NobodysHome wrote:
No time for a full post, but *my* favorite moment of the night was when they were discussing poisoning the water supply and hiding until they were all dead as their "solution" to the charau-ka problem.
As Templari was indignantly spouting objections to this "plan", they asked Kwai Chang, "Iomedae'd be OK with that, right?"
One abysmal roll later, and Kwai Chang responded, "Well, I don't see why not..."
EDIT: And color me ecstatic that the "Iomedae" alias is already taken so CY can't create yet another one and say, "Oh, I'd be OK with that..."
EDIT 2: And what is it about my kids and their desire to commit genocide through subtle poisoning? They wanted to do it to the cannibals, too...
I found a couple of work arounds there; 1) i'll add the title afterwards @) just to be safe i'll do a kooky reinterpretation (like this one of Asmodeus:-D)