
Arythain's page

Organized Play Member. 83 posts (3,293 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 8 aliases.


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Male Human

Lovely! Looking forward to finally getting a taste of Kingmaker!

I'll have my alias cooked up and posted shortly.

Indeed. Drumroll please...

@GM Wastrel: I leave those details entirely in your hands, they were indeed meant as hooks.

This should be my finalized submission, excepting anything you would like to comment on/see adjusted, GM Wastrel. I envision Tristan starting as something of a fish out of water, but will take to the adventuring life rapidly.

Tristan Aislin, Crunch:

Tristan Aislin
Male Human Bard(Court Bard) 1
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid
Init+2; Senses Perception -1
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 [+3 Dex, +3 Armor, +1 Shield]
hp 8
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +3 (1d6/18-20/x2)
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4/19-20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +3 (1d6/x3)
Caster Level 1; Concentration +5
Spells Per Day
0th: n/a
1st: 2
Spells Known
0th (DC 14): Ghost Sound, Daze, Lullaby, Message
1st (DC 15): Cause Fear, Sleep
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 18
Base Atk+0;CMB+0;CMD13
Skills (with invested ranks):
Artistry (Musical Composition/Song writing): +5
Acrobatics (1 rank): +7
Bluff (1 ranks): +8
Diplomacy (1 ranks): +9
Know(Hist) (1 rank): +6
Know(Local) (1 rank): +6
Know(Noble) (1 rank): +6
Linguistics (1 ranks): +5
Perform(Sing) (1 ranks): +10
Perform(String) (1 rank): +8
Sense Motive (1 rank): +3
Weapon Finesse (use Dex mod for some weapons)
Spellsong: With a swift action, combine a use of Perform skill with casting a spell

Savant (+2 to Perform(Sing) checks)
Charming (+1 to Bluff, Dip and +1 to spell save DC v creatures that could find Tristan sexually attractive.
Lacks Deference (Reflavored Campaign Trait 'Bastard'): -1 to social interaction checks with Brevic Nobility, +1 to Will Save

Common, Elvish, Celestial

Gear Rapier, shortbow, quiver and 20 arrows, studded leather armor, fiddle, extra fiddle strings & other care equipment (oil, polish, linens, etc). Leather hair ties. 1 set of fine clothing. 1 set of trail clothing. 2 weeks trail rations. water skin.

Money: 24 gp
Special Abilities
Heraldric Expertise: A court bard gains a bonus equal to half his bard level on Diplomacy, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), and Knowledge (nobility) checks (minimum +1). Once per day, the court bard can also reroll a check against one of these skills, though he must take the result of the second roll even if it is worse. He can reroll one additional time per day at 5th level and every five levels thereafter.

Bardic Performance 8x/day: Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Satire

Tristan's Story So Far:

Tristan doesn't come from much, but he wasn't born on the street. The son of shopkeepers, he received some formal education in his youth and was found to have a knack for language. At the age of eight, his gift for music was discovered, and the arc of his life was seemingly decided. His singing mentors feared that upon reaching manhood his changing voice would no longer be as sweet - but it only grew more beautiful, expanding his range and his appeal. Combined with his physical beauty and natural charm, Tristan found there were very few doors he couldn't open with the right words. By his mid teens he'd already made a name for himself as a performer. For several years he lived in a room at a pricey tavern where he performed thrice a week, and was often hired by nobles for private performances. He spent money as easily as he made it, and life was a happy, effortless blur of wine, lovers, and song.

Eventually, jealousy complicated matters. A former partner of Tristan's, with whom he had often sung duets and put on joint performances, was driven by ambition to strike out on his own – but while an excellent musician himself, it was no secret that he was found to be the inferior of the two. The matter was made worse by competition over a lover – an excitingly mysterious and audacious young woman by the name of Audrey, whom was widely rumored to be a part of the city's criminal underground in some way. The rival enlisted the help of a pair of minor noble youths to spread slander and gossip about Tristan and ruin his reputation.

