Audoucet's page
Goblinworks Executive Founder. 966 posts (974 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
Okay, I just had What I believe to be my best idea ever for sandbox gameplay.
I won't go into the general concept, I will just describe my idea, And we will see if people think it will turn out like I think it will.
When a character is created, you must choose between full PvP, or partial PvP. Partial PvP is immune to PvP, except in some specific circumstances.
Gatherers and crafters are partial PvP. Nobody can kill them while they are gathering, or crafting. BUT, they cannot interact with each other directly. Gatherers can't sell anything outside a "gathering node", which is placed in each gathering zones. Imagine a fortified warehouse.
Now, only full PvP, can buy into the warehouse. They must, then, go back to cities to sell it or give it to crafters.
The situation would create a system where gatherers and crafters are capable of playing carebear, BUT, they would still be concerned, even though indirectly, by banditry, because if there is too much, their prices will go down, since nobody will want to give them a lot for a dangerous product.
"Lawful good" players will have a meaningful way to fight banditry while making money by commerce, and bandits will have a real way of playing risk vs reward.
In my system, attackers and defenders are not differentiated, you can do some caravan for your settlement Monday, and do banditry against your neighbours Tuesday.
Ryan Dancey said wrote: Other MMOs
Clearly the most fertile ground for recruiting is going to be within the communities for other MMOs, particularly sandbox MMOs. We are good friends with a lot of the people who make those games and we don't want to be discourteous to them. So we don't actively recruit or try to advertise on their sites or services directly. As players you have more leeway than we do as competitors. We certainly don't encourage you to bomb their forums with recruiting posts, but it is totally appropriate to respond to the many threads that always appear in those communities for people asking about other games.
So, I didn't do it until now because I was kind of considering it to be rude, and I only PM'd Bluddwolf about it, but since it's fair game, let's talk about Albion Online !
If you are looking to support a nice PvP game playable on tablet, where every item is created by players, and where you can have some very nice housing (In the game world where precious resources can be found or in secured personal islands with fully customised access rights), I invite you to try this game. Graphics are simple but really nice in their category, the game is free to play, and the experience system is very original. You can perfectly well never fight, and just craft.
The targeting system is tab based, and there is absolutely no twitch gaming, which makes the PvP very accessible to everybody. The game to be playable on tablet, which means that you don't have to be a keyboard+mouse expert.
The first alpha is coming to an end, and the game is supposed to come out officially next year.
I wonder if something is designed, to take care of this problem.
It is the sad reality, that some people will log/log-off to pick easy kills, if given the occasion. Because it is far easier to log-off 2 hours to 4 days and come back, than keeping guard and staying alert for hours and days.
In a perfect situation, an enemy will discreetly infiltrate your territory. He will have the time to cause some disruptions before the local authoritys react, depending on their response time. The bandit(s) will then, have to avoid elimination, by fleeing, fighting, or hide and try to close some more disruptions. That's a meaningful interaction.
From my experience in EvE, there was A LOOOOOT of players who just lived in the middle of enemy territory. These guys were living for the easy kill, and they would just log-off at the first sign of any danger.
Obviously, the situation is different in PFO, mainly because of the reputation system. Still, the problem could be the same for war target, and even a very low-rep character can be a pain in the ass of our most vulnerable no-PvP players. We will have some, as much as they will have to accept PvP as part of the game... I just don't call that kind of practice "PvP".
So, there is maybe already a response to my concern, and that I would be happy to hear it. I really really don't read everything about this game for the simple reason that even though I do speak English, it is still some effort to read vast amount of it, and so, I can miss a lot of things !
From the beginning, when you turn your character with the mouse, the cursor is automatically reset to the centre of the screen.
I would like to know if this problem will be taken care of, in the MVP version of the game in EE, thanks in advance. :)
So, the Freevale thingy, which I don't have any opinion whatsoever about because I don't know anything about it, made me wonder about the concept of democracy, in a MMO.
I think that there is a misconception, about democracy. It doesn't mean that the majority always rule about everything. On the military subject for instance, it is not the point of a democracy, to decide strategy and tactic. Just as it is not up to everybody, to intervene in every diplomatic move.
What I would like to discuss, is how democracy CAN, be implemented in a settlement. Don't forget that there was a lot of different democracy : For example, in a constitutional monarchy, a leader will always have the keys of the country. So democracy doesn't mean that a settlement owner, should give up the "buttons", because the majority doesn't like him at a T instant.
But I think that there is still some room, for a lot of meaningful democracy. For example, about internal settlement laws, taxes, building... I don't know, and I would be interested in hearing your ideas.
