Auskrem's page
31 posts. Alias of Mikaze.
Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote: Your argument seems to be (and I'm sure you'll correct me) that you don't like good characters, but you're okay with them if they can be browbeaten into giving up their convictions. However the paladins are harder to browbeat because there are actual in game repercussions for them betraying their character concept. Well mark one barbarian he wouldn't get along with either.
Suma3da wrote: ** spoiler omitted ** Huh. I like this guy.
I think I know what I'd like to do, but I don't see having any time for it right now. If we make it through this mess, I'd want to stay by...well...my best friend's side and help her build something better than what we found.
But there's still too damn much left to do. I don't know if I'll ever have time to settle down. There's just too many mistakes and failures I need to fix. Too many people we let down.
I'd hoped we could travel together forever, but sooner or later our path is gonna fork.
Guess I shouldn't be surprised though. Never really been the type to settle down, I reckon.
Jade Regent
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Deadmanwalking wrote: DM Under The Bridge wrote: So a neutral adventurer wouldn't entirely side with genocidal humans or elven terrorists. ...neither would good ones? Genocide and terrorism aren't generally Good actions.
Deadmanwalking wrote: (okay, I totally play wild barbarians, I just lay relatively nice and thus Good aligned ones) high-fives
Bury 'em. Or whatever their ways of putting their dead to rest are, as long as it ain't shady. If no one offers to help, I'll do it my own damn self. Done it before.
Someone fights you honest, you don't leave 'em to rot in a ditch. You do that, you're degradin' yourself as much as them. Bury 'em, in the ground or in the sky, but don't leave 'em behind.
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doesn't have Superstitious
doesn't use Beast Totems
doesn't rage-pounce
doesn't just Hulk Smash
sure as hell doesn't use Wild Rager
maxed Diplomacy
having a ball
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Dragoncat wrote: Mikaze wrote: Adjule wrote: I like to incapacitate enemies by using nonlethal damage as much as possible. I know many many people would rather just slaughter their way through everything, but I would rather play my Good aligned character as a good person. +99999999999
On a related note, the Compassionate weapon ability is awesome. On a related note, using Diplomacy or Bluff to avoid fights.
Sure, I CAN bludgeon someone into submission, but with Diplomacy, I don't have to. And we can all go home happy! :) That goes without saying. :)
maxed Diplomacy barbarian here
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aboniks wrote: Zhayne wrote: Squirrel_Dude wrote: At some point, did people take "evil" to mean petty criminal? The problem ... well, one of the many problems ... with Detect Evil is that it's binary. Yes or no. No gradients. Crazy psycho baby eater registers the same as makes babies cry for fun. The icing on that particular piece of the alignment fruitcake is that a guy who stoically smashes baby goblins heads against the cave wall after killing their parents...he's just being merciful, and pings Capital-G Good. TEAR THAT BABY MURDERER'S GODS DAMNED HEAD OFF
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Captain Wacky wrote: I've killed Orcs because they were an irritant and in the way, without looting them. That puts their lives at about ant level to me. I'll try and save the peasants for the lord I work for, but I'm not going to be putting any personal funds into raising any that didn't make it. >:(
Speaking only for myself, I'm currently seeking to bring back 41 dead hobgoblin children and find a way to put gods know how trapped souls to rest in a temple we passed through a month back.
I can't even imagine putting a price on that.
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Holger Coulson wrote: J-Gal wrote: That's more of a personal preference. I feel that half-orcs should be relatively uncommon and certainly looked upon with horror and scorn. I said it explicitly to get a rise out of you guys but I do mean it. I don't like them. I won't hold it against ya. Don't like some of my mates myself. Hell with that, I'm proud of who I am. Why wouldn't I be? Blood of badass heroes on both sides of the family.
Even if mom spent my childhood throwing logs at me to get me ready for the world. @#$%, wonder how she's doing?
Speakin' as a....what's that? Barbarian, if that's what they're callin' us now...I woulda tried to talk the guy down. And if that didn't work I'd just have to kcik his ass. I'd pull my punches of course. No sense in needless killing. Certainly no sense killin' what seems to be a decent enough guy.
I mean hey, I like fighting as much as the next Shoanti, but I need a damn good reason to take a life. Hell, the fact that I was trying not to kill should be sayin' a lot to that paladin. And being misled ain't enough.
And I'm pretty sure I could take him. He ain't gonna be smiting me and I've knocked out plenty of enemies before without cracking their skulls open.
Except for that one goblin way back, and that was one hell of a fluke. Damn, I still see that one in my dreams. @#$%in' hell.
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J-Gal wrote: I'm talking humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and half-elves. raises an eyebrow
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Raging vitality has bailed me out more than a few times. It's been worth it.
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With these smarts and damn fine looks, I can see why some folks are jealous of half-orcs.
Ain't gonna stop being this smart and handsome, of course. But I understand.
I ain't gonna be judged for what some diabler or whatever does, but they still better keep that @#$% away from me.
Mikaze wrote: 3. Oh the owlbear was chosen on purpose wasn't it. ;) o_O
The hell you trying to say there, Paizo?! >:(
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The only complaints I got about Arsheans are the noise complaints they rack up with their Obedience rituals next door.