When Tristan found out, it brought his carefree life to a screeching halt. He was often the subject of gossip and rumor, but never before had it been spiteful (and usually it had been deserved). This concerted campaign against him aroused a fighting spirit within him that he'd never known existed. He used his superior charms and immensely superior connections to turn the tables on his detractors. He exposed their schemes and destroyed their credibility, and as an added bit of revenge spread a few artful rumors of his own. For a month or so, opponents vanquished, his life returned to normal.

Unable to match his skills at petty politics and constantly enraged by the gossip that held them in such mockery, both Tristan's rival and the two nobles marched into the inn one night to challenge him to duels. Outraged that they had brazenly interrupted his performance, Tristan accepted without a second thought - and furthermore, contemptuously offered to fight all three duels in a single day.

Like any decent Rostlander socialite, Tristan owned a blade and was tolerably well acquainted with its use, having hired himself a private dueling master for some years - but he had never expected to have need of the skills. Still, his pride would not let him back down, and so he resolved to follow through. For the week leading up to the duels he practiced constantly. When the day came, his opponents drew straws for the order in which their duels would be fought, and the rules were laid: to first blood or capitulation.

First he fought one of the nobles, a young man who had been training with a blade nearly his entire life - but had little aptitude for it. With experience and stamina he ground out a lengthy bout, but eventually Tristan was able to cut him upon the hand and so take a poor, but definite, victory. The second match was fought against the original instigator, the fellow singer. This man hated Tristan with a passion - but was useless with a blade. Tristan stabbed him in the shoulder on the second pass.

The third and final duel was fought against the most formidable opponent. The second noble was Tristan's elder by three years. Tristan knew little of him, but everything he knew he hated. The man was cruel, rash, arrogant, and poorly spoken. Tristan could not bear the thought of losing to him, and so he summoned up every bit of strength he had left - but after two duels, he was tired, and it was all he could do to fend off his foe's attacks. Then he remembered that he had another weapon which he had thus far left unused - his words. He began to taunt the noble, mercilessly and creatively. He joked. He insulted. He improvised mocking lyrics and poems even as he dodged attacks. The crowd - which was considerable - roared with laughter. After one particularly biting limerick that commented on the noble's taste for farm beasts as bed partners, the young man charged recklessly. Tristan countered with a thrust, hoping to take his opponent in the shoulder - but the nobleman stumbled in his haste, and spitted his head upon Tristan's blade. The cleric they'd had on duty for the duels declared that the man was dead.

The noble's family did everything they could to declare Tristan a murderer, but here, again, he proved able to defend himself against the allegations with his own words and the help of his allies in the nobility. He was absolved of wrongdoing - but now Tristan had earned himself more powerful enemies. He was forced to enter the realm of politics to prevent the dead noble's family and their allies from destroying his life. This he managed to do, and for several years his life was again joyful and downright hedonistic - but somewhat less carefree, especially as his newfound notoriety made Audrey vanish like the morning mist.

In the end, it was not this violent episode which undid Tristan - but rather his own amorousness. At twenty-two years of age he was more successful than ever, playing and singing for wealthy merchants and minor noble families for miles around. And one of those nobles turned out to have two very fetching daughters.

As well as an extremely charming wife.

On the final day of his month-long stay at the estate, Tristan's host, a powerful nobleman, discovered him in bed with the wife - and upon further questioning of the household staff, also discovered the dalliances with his daughters. And one of his kitchen maids. Not all of Tristan's words and allies could save him from consequences this time - though they did manage to save him from the headsman's axe. Instead, the magistrate ordered most of his possessions seized, and then offered him a choice of exiles – to Brevoy, to see how well a Rostlander bard would do in the arrogant courts of the northerners, or a chance to wipe clean his transgressions by serving Rostland on a mission to the Stolen Lands. Success might see his exile rescinded.

The judge's tone made it clear what she thought of Tristan – an upjumped wastrel who survived on looks and words, lacking any true mettle or worth. For the first time Tristan wondered if there was merit to the opinion.

The next morning saw Tristan depart the city with a charter in hand. He was officially an agent of the Swordlords, bidden to bring peace and prosperity to the Greenbelt. He had bid his tearful and fearful parents a farewell the night before. Despite their worry, Tristan felt excitement grow in him as he departed the city gates.

This would be an adventure worth singing about.

