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A Place, A Feeling: The Sandbox AP


This review is written from the perspective of a player on the whole 6-part adventure. Strength of Thousands is divergent from the norm in both its setting, tone, and gameplay. Set at the magical school, the Magaambya, it covers years instead of months, taking your characters from bright eyed students to mythical heroes of legend. It is part academic simulator, part adventure, leading to a lighter tone for much of the story. It has its massive battles and its dark themes, but these are interspersed with exams, detentions, parties, research, diplomacy, and sports.

The narrative is one of Paizo's most non-linear, and players seeking a streamlined, linear, or direct story experience may find themselves bored. By contrast, a player who enjoys roleplaying will find an immense amount of freedom. The timescale, which takes place over years, helped me contextualize my eventually immensely powerful character. And on the way I stressed over exams, conducted field research on a cyclops temple, joined a gang (or two), and taught my students (spellcasters, mostly) how not to get grabbed.

The narrative, non-linear though it may be, is replete with wonderful NPCs and villains. For the GM, also, I would suggest that if you prefer running combat, this APs long stretches of diplomacy or detention may not provide the best experience. SoT is the least "combat simulator" AP released since Kingmaker.

It does, however, have its great battles and cinematic clashes. There are some grueling combat challenges that pushed my party to the brink (and nearly over it), but as I reflect on the AP, it is not the combat I remember, but planning birthday parties for my classmates, using hero points to change fails on exams to successes, and simply enjoying the presence of the characters and my real partymates. More than any other AP, the Magaambya felt alive, full of characters wonderful and wicked, brilliant but not always bright. I think of the allies made and the ones lost. If any of that appeals to you, I cannot recommend this AP enough.