(And yes, I am open to some people expressing a very bad experience with the evil TEO, just don't make a flood of it please.)
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Come, come, come closer, little one... Oh, so you don't want to sleep, child ! Yeah, bugger, what you want to do, 'tis roamin' around, killin' goblins ! But there's a far greater threat, in the wild... Baba Yaga, the Witch Queen !
What... ? Well... Yeah, I know, Irrisen ain't kinda next to... YEAH, it's the other side of Av... What the hell d'you know 'bout geography anyway, at 8 ?! Don't you have something better to do than reading books ?! What are you, a... Book... Person ?
Shut the frak up. Baba Yaga ain't the only witch ! Ever heard of the Stroud Sisters of the River Kingdoms... ? AH. Your bookworm of a father didn't told you about that, heh ! Fainthearted piece of... Whatever. Well know that, youngling : Contrary to popular belief, the sisters ain't three, oh no ! There is a fourth... She's called the Green witch, and unlike her sisters, she hides in the mountains and the woods, around these parts... She preys on the isolated, and jump on you at night. For she craves all that is good and proper in this country !
So. What will it be, grandson ? Sleep, or Greenwitch ? Yeah... Attaboy. And stop smiling to me, stupid, I ain't your daddy. Look mean, if you wanna scare the hag away, Gariwald !
Goal of the company.
Killing things while the good people of Phaeros & Friends are either asleep, or at work. In the future, taking a POI with an EU time zone PvP window, if possible.
Full PvP focus, some PvE when there isn't any target, for players from Europe, or of course from other continents with unusual work time.
Essentially, I'm looking for people playing between 14:00 and 00:00 GMT~.
High-Rep PvP only, so no banditry, no killing random dudes for no reason, but KOS on each and every legit target.
Honor is overrated in war, so be ready to jump on outlaws on a 6vs1 basis. He probably has 5 stealthed friends anyway.
GMT is a phaerite True Neutral company. You will have to be a Phaerite, a citizen of Phaeros. GMT being also a company from the Seventh Veil community, you will have to join The Seventh Veil's website, and apply. Don't forget to mention that you are applying to join the Greenwitch's Mean Troop !
Viens, viens, approche donc ch'tiot… Ah, alors comme ça tu veux pas dormir, gamin ! Hein, sale mioche, c'que tu veux, c'est aller chercher des noises aux goblins ! Mais gamin, y'a bien plus dangereux que les gobelins, dans les contrées sauvages… N'oublie pas Baba Yaga, la reine sorcière !
Hein… ? Euh… Oui, d'accord, Irrisen, c'est pas la porte à côté mais… OUI, je sais, c'est de l'autre côté d'Av… Oh et puis ta gueule, t'y connais quoi à la géographie à 8 piges, de toute manière ?! T'as pas mieux à foutre, que lire des bouquins ? Tu te prends pour quoi ? Une bibliothèque ?
Allez, ferme la. Baba Yaga, c'est pas la seule sorcière ! Déjà entendu parler, des Soeurs Stroud ? AH. Ce rat de bibliothèque qui te sert de père y t'en a jamais parlé d'ça, hein ! Froussard péteux aux noyaux atrophiés… Eh bien sache le, garçon : contrairement aux idées reçues, elles ne sont pas trois, les sœurs, ouh non ! Il y en a une quatrième… La Guenaude sorcière… Et contrairement à ses sœurs, les marécages c'est pas son truc. Elle préfère les bois et la montagne, et plus particulièrement ceux du coin… Elle pourchasse les gens seuls… Elle saute sur toi la nuit, pour te bouffer. Car elle a faim de dévorer tout ce qui est bon et juste, dans le pays !
Alors. On fait quoi, on écoute mamie ? Dodo ou Guenaude ? Hinhinhin, c'est ça, bon garçon. Et arrête de sourire comme un con, on dirait ton père, abruti. Si tu veux faire peur à la sorcière, faut avoir l'air menaçant, Gariwald !
Raison d'être de la compagnie.
Tuer des trucs pendant que les bons habitants de Phaeros font la grasse matinée ou sont encore au travail. Dans le futur, installer une POI ayant une plage horaire PvP européenne, si possible.
L'objectif est clairement PvP, PvE quand aucune cible n'est à l'horizon, pour des joueurs européens, ou bien pour des joueurs d'autres continents ayant des horaires particuliers.
En gros, je cherche des joueurs jouant entre 14 heures et minuit GMT, approximativement.