Description/Personality/Morality etc:

Appearance/Clothing/Accessories: Tristan is just a touch above average height and has a lean build. He has light brown hair he keeps to a length just past his neck, sharp facial features and deep blue eyes. He has a thin scar on his right temple and ear which is largely concealed by his hair, a remnant of an accident during fencing practice some years ago. In his youth he used to enjoy gaudy clothes but has lost much of his taste for tasteless ostentation, preferring clothing in simple styles but high-quality make and materials. He prefers muted colors embellished by one or two items of bold brightness. That being said, he knows how to dress for an audience. He enjoys jewelry, but most of his was seized as reparations for his transgressions. He was allowed to keep a necklace adorned with the butterfly symbol of Desna.

Personality/Quirks: Tristan is a good-natured, outgoing, unrepentant hedonist with a passion for song and wordplay that exceeds all else (even his other passions, which are many). He is of a generous bent and freely shares his wealth (well, the wealth he used to have) with friends and has also been known to donate to the poor from time to time. His major weaknesses are a tendency to live in the moment and pursue his desires while only rarely considering the consequences (a tendency that is directly responsible for his presence in the Stolen Lands). His pride and a streak of vanity (especially where his musical skills are concerned) have also been issues, as has his tendency to poke fun at people whom he thinks are 'taking themselves too seriously.'

Recently Tristan has taken to trying his hand at songwriting, wondering if he has what it takes to be a great composer. He'll often mumble couplets under his breath as he considers rhyming schemes.

Morality: Tristan is generally good-willed to all, and ready to treat others with friendship and respect under the assumption that they will approach him in the same way. While not having a great deal of experience with responsibility to anyone but himself, on the rare occasions when he makes promises or gives his word, he takes keeping it very seriously. He is generous with his money and resources, especially when he encounters real poverty and need. The one thing he can be selfish with is his time, as when the desire to sing, play, or compose comes over him he can think of little else. While not violent by nature and preferring other means to solve his problems, he is decently handy with a sword and bow and does not shy away from a fight – though he has no experience with killing outside of the accident in his youth.

Kingdom Building Role:

Tristan would work best as a Councilor, helping to keep loyalty and goodwill widespread within the lands he's responsible for. He would also make a good Diplomat, especially as he matures and is more equipped to deal with adversarial relationships. His own preference is Councilor, as he likes to live and work amongst people who like and admire him.

Tristan could be press-ganged into the role of Ruler and would do his best with it, but does not tend to view himself as a leader (at least, not yet).

Wandering GM Wastrel wrote:
@everyone - no stats above 18 after adjustment, please. Thanks

Ah, good to know. I have definitely pumped my bard's charisma to 19 to start with - guess I have some rebuilding to do!

I'm currently considering a few different changes to Tristan's story, mostly to have him choose to become a part of the kingdom-building group rather than just being forced into it.

However, another change has to do with the Bastard trait. As it is, his story already supports the mechanics of the trait fairly well - he's pissed off a lot of the nobility with his antics, and has proven to be stubborn and strong-willed. If that's enough justification for you, GM, then I'll just reskin the trait with a new name and call it even. However, if you'd prefer I stick to the flavor of the original trait, I'll change the story to add in that angle.

I'll probably go with a bard character that I've never gotten to play, Tristan Aislin. His fluff is pretty much written, having been cooked up for a previous Kingmaker recruitment.

Tristan's Story So Far:

Tristan doesn't come from much, but he wasn't born on the street. The son of shopkeepers, he received some formal education in his youth and was found to have a knack for language. At the age of eight, his gift for music was discovered, and the arc of his life was seemingly decided. His singing mentors feared that upon reaching manhood his changing voice would no longer be as sweet - but it only grew more beautiful, expanding his range and his appeal. Combined with his physical beauty and natural charm, Tristan found there were very few doors he couldn't open with the right words. By his mid teens he'd already made a name for himself as a performer. For several years he lived in a room at a pricey tavern where he performed thrice a week, and was often hired by nobles for private performances. He spent money as easily as he made it, and life was a happy, effortless blur of wine, lovers, and song.

Eventually, jealousy complicated matters. A former partner of Tristan's, with whom he had often sung duets and put on joint performances, was driven by ambition to strike out on his own - but while an excellent musician himself, it was no secret that he was found to be the inferior of the two. He enlisted the help of a pair of minor noble youths to spread rumor and gossip about Tristan and ruin his reputation.

