
Ashlion Zephron's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Carpio.

Full Name

Ashlion Zephron









Special Abilities

Spell resistance 10 + 1/2 level - alternate for daylight




Common, Celestial, Draconic, Gnome, Sylvan

Strength 12
Dexterity 9
Constitution 10
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 14
Charisma 17

About Ashlion Zephron

"How amusing, that NOW is two days before the day after tomorrow" or "What is really Now; Yesterday's tomorrow, or Tomorrow's past?

Born into a family heritage of blessings and curses, Ashlion, an Aasimar Oracle, has not fully learned to overcome his fears of the darkness and live with the haunting curse of wicked and trickster spirits that always linger around him in places untouched by the sun.
He has a young boyish look, but almost androgenous; he could probably pass for a young woman with a change of clothing. Sometimes being away from daylight too long brings back anxiety attacks and the haunting spirits taunt him more frequently, and sometimes more aggressively. Gloomy dark overcast days become trials of will power to avoid anxiety attacks and efforts to stay in well lit libraries, taverns or other rooms only offer minimal relief. He feels even further cursed because unlike many Aasimars, he does not have the ability to call Daylight or use a Halo effect. Instead, he has discovered that most spell craft sometimes fails to affect him. And, as if to further remind him of his curse, while in daylight or moderately lit places his shadow does not represent his true form; it is animated as if it were an entirely different being that taunts him by not being a true shadow of his own likeness. So whether in dark shadowy places, or well lit or sunny places, he is always reminded of his curse. At times he has noticed that the shadow attempts to point to certain directions as if to guide him - but so far, Ashlion has dreaded to actually follow the direction of the pointing animated shadow. Perhaps it is acting as a form of augury or divination to give guidance in the future?...