Attela |
Attela wrote:What about this hypothetical scenario; a Mystic Theurge uses Spell Synthesis to cast Dimension Door twice.
How does the targeting work? What if they choose two different locations that are both within range of Dimension Door? Which location would they end up at since both spells trigger at the same time?
No idea. Assuming you had, for some reason, somehow decided to learn dimension door for two different classes, one arcane and one divine...
and wanted to cast use both spell slots with mystic theurge's spell synthesis...
you could do it.Then your GM would either roll randomly or just pick one that seems best. Or say "Screw it" and give you some custom teleport errors chart.
It is not really an uncommon or unreasonable situation. The Mystic Theurge has another class ability called Combined Spells which allows them to cast spells from another class by using the spell slots of a different class. For example, if the Mystic Theurge has access to Dimension Door through sorcerer levels and also has enough levels in cleric, they could potentially use a 5th level cleric slot to prepare Dimension Door. The Travel Domain could also grant them the ability to cast Dimension Door as a cleric. Surely there are many other ways but this is quite a simple one.
But I see that the topic is getting a bit convoluted and as happykj said, I can handle this personally with my GM, but I'm always interested in the broader opinion and RAW/RAI aspects of the game. Thank you for your insight on the matter.