When Tristan found out, it brought his carefree life to a screeching halt. He was often the subject of gossip and rumor, but never before had it been spiteful (and usually it had been deserved). This concerted campaign against him aroused a fighting spirit within him that he'd never known existed. He used his superior charms and immensely superior connections to turn the tables on his detractors. He exposed their schemes and destroyed their credibility, and as an added bit of revenge spread a few artful rumors of his own. For a month or so, opponents vanquished, his life returned to normal.

Unable to match his skills at petty politics and constantly enraged by the gossip that held them in such mockery, both Tristan's rival and the two nobles marched into the inn one night to challenge him to duels. Outraged that they had brazenly interrupted his performance, Tristan accepted without a second thought - and furthermore, contemptuously offered to fight all three duels in a single day.

Like any decent Rostlander socialite, Tristan owned a blade and was tolerably well acquainted with its use, having hired himself a private dueling master for some years - but he had never expected to have need of the skills. Still, his pride would not let him back down, and so he resolved to follow through. For the week leading up to the duels he practiced constantly. When the day came, his opponents drew straws for the order in which their duels would be fought, and the rules were laid: to first blood or capitulation.

First he fought one of the nobles, a young man who had been training with a blade nearly his entire life - but had little aptitude for it. With experience and stamina he ground out a lengthy bout, but eventually Tristan was able to cut him upon the hand and so take a poor, but definite, victory. The second match was fought against the original instigator, the fellow singer. This man hated Tristan with a passion - but was useless with a blade. Tristan stabbed him in the shoulder on the second pass.

The third and final duel was fought against the most formidable opponent. The second noble was Tristan's elder by three years. Tristan knew little of him, but everything he knew he hated. The man was cruel, rash, arrogant, and poorly spoken. Tristan could not bear the thought of losing to him, and so he summoned up every bit of strength he had left - but after two duels, he was tired, and it was all he could do to fend off his foe's attacks. Then he remembered that he had another weapon which he had thus far left unused - his words. He began to taunt the noble, mercilessly and creatively. He joked. He insulted. He improvised mocking lyrics and poems even as he dodged attacks. The crowd - which was considerable - roared with laughter. After one particularly biting limerick that commented on the noble's taste for farm beasts as bed partners, the young man charged recklessly. Tristan countered with a thrust, hoping to take his opponent in the shoulder - but the nobleman stumbled in his haste, and spitted his head upon Tristan's blade. The cleric they'd had on duty for the duels declared that the man was dead.

The noble's family did everything they could to declare Tristan a murderer, but here, again, he proved able to defend himself against the allegations with his own words and the help of his allies in the nobility. He was absolved of wrongdoing - but now Tristan had earned himself more powerful enemies. He was forced to enter the realm of politics to prevent the dead noble's family and their allies from destroying his life. This he managed to do, and for several years his life was again joyful and downright hedonistic - but somewhat less carefree.

In the end, it was not this violent episode which undid Tristan - but rather his own amorousness. At twenty-four years of age he was more successful than ever, playing and singing for wealthy merchants and noble families for miles around. And one of those nobles turned out to have two very fetching daughters.

As well as an extremely charming wife.

On the final day of his month-long stay at the estate, Tristan's host, a powerful nobleman, discovered him in bed with the wife - and upon further questioning of the household staff, also discovered the dalliances with his daughters. And one of his kitchen maids. Not all of Tristan's words and allies could save him from consequences this time - though they did manage to save him from the headsman's axe. Instead, the judge took "mercy" upon him, seizing most of his possessions and exiling him to the Stolen Lands.

It was the wife who, just as Tristan was about to depart, sent him a note by courier. His truest friends amongst the nobility had pulled some strings. Inside was an explanation of the recent attempts to pacify and settle the Stolen Lands - and a charter making him an agent of the Swordlords of Restov.

"Take heart," she had written. "Greatness still lies ahead of you. I know it."

Tristan is, admittedly, somewhat of the stereotypical bard. I might change his story somewhat to introduce some more atypical elements, and accentuate plot hooks. I'll be back later with crunch and finalized story.

