Attela's page

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Pizza Lord wrote:
Attela wrote:

What about this hypothetical scenario; a Mystic Theurge uses Spell Synthesis to cast Dimension Door twice.

How does the targeting work? What if they choose two different locations that are both within range of Dimension Door? Which location would they end up at since both spells trigger at the same time?

No idea. Assuming you had, for some reason, somehow decided to learn dimension door for two different classes, one arcane and one divine...

and wanted to cast use both spell slots with mystic theurge's spell synthesis...
you could do it.

Then your GM would either roll randomly or just pick one that seems best. Or say "Screw it" and give you some custom teleport errors chart.

It is not really an uncommon or unreasonable situation. The Mystic Theurge has another class ability called Combined Spells which allows them to cast spells from another class by using the spell slots of a different class. For example, if the Mystic Theurge has access to Dimension Door through sorcerer levels and also has enough levels in cleric, they could potentially use a 5th level cleric slot to prepare Dimension Door. The Travel Domain could also grant them the ability to cast Dimension Door as a cleric. Surely there are many other ways but this is quite a simple one.

But I see that the topic is getting a bit convoluted and as happykj said, I can handle this personally with my GM, but I'm always interested in the broader opinion and RAW/RAI aspects of the game. Thank you for your insight on the matter.

Pizza Lord wrote:
Attela wrote:
Perhaps I misunderstood the Spell Synthesis effect then, I am mostly confused because of this sentence in its description: "You can make any decisions concerning the spells, such as the spells’ targets, independently."

The way I read that line is that both spells are independent. They are not linked to the other one. For instance, you do not have to target the same target(s) with both spells. You could cast charm person and cause fear and have one affect one target and the other affect another. In the case of a mystic theurge it is usually better to affect the same target with both, since it gives the target penalties and the caster a bonus to overcoming spell resistance.

It means you don't have to have spells share the same location, targets, or areas of effect. You can have fireball and ice storm go off and they don't have to be centered together. You can have the fireball go off 50 feet to your left and the ice storm appear 25 feet to your right as long as that's in each spell's range, respectively.

Similarly, if a target was immune or protected from one spell the other would potentially still work. Same deal with SR. You would check for both spells, you wouldn't check once (though you'd count as 2 levels higher, as per the mystic theurge's ability).

What about this hypothetical scenario; a Mystic Theurge uses Spell Synthesis to cast Dimension Door twice.

How does the targeting work? What if they choose two different locations that are both within range of Dimension Door? Which location would they end up at since both spells trigger at the same time?

Pizza Lord wrote:

Dimension door's restriction applies. You cannot do anything that would count as an action until your next turn. Technically, even a free action would still be restricted. So you can't dimension door and drop an item, or fall prone, or even speak.

A permissive GM might allow you to speak when you arrive, "Here I am!", but that would be their own call and houserule and not technically allowed.

Reading the mystic theurge's spell synthesis ability, it does not appear to interfere with that. You can use it as a full-round action to cast dimension door and another class's spell simultaneously.

The issue is where you say dimension door 'resolves first'. That's not how it works, they are cast at the same time. The only one who can really resolve that is your GM, and trying to have a set, universal rule based on the sheer number of spells that can be comboed with DD would be impossible.

Usually, they would happen together. Both occur simultaneously. You cast DD and bull's strength on yourself, you have the extra strength when you arrive at your destination. You don't technically get the bonus and then teleport or arrive and then get the bonus. Likewise, I wouldn't necessarily apply one spell's penalty to a target in relation to a synthesized spell. If you cast hold person and fireball, even if you had them roll to save against the hold person first, I wouldn't count them as paralyzed (0 Dex) for purposes of the Reflex save against fireball.

Similarly, you don't cast dd and magic missile and arrive and then unleash the missile at a target at the destination. Even if you could see the target from your original location, I would rule it would have to be valid as you complete the casting (ie, within range), since it's completed as you complete the dimension door.

Now, in my opinion:
Obviously with so many spells, there's probably countless combinations of things to come up with where one going off...

Perhaps I misunderstood the Spell Synthesis effect then, I am mostly confused because of this sentence in its description: "You can make any decisions concerning the spells, such as the spells’ targets, independently."

To me that made it seem like there is a certain order where the effects are resolved in.

Recently I've been wondering about the interaction between Dimension Door and immediate actions since my current character has access to both Dimension Door and Emergency Force Sphere.

The Dimension Door spell has a special clause in its rules: "After using this spell, you can’t take any other actions until your next turn"

So after reading this, my question would be whether or not Dimension Door prevents me from using immediate actions or is the only purpose of this mechanic to effectively end the turn on which I cast Dimension Door?

Another weird interaction would be with the Mystic Theurge's Spell Synthesis ability which allows you to cast two spells from two different classes as a full-round action. If you first resolve Dimension Door, it wouldn't prevent you from casting the second spell since you are not really taking another action but are instead in the middle of the action which you used to cast Dimension Door, right?

Jhaeman wrote:
It may sound a bit weird, but you could probably order it from Amazon or booksellers in foreign countries and have it shipped to you. When I saw these posts that it was going out of stock, I ordered mine from and it arrived last week (though I live in Australia, so the shipping wasn't exhorbitant). They had a few copies.

I just looked up Amazon and their Australian site indeed has 2 copies listed. Unfortunately shipping is not available to my country.

I've been searching online and most secondhand copies go for ridiculous prices, around 300 euros or so. Also checked a few dozen European stores and found that the stocks are out in all of them.

I second a reprint. This would surely be of great interest among players.