Ashiara's page

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Redelia wrote:
Paizo probably really doesn't want to do a 'download all' because none of us actually download everything. I only download the high quality one file version of things, not all 4 versions of the books. Why should Paizo personalize 4 times as much stuff as I want?

There could be a download all as a standard, but if you want the high quality you would have to down it individually.

With the bundle that is offered from humblebundle, I can see people wanting to all now rather than having to try to down each file individually.

Aside from all of that, the humble bundle gives a long time gamer like me the chance to see if we even like the rules for Pathfinder, though from the Saving Throw introduction that was recorded it does seem like it would be a lot easier to keep up with Paizo than WotC, especially with some of the moves WotC have thrown out.

I have a suggestion for the Paizo Developers. Trying to find their responses in this thread is a pain when seeing everyone else is complaining (or asking that the complainers tone down their impatience.) My thought would be to make a locked thread with all the developer responses for this issue. Yes it means double posting: one in this thread and one in the locked thread.

Would give the new people a heads-up on the on-going developement for handling the downloads versus having to troll through 12 pages of comments to find the little nuggets of actual information.