GM Wastrel:

Glancing at the background traits, I think maybe Tristan being an unknowing Bastard (or perhaps one of his parents is the bastard?) might be fun. Would that be doable?

Dot. Been trying to get into a Kingmaker campaign for awhile now, as I'm trying to experience the Kingdom Building rules from the side of the player.

Have a couple decent character ideas that work well for Kingmaker - whats your stance on multiple character submissions?

Male Human

I was thinking something more along the lines of "Fat ticklers."

Newbonomicon wrote:
An oracle should be fine. Albarath won't actively remove divine casters from his service, he just won't favor them as much as his more wizardly minions.

Hmm, in that case I'm going to consider switching Zaass to levels of an arcane caster rather than Druid.

Presenting backstory for my submission, Zaass the cobra. Will be working on the crunch. Is finished crunch necessary for the submission, or just fluff as for the Overlord?


An emperor cobra who was living quite contentedly in Albarath's swamp, Zaass's intellect was Awakened by an elven druid who planned to build an army of wild animals to destroy Albarath and the goblin tribe that worshipped it. At first, Zaass served his "mother" faithfully - but in the end, the gift of reasoning was her undoing. As Zaass learned more about this entity, Albarath, he realized it was the entire reason for the swamp's existence. Zaass owed more to Albarath then he did to the druid. And if Albarath was destroyed, the swamp would dry up and vanish. Zaass loved his home, his swamp. Zaass did not want that to happen. So Zaass wait until the druid was asleep and bit her, keeping her wrapped tightly in his coils until she succumbed to his venom.

After Zaass had finished digesting the druid, he journeyed to the center of the swamp. The little goblins fled before him, save for a few foolhardy ones he was forced to kill. When he reached the tower, he reared up and writhed a sinuous dance to his new master: Albarath, Swamp-Maker, Rain-Bringer. Albarath learned to speak as the goblins did and came to enjoy their company, once he realized they too were servants of Albarath (and once they realized he wouldn't eat any more of them).

And from the tower, Zaass learned things, things about magic. He remembered the ways of his druid "mother" and decided to emulate her, using writhing coils and swaying hood to replicate magic spells - but all in the service of Albarath and his swamp. He even became intrigued by the tools of the goblins, and while he could make no use of them himself, Zaass wondered if such artifice might still benefit him in some way...

Albarath is an Awakened Emperor Cobra with some levels in druid - I will add as many druid levels as needed to put Albarath at around the same CR level as the rest of the party. Zaass has begun to consider the idea of changes to his body to make himself deadlier, like replacing his natural teeth with something harder and more dangerous or enhancing his venom (these are, of course, long-term plans).


I think I've arrived on my concept: An awakened Emperor Cobra. He was awakened by a druid to help defeat Albarath, but upon learning that Albarath is the reason for the swamp's existence (and not wanting his swamp home to go away) he turns on the druid and eats him and then continues serving Albarath.

Could I just take the cobra's monster template, add the awakened stats, and call it a day? I figure the inability to use most equipment helps balance out the powerful stats a bit. I was also thinking about having him level as a druid given the good wisdom score and the backstory (he learned druidic powers before he betrayed the druid who awakened him).


Some ideas for "holidays":

The day the original wizard inhabitant died, as some sort of "clearing the way for Albarath" celebration. (I also wonder how Albarath holds the memory of that wizard? Regarded as an ancestor/parent or maybe a slaver/oppressor?)

Defeat of some prominent enemy in Albarath's early days.

The day of the largest and most elaborate blood sacrifices.

I'm considering a couple minion ideas. An ogre from the barrier wall mountains, maybe a magic-using one (I've got an idea for a "jolly" charismatic ogre sorcerer I want to try out) or some kind of awakened swamp creature.

Will wait for a location to be decided on before I decide what sort of minion I want to submit. All hail Albarath!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Was tough to settle on a concept for this one. I decided to go with one that was a little more on the weird side than I usually favor, because I wanted my "evil scheme" and the reason the world should fear me to stick out.

Officially submitting: Mariana, Servant of Dagon.

