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Ashtaroth "Ash" Mourningstone's page

80 posts. Alias of UKCraig.

Full Name

Ashtaroth "Ash" Mourningstone




Paladin 2 | hp 22/22 | AC 19 | Pass Perc 11 | Pass Invest 10 | Pass Insight 13 | Spell Slots 2/2




20 y




Eldath, goddess of peace


Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Abyssal

Homepage URL

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HD9cir_kdHh7Lx1TyuSR8BZwkR4HNHRj/view?usp= sharing

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Ashtaroth "Ash" Mourningstone

Born the eldest of twin boys to an upper class merchant family, Ashtaroth Mourningstone was always the bigger and stronger of the 2 boys. Growing up, he served as “protector” for his weaker, although more insightful & intellectual brother, Akeldama “Del” Mourningstone. Thus, it was to no surprise when his parents chose to send Ash to train to become a paladin of Waukeen, the family diety, and his brother to learn the deeper mysteries of their goddess. Ash excelled in training and his parents and instructors were impressed with his physical prowess, his natural charm and leadership, and his mastery of weaponry. His future as a protector of commerce and the roads seemed all but written.

However, at age 18 tragedy struck the family. After completing his formal training and while squired to a local paladin of Waukeen, Ash was possessed by a demon whose intent was to ruin the family Mourningstone and kill the heads of the family, Eldridge & Delphine Mourningstone. For nearly a year, the demon utilized Ash to undermine the family trade, breaking generations of agreements and relationships. After the family fortune and any hope of generating revenue had been obliterated, the demon used Ash to murder his own parents. Throughout all of this, no one knew that Ash was possessed. Worse, the demon allowed him to watch everything that was done, not only unable to act, but not even able to feel the pain in terror of what he witnessed while trapped in the void of his own mind. It was only after his parents lay dismembered at his feet, their blood covering his body, did the demon leave Ash back in control of his own body and actions.

Thus, his mind shattered and his body withered to a shell of its former physicality, Ash was expelled from the order of Waukeen. Only because of his brother’s support and care was Ash able to endure long enough to begin to recover. Now, he and his brother follow the directives of Eldath, goddess of peace. Through her guidance, they try to bring redemption to the world and maybe to themselves.