About Asira Nurami
Asira Nurami
female human (Varisian) Oracle of Heavens 1
age 19, deity Desna
chaotic good medium humanoid (human)
Init+2; Senses Perception +5
AC 13 [17], touch 13,flat-footed 10 [14]
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +2 Will +3
Spd 30 ft.
Dagger Atck +0 ((1d3 vs small)1d4/19-20/x2; 10 ft./ P or S)
Spear Atck +0 ((1d6 vs small)1d8/x3; 20 ft./P/Brace)
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +0 CMD 12
Feats Combat caster (+4 on concentration checks while casting on the defense or grabbled), Dodge (+1 dodge bonus to AC)
Traits Foster child (+2 on Knowledge (Arcana)), Varisian Wanderer (Profession (Fortuneteller) as class skill and +1 trait bonus)
Skills Bluff +4, Diplomacy +7, Heal +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Nature) +3, Perception +5, Profession (Fortuneteller) +6, Sense Motive +5
Languages Common, Varisian
Mystery Heavens
Oracle's curse Haunted (standard action to retrieve items from gear)
Revelation Coat of Many Stars (Su)(Asira conjures a coat of starry radiance that grants her a +4 armor bonus (1h/day in 1h increments).
Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Resistance, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound
Level 1 (4/day)
Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Shield of Faith
weight of gear carried
traveller's clothing x2 (2x5 lbs), dagger (1 lbs), spear (6lbs), backpack (2 lbs), bedroll (5 lbs), blanket (winter, 3 lbs), spell component pouch (2 lbs), water skin (4 lbs), flint and steel, trail rations 4 days (4 lbs), Fortune Teller's deck (masterwork, 1 lbs), jewellry for 20 gp
gold 18 silver 4 copper
Asira is a slender varisian woman standing approximiately 5'7" tall with
slightly dusky skin and long dark blonde hair. Most of the time she wears a red bandana and large golden earrings in her ears. She also wears a blue long floing skirt, a red vest, a white blouse and leather ankle boots. A violet scarf is wrapped around her neck.
Arisa was born to a Varisian woman and an unknown father. When she asked her mother who her father was, her mother would look up to the stars and tell her, that he was a traveler like the varisians, but that he doesn't only travel to other lands, but also to other worlds.
When she was 8 her caravan fell victim to aband of trolls. All she knew where killed and her mother was lying there bleeding. She told her to run and that she did. She ran for days hungry and afraid, until one day Koya, found her and took care of her, adopting the young girl as her foster child.
Arisa grew up in Sandpoint, but somthing inside her is calling her to leave, to explore the world and visit new regions. But Koya asked her to stay, as she deemed her not old and experienced enough. But she swore to herself to someday leave sandpoint and hit the road. Until that moment, on can often find her at the evening staring into the sky, dreaming of far away countries.