Mariana's Plan:

Mariana is a devoted servant of Dagon, demon prince of the sea. She wants to grant her lord and his aquatic servants greater reign over the world of Golarion by raising the sea levels - but she doesn't want the land-based creatures to die. Oh no, Dagon needs them, for servants and slaves and worshipers... and food. So much food.

Mariana has devised a plan to flood the world of Golarion with a water-like substance that is hospitable to both sea creatures and air-breathers. This would allow the creatures of the deep to roam anywhere they liked and render nearly the entirety of Golarion save for the highest mountain peaks open to Dagon's servants - and even Dagon himself. Land-based creatures would be able to continue their lives, though they'd certainly need to adapt a little.


(This is still in broad strokes)

Mariana is a gorgeous Undine women. She has light bluish skin and silvery hair alongside largely elvish features. She is generally amiable and soft spoken, but is also wholly amoral. She lives to serve her appetites and those of her master Dagon's. For herself, she is greatly fond of most physical desires, be it for food, sex, art, music, or any other. She is also fond of great depths of knowledge and mystery, and she tends to enjoy the company of the elderly and the learned (though few of them ever truly earn her respect, as she is merely using them to slake a lust like any other).

Mariana keeps her true intentions secret from nearly everybody, usually professing an overtly hedonistic worldview with no other aims than pleasure. In reality, she secretly gathers knowledge, followers, and raw power to enact her lord's wishes, as well as a dire grand plan for Dagon's resurgence in the Prime Material plane (see above).

For partners, minions, and servants, Mariana would have those who are likewise devoted to Dagon or to a compatible goal/master (an allied Demon lord, for instance), or to herself directly in the case of smitten lovers or hedonistic "friends" (insofar as somebody like her can feel friendship).

A few quirks in no particular order:

Mariana enjoys shapeshifting (through magic item use or spells of a follower) into sea creatures and eating people for some of her meals.

Mariana ironically despises sea travel on ships and boats, preferring to swim or conjure up seaborn mounts.

Mariana is fond of creating lakes or other bodies of water in unexpected places, often where they'll be a boon to the inhabitants (high mountain areas, deserts, badlands, etc). But she also likes conjuring nasty creatures to live in said "surprise lakes."

Mariana likes it when her followers and others give her flattering nicknames. One of her favorites is "Deepfathom" which some people mistake as her surname. It was given to her by an old lover who said it described her eyes, her beauty, and her mind.

I'll flesh this out more, but I think that gives the idea well enough. I envision her as an Oracle (maybe Covetous or Hunger curse), perhaps with the Planar or Seeker archetype, and starting somewhere within levels 8 -12.

Hah! Love the idea. I'd be game to be either the villain or a minion. Also, interestingly enough, I'm planning on using a similar two-tiered selection process for a game I'll be starting this summer! Looking forward to seeing how it goes here.

Villain formulation process has begun!

Dotting. I'm all about the long haul!

After an initial glance through the player's guide, it seems my dwarven Ranger Gundar Forgelight would fit well. I'll adapt his stats/story and post under that alias when I'm done.


I assumed by re-rolling 1's and 2's you meant "re-roll if you'd be forced to take a 1 or 2."

Stat 1: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 4, 1) = 10
Stat 2: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 3) = 12 = 10
Stat 3: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 6) = 19 = 15
Stat 4: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 2) = 7
Stat 5: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 1, 1) = 9
Stat 6: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 6) = 14 = 13

Stat 1 Again: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 1, 2) = 10
Stat 4 Again: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 4) = 15 = 14
Stat 5 Again: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 2) = 11

Stat 1 x3: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 3) = 15 = 13
Stat 5 x3: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 6) = 21 = 17

17, 15, 14, 13, 13, 10

Aside from Minas Tirith, your name also reminds me of the awesome song "- Human" (read: Minus Human) by Metallica.

Gm Jon:
Jon wrote:
His pregnant lovers showing up once he again has money and power would be an fun predicament as well, especialyl if he's perhaps taken up a wife in the Stolen Lands as well. How might that play out, I wonder?

I haven't a g~#!*&ned clue! Tristan has never considered it, I imagine. (low Wisdom score...). Should the situation arise his reaction would depend heavily on what he's been through in the meantime. He'd probably feel some sense of responsibility, but how he discharges it... eh, who knows?