PvP Haute Réputation seulement, pas de banditerie, et pas de meurtre de gens sans raison, mais élimination systématique de toute cible marquée PvP.
L'honneur à la guerre c'est surfait, alors préparez-vous à sauter contre des types à six contre un. De toute façon, ils ont probablement des potes en fufu autour, vous inquiétez pas.
Devenir membre.
La Troupe Menaçante de la Guenaude (GMT) est une compagnie phaerite neutre stricte. Vous devez donc être un Phaerite, un citoyen de Phaeros. GMT étant également une compagnie membre de la communauté The Seventh Veil, vous devrez vous inscrire sur le site de The Seventh Veil, et faire une application. N'oubliez pas de préciser que vous désirez rejoindre " Greenwitch's Mean Troop " !
Si vous avez des soucis pour présenter une candidature en anglais, contactez moi en privé.
I saw something about the hiding helm option, on ideascale, but I don't really consider it an idea, I just consider it a mandatory option, in any serious MMORPG.
So, I just wanted a confirmation from GW, about it. It seems so much obvious that I didn't even think about it, but since someone talked about it in ideascale...
Of course, as always, people will argue about it just like every MMO. So, people against it, if you want to protest, go ahead, that is completely in your right, but every counterargument has been discussed over and over on hundreds of games, so while I don't ask you to not argue, don't expect me to respond to the same old arguments.
All I'm asking is GW's opinion, just to be reassured, and stop thinking about that.
I create a new thread from a quote from the Exodus thread, to avoid flooding it with my stupid ideas :
Bigmancheatle wrote: Ustalav is across the River, a Kingdom of Vampires, Werewolves, and Undead.
Past the Echo woods to the north, is Numeria, a Kingdom of Mages and Barbarians, as well as giant robots, with lasers.
Far east, and Far south is the rest of the River Kingdoms.
One of the things I absolutely loved in WoW, was the possibility of playing a real, actual rotten undead !
I don't mean some kind of vampires and whatnot, but a real zombie-like character with free will, just like WoW's Forsaken.
But I'm not sure if this kind of race could be easily explained by the lore, on a large scale. You can always find a good excuse for one aware, not necessarily evil undead character, but for a whole community...
I thought a lot about joining a French company or something like that, a few months ago, but let's get real, French are not that good at making French organisations in international servers.
So, I was thinking, shouldn't we try to organise not to create a French organism, but to concentrate ourselves mostly around the same already established organisations ?
I don't mean that everybody goes in the same one, mainly because, well, all of us don't want the same alignment, but at least try to organise a minimum ? Like, having a base to encourage French players ? I mean, we all have some friends who didn't play EvE, because it was in English...
A little precision for other readers : Unlike most of Europe, being fluent in English is not very common among French people. It's a little more common among gamers, but I think that we can safely say that a vast majority of French are incapable to play in a 100% English environment.
First, I want to emphasise that this topic is absolutely not about the gameplay. My objective is not to talk about the integration of religion by gameplay, even though I would appreciate such a feature.
I just wanted some community feedback, about how would you imagine giving some flesh, some existence. I would love for example to know how the big guilds of PFO, are considering the religion aspect of things.
I always loved playing clerics with strong beliefs. And I think it would be a little sad, if a cleric type character was just like any other character.
Anyway, I just want to know what you all think about religion in PFO, and how you'd see it !
I couldn't participate, for the second pledge, even though I would've loved to. I just wanted to know if there'll be a second occasion to pledge ? I must say I'm a little sad I won't have a destiny twin even though I supported the very birth of the project. :)
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I'm Audoucet. Chill, ex-SWTOR players who recognise me, I ain't going again on a pro-Appearance-tab rampage again (yet XD).
Just a quick plea on behalf of all disabled players like meself : Please, dev'. Just give us the possibility to HEAVILY change our camera/mouse speed.
I know, I could use gamers mouse with crazy drivers. But let's not enter the life details of us disabled people : it's not a solution.
Honestly. Even what most gamers would think a ridiculous impractical cam speed is just the minimum, when like me, you can move your mouse on a 2 inch radius.
WoW and SWTOR speeds are ok. But please don't go GW2/DCUO on us.
I don't ask a lot, just that. It doesn't seems like a big deal, but we're actually a lot in this situation.
Hello !
It's been a few months since I first heard of this game, and I'm proud to be one of the 500ers.
I'll be quick : I just want to beg you. Do not let EA or some other satanistic society, make a random "theme-park-SWoWtor" of this game. Please. This industry need more innovative projects like yours.