 7th, making him a minotaur barbarian 4. This process repeats at 10th level, making him a minotaur barbarian 8 when the group reaches 10th level. From that point onward, he gains levels normally.

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Austin Bevers wrote:

It will not be PBP, I can only imagine the nightmares of trying to run a game of this scope, mechanically, via only text. On the one hand, things like how far away a person is from another, barring insane distances, becomes irrelevant, but the complexities of flanking, cones, etc, would largely be down to fiat.

That's a damn shame (especially since this subforum recruits primarily for PbP). What hours are you using? I'm pretty competent putting stuff together but I use PbP for convenience. I doubt I'd be able to commit to a more rigid time frame.

I'm available all day, every day, conceivably, so it's up to the group.

Answers post edited for further clarification.

Austin Bevers wrote:

To the various questions about CR: correct, use the written rules for doing so, both for mythic tiers and for templates/monsters. As offered, the rules for monsters being pcs: onsters-as-pcs

It will not be PBP, I can only imagine the nightmares of trying to run a game of this scope, mechanically, via only text. On the one hand, things like how far away a person is from another, barring insane distances, becomes irrelevant, but the complexities of flanking, cones, etc, would largely be down to fiat.

If there ends up being 0 interest in this as a live online game, perhaps I'll consider revising that stance.

To Oyzar in specific: Ultimately, gestalt does some interesting things to the CR calculations of a "fair" fight which, while able to be considered, are not as simple as working within the system Paizo already has. As with before, if everyone participating decided they wanted that, I would consider it.

And yes, assuming you have WBL and my heat-addled mind is cooperating, 19 levels in a class, with no other modifiers, +WBL =CR 19, 2 mythic tiers equal +1CR-ish. (Gets a little wonky because creatures don't usually take mythic tiers, they have ranks instead, but from my standpoint, the math is the same)

WBL for 20th, regardless of level, unless I've overlooked something (other than you know, answering that question ahead of time xD) So yes, you can have only one class level, but still get the WBL of a 20th level character.

As for templates and third party: Yes, there are some bits of third party content, templates or otherwise, as well as first party templates, which are incredibly powerful, arguably even broken. I will be reviewing every character submitted (this is not a first come first serve selection process) with an emphasis on how/why the character is what they are (Oh, you're an Advanced Vampire Sorcerer Worm-That-Walks? Interesting concept, tell me why this horrid creature exists!)

That said, I recognize that, as part of the pitch, there is a call for "op"/"minmaxed" characters, so, in summary: Come to me with a build, third party content piece, or anything else which you think might cause an issue, and I'll evaluate it, and save...

To the various questions about CR: correct, use the written rules for doing so, both for mythic tiers and for templates/monsters. As offered, the rules for monsters being pcs: onsters-as-pcs

It will not be PBP, I can only imagine the nightmares of trying to run a game of this scope, mechanically, via only text. On the one hand, things like how far away a person is from another, barring insane distances, becomes irrelevant, but the complexities of flanking, cones, etc, would largely be down to fiat.

If there ends up being 0 interest in this as a live online game, perhaps I'll consider revising that stance.

To Oyzar in specific: Ultimately, gestalt does some interesting things to the CR calculations of a "fair" fight which, while able to be considered, are not as simple as working within the system Paizo already has. As with before, if everyone participating decided they wanted that, I would consider it.

And yes, assuming you have WBL and my heat-addled mind is cooperating, 19 levels in a class, with no other modifiers, +WBL =CR 19, 2 mythic tiers equal +1CR-ish. (Gets a little wonky because creatures don't usually take mythic tiers, they have ranks instead, but from my standpoint, the math is the same)

As for templates and third party: Yes, there are some bits of third party content, templates or otherwise, as well as first party templates, which are incredibly powerful, arguably even broken. I will be reviewing every character submitted (this is not a first come first serve selection process) with an emphasis on how/why the character is what they are (Oh, you're an Advanced Vampire Sorcerer Worm-That-Walks? Interesting concept, tell me why this horrid creature exists!)