I wanted to add one more thought to Tristan's backstory hooks: The idea that he was sent to the Stolen Lands by a noble with a prediction for what he'd do. This could be wrong or right, good or evil, whatever. Maybe a well-meaning patron thought he'd thrive. Maybe a true patriot thought he'd serve Rostland well out there. Maybe a powerful enemy thought he'd f%+@ing die. Whatever. But if a (or several) powerful NPC('s) think they have their hooks in Tristan and Tristan becomes an influential character in the new province, it could make for fun story openings.

Roger that on the Gazetter (and probably will read both).

Another question: You list the Multiclass options from Unchained as being used. That means Variant Multiclassing is an option (meaning you could multiclass in the more classic way if you preferred) or that VMC is the only way to multiclass?


I have little experience with Greyhawk, though I love learning new settings. Will the Rare magic you mentioned affect any of the rules for casters, or does that simply mean you'll be picking fewer casters/fewer casters exist in the world?

GM Jon, Thoughts on Character Background:

The issue with the nobles would certainly be a candidate for trouble down the road, both personal and regarding the nascent kingdom. It's also entirely possible that Tristan has more enemies than he really knows about - other prominent people (wealthy and/or ennobled) who's wives and daughters he's seduced but whom decided not to make a fuss at the time for the sake of their own dignity. Once the whole big fuss happened they could have formed into a little anti-Tristan league.

I also never formulated exactly where Tristan was from, and how powerful these various nobles and merchants were in the greater scheme of things. He's either from Restov (in which case he knew of/entertained some of the higher ups, possibly) or from one of the larger outlying towns. My initial thought was to go for one of the towns, given that while he is a gifted singer he's still only level 2. These, of course, are details I'd want your help to nail down if Tristan is selected.

And a couple other possible complications from his past - his parents, whom I imagine are still alive and well in his hometown (even if they rarely heard from him after he found fame), any other relatives (I left this open on purpose), various other artistic rivals, and any possible obsessed/spurned lovers (of which there could be many. Tristan never expressly made promises, but they are often heard even when never uttered...).

And of course, we can't forget the possibility that one (or more, heavens help the bastard) of his lovers got pregnant, which would provide incentive for vengeance/reckoning to seek him out rather than be content if he stays away.

Gm Jon/Existing Party, Thoughts on Role within Party:

Social skills? Check. 'Nuff said.

As a bard, Tristan's magic would always be support-based (though limited in options, of course). Charm and fear effects are likely to be his favorites. Honestly, it would make sense for me to pick his spells later (if Jon allowed) as his backstory makes little use of magical ability, so it could easily be explained away as developed his latent magical talents under the tutelage of one of the party members, allowing me to maximize the usefulness to the party as a whole in a justified way.

As Jon and I previously discussed either retraining or simply adopting a new archetype (as Serenader is there pretty much just for fluff... I love me my fluff), Tristan could also recover/discover his Inspire Courage ability.

I'm also idly playing with having him manifest sorcerer abilities for additional spell options, though that would be a trickier route due to armor penalties and such. Could be fun, though - I've always loved the roleplay possibilities behind the various bloodlines.

GM Jon:

Yeah, I picked the archetype for its character background fit more than anything else. Given that Tristan had a comfortable, successful life in civilization for the most part, I didn't want to "forecast" into his adventuring life too much, as he wasn't preparing for one. I figure I can retrain into a difference archetype (Arcane Duelist comes to mind) or, as you've mentioned, just dual class into something more adventuring oriented later. Maybe both.

I had him end up with the charter as a way to point him at joining the existing party. The idea is that they left before all this happened to Tristan, and when Tristan's friends in the nobility found out he was being exiled to the Stolen Lands they figured setting him up with some tough adventurers would give him a better chance of staying alive.

And I suppose my only question is how much time amidst the kingdom building and adventuring might be used for retraining (and whether or not you allow it in the first place). I like the retraining system as a vehicle for roleplay, showing a character making a concerted effort to adapt to his situation - as as Tristan's backstory shows, he has been suddenly tossed into a very different one.