TanithT wrote:
Life does not exist in a vacuum. The prey population without predators outstrips its ecosystem and dies. Trees alone without pollinating insects can not reproduce as well or as often. Social mammals without a non-reproductive percentage of economically contributing adults - read, homosexuals - raise fewer surviving children that are less well nourished.
Heterosexuals without homosexuals are actually at something of a reproductive disadvantage. A group of social mammals would not actually be "normal" if it did not have a small but consistent percentage of naturally nonreproductive adults who functioned as lateral rather than direct genetic transmitters. In between tossing rocks and logs at me to get me ready for the world, back when I was a kid my mother told me that my father's tribe had these traditions where the men and women that couldn't have children with their mates tended to serve another role for those that could. She said the word for them and how they related to the children connected to them was something in-between "uncle" or "aunt" and "godparent".
Their hunting and labor brought a little bit more extra to help keep the tribe's young safe and healthy. Helped keep the tribe more close-knit too, I guess.
Hell, I wish I had one growing up. Probably would have talked my mother into easing off on the daily obstacle courses. A little, maybe.
I totally gave everyone in a caravan permission to eat my body if I died and they absolutely needed food.
But only if they had to. I'd prefer to be given a proper, sacred burial...
Y'know, being left on a raised platform to be eaten by birds.
Rogue Eidolon wrote: In PFS, even my half-orc barbarian always strikes for nonlethal damage except against undead or anything a "sun shaman" or "moon shaman" tells him is an evil outsider. He doesn't want to end anyone else's story in a footnote to his own, so he is extremely reverent of those who do wind up dying by the hands of his "tribe". Hey, this guy sounds alright!
Healer's tools of some sort. Medicine and such, probably plenty of useful herbs planted nearby. Y'never know.
Probably all sorts of maps and pointers of some sort carved into it. Or arouind it. Signs pointing to good water and warning of danger are common enough already between Varisians and Shoanti. Figure it'd be the same for most Desnan wayshrines.
raging CPR
Don't you dare die on me! You've never given up on anything before in your life, so fight! Live, damn it, live!
Azaelas Fayth wrote: Didn't Jade Regent cover some Artic Environs? And how!
Nipples felt like pencil erasers, it was so could.
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About paladins being defined by their moral code...I got a code just as moralistic as any paladin.
Ethical code on the other hand... Pffff. What the hell's an ethic anyway?
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Vod Canockers wrote: Some people would consider a half-orc a monster too. Met plenty of humans that fit the bill more than some "monsters" I've seen.
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If I were a paladin/barbarian, the first thing I'd be doing is tracking down whatever sick bastard is setting up all of these baby-sacrifice situations and smite-earthbreakering his head into his abdomen.
Also, the claim that all barbarians are Leroy Jenkins clones with no sense of discretion is false.

Vicon wrote: It really is an issue though, Auskrem -- in a month or two everyone the party saved in that snap-decision could be dead from a plauge, or a fire, or famine... or they are just a bunch of doubtlessly expendable peasants. Everything in the museum is irreplaceable, timeless, and an indispensable part of the nations heritage and depending on how divine or arcanely magical -- some of it might have been exceedingly important for a variety of other reasons. In a mundane world headbutting that nobleman makes a lot more sense... even if this quandry is still tough in a mundane world. When you add how extremely magical the exhibits are to how beautiful and important they are -- whoa, nelly. it's a big deal, and you don't have to be a stuffy noble to say so. They've got a fighting chance. That's more than they would have had if they were just left to die.
The future ain't written. And I don't make a distinction "important" folks and the peasants whose lives they don't seem to value much.

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Vicon wrote: Another moral quandary:
Make them choose between saving some innocent people, and a MUSEUM. It's impossible to get the blood off of your hands resigning a truly innocent people to their fate -- but if they go to save the innocent person, the bad guys plan to raid, loot, burn, and blow-up a spectacular ancient building full of priceless art and national treasures? And no matter what they choose, people are going to hate them. "MY DAUGHTER WAS MURDERED -- CRYING FOR *YOU* TO SAVE HER -- and you chose ROCKS AND METAL over her! May you look to rocks and metal when your hour comes! Your HEARTS are made of rocks and metal! Boo-hoo-hoo!" (crowd spits and yells)
"You picked a dozen or so mundane and useless peons as more precious than the greatest arts and inspirations of our age?! The soul of our whole COUNTRY lies in ruins, lost FOREVER because you sought to put your twisted disproportionate values over our national heritage?! OR WHAT'S LEFT OF IT!?!? SPIT! PTOO!" (crowd spits and yells)
Headbutts the nobleman.
Hey, @#$% you buddy! points at the survivors Those people are the soul of your country! Whatever was important about those rocks and paper lives in them! You throw their lives away for things...whatever that stuff in that museum represented isn't worth a damn if that's what it drives you to do!
looks at approaching guards
spreads arms, fronts
IC posting, so hard to stop!
Specifically in-character:
Beatings inbound.