That said, I recognize that, as part of the pitch, there is a call for "op"/"minmaxed" characters, so, in summary: Come to me with a build, third party content piece, or anything else which you think might cause an issue, and I'll evaluate it, and save us both the trouble of:

Player "Hey, I built a thing! It took six weeks!"
GM: "Sorry MR/MRS Player, too cheezy."

Good questions, Everyone!

I'd hesitate to apply the word "creative" because while the question is valid...egh, let's ignore semantics:

The primary features are the Wards of Jandelay (EX) from The Oliphaunt of Jandelay (Mythic Adventures, IIRC) and the Mythic Vital Strike tree. Features like the spell selection for Mythic Contingency might create some interest, but they might be "smart" enough to just be common sense. Otherwise, it's a dragon with a subtype. One I find compelling from a narrative standpoint, but it does, for better or worse, work as a "Here's a list of resistances and immunities" shortcut.

Also, noticing a few 3.5 hold-overs in there....note to self, proofread old sheet before posting. So there's that, if you consider the goof interesting.

Ultimately, I tried to stay away from any homebrew/custom work when I originally designed it, in the interests of "playing fair" with the group I was running for at the time. As a result, there aren't too many super-cool nifty abilities. A piece or two may have slipped in (Really should have noted the sources for the feats)

Anyway, TL;DR

Yes, if you like mechanical crunch and flavor-based decisions within the rules of the d20 system.

If you're looking for individual pieces of content that stand out? You've seen 99% of the bits that go into this on the srd.

It's got a cool hat though ;)

I recognize that I may have, in fact, missed both the point and the boat here, but for the potential pleasure of the OP:

Why I have a 129HD and 1129HD monstrosity laying around isn't a terribly compelling story, but make use of them if you will.

In the interests of everyone understanding what is being offered, without flavor or embellishment: I face the dilemma of having vastly too many creatures of CRs that just don't get used (both pre-existing ones and entirely homebrew creations) and rarely do games get up to the levels required to make use of them. I want to make use of them.

So, if you're interested in a campaign where the bar starts at "Can lay siege to The Nine Hells" and only gets more demanding from there, you've found the right place. I intend to open the campaign with just that. The party will, for reasons which are their own, attempt to lay waste to every unique devil on the d20pfsrd. There will, of course, be other obstacles, including armies of lesser devils. There will be a significant twist, however: Lucifer will not be CR 39. Or 40. or 41.

Now we get to the fluffy bits of this!

Now is the opportune time for those with ambitions toward Hell to act. Not because it is weak, but because if the hammer does not come down now, it never will. Asmodeous has gone missing, and in his absence, a long forgotten angel has seized the realm. If he is allowed to secure his position, Hell will become unassailable.

To prevent the gods of the world from interfering, the angel has issued a dire threat. If any deity sets foot in Hell without his consent, he will turn all his infernal power, the mighty magics he wields, and the mythic power that lives in his bones toward the purpose of annihilation.

The specifics he offered are as follows: He has promised the return of Nex and The Whispering Tyrant Tar-Baphon, the full vengeance of Baba Yaga, and the shattering of Rovagug's prison. None are certain he can make good on these threats, but the risk is too great to attempt it.

The angel, cunning enough to recognize that, left with no options, the gods would gamble, has thrown down a challenge.

"If the Throne of Hell should be wrested from me by a mortal, I will relinquish my claim on the powers by which I threaten reality."

Returning to the crunchy bits!

Those interested should build 25 point buy characters which are CR 20. Yes, CR. For those who need help with the math, I'm willing to provide aid, but what this means is: Monsters may be used and given class levels. Characters can be lower level so as to allow for taking Mythic Tiers. There will be Mythic enemies. There will be enemies powerful enough to break the system over their knees.

Assuming the party survives, accomplishes the task (and presumably gains much loot and many levels along the way) there are other challenges to explore, titans to fight, and good deeds to be done. But I think there's enough on the plate already ;)

I realize this may be a -very- niche pitch. I can be reached here or on skype (argetlampuppeh)

The game will be played on Maptools and skype.

An oddity of a question: Mythic books weren't cited for the list of accepted books, but mythic monsters exist in Bestiary V. Does this mean the mythic rules are fair game?