After some contemplation I've changed my mind again. A lot of people seem to be going the ranger/slayer route and the group you have seems to be missing somebody less combat and more social oriented, and I wanted to roll a character who would throw themselves into the kingdom-building (and the roles of Councilor/Diplomat and the like) with gusto. Thus, I did something I never thought I'd do - I created a bard. I did, however, leave off completing the HP part - I figure I'll roll for HP if Tristan is picked up.

I've read through (okay, more like skimmed, but I'll read it more thoroughly if needed) the Gameplay thread. No prior knowledge of Kingmaker.

Notes for the GM:

I am using a third-party archetype for the bard, the Serenader. It seems pretty benign (and its, you know, a bard) but if you still have a problem with it I can always go with a normal bard or use a non-3rd party archetype.

I had my character end up with the same charter that the main party has simply to put him on the same page with their goals. I can always remove that coda and have him simply join up with them as the most interesting thing going, if you'd prefer that.

I distributed skills according to the stated Background Skills system in your House Rules.

Obviously any comments are welcome and I'm happy to iron out oddities and problems any time.

Tristan Aisling, Crunch:

Tristan Aisling
Male Human Bard(Serenader) 2
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 14 [+3 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 Dodge]
hp X (# HD; 1dX+[HP from Constitution])
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +4 (1d6+3/18-20/x2)
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +4 (1d6+3/x3)

Caster Level 2; Concentration +7

Spells Per Day
0th: n/a
1st: 4

Spells Known
0th: Message, Lullaby, Resistance, Spark
1st: Cause Fear, Expeditious Retreat

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 20
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 14

Skills (with invested ranks):
Artistry (Musical Composition/Song writing): +6
Acrobatics (1 rank): +7
Bluff (2 ranks): +10
Diplomacy (2 ranks): +10
Disguise (1 rank): +9
Know(Hist) (1 rank): +5
Know(Local) (1 rank): +5
Know(Noble) (2 rank): +6
Know(Religion) (1 rank): +5
Linguistics (2 ranks): +6
Perception (1 rank): +3
Perform(Sing) (2 ranks): +10
Perform(String) (1 rank): +9
Stealth (1 rank): +7

Dodge (+1 to AC)
Great Fortitude (+2 to Fort saves)

Tough Minded (+1 to Will Saves)
Charming (+1 to Bluff, Dip and +1 to spell save DC v creatures that could find Tristan sexually attractive.

Common, Elvish, Celestial, Ignan


Gear Rapier, shortbow, quiver and 25x arrows, chain shirt, fiddle, extra fiddle strings & other care equipment (oil, polish, linens, etc). Leather hair ties. 1 set of fine clothing. 1 set of trail clothing. 2 weeks trail rations. water skin.
Special Abilities
Hard to Charm: +4 to Will against Charm and Compulsion

Versatile Performance: Sing(Bluff, Sense Motive)

At 2nd level, a bard can choose one type of Perform skill. He can use his bonus in that skill in place of his bonus in associated skills. When substituting in this way, the bard uses his total Perform skill bonus, including class skill bonus, in place of its associated skill's bonus, whether or not he has ranks in that skill or if it is a class skill. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the bard can select an additional type of Perform to substitute.

Bardic Performance: Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Serenade

Silver Tonge Adept Adds half level (minimum 1) as a bonus on all Diplomacy skill checks.

Tristan's Story So Far:

Tristan doesn't come from much, but he wasn't born on the street. The son of shopkeepers, he received some formal education in his youth and was found to have a knack for language. At the age of eight, his gift for music was discovered, and the arc of his life was seemingly decided. His singing mentors feared that upon reaching manhood his changing voice would no longer be as sweet - but it only grew more beautiful, expanding his range and his appeal. Combined with his physical beauty and natural charm, Tristan found there were very few doors he couldn't open with the right words. By his mid teens he'd already made a name for himself as a performer. For several years he lived in a room at a pricey tavern where he performed thrice a week, and was often hired by nobles for private performances. He spent money as easily as he made it, and life was a happy, effortless blur of wine, lovers, and song.

Eventually, jealousy complicated matters. A former partner of Tristan's, with whom he had often sung duets and put on joint performances, was driven by ambition to strike out on his own - but while an excellent musician himself, it was no secret that he was found to be the inferior of the two. He enlisted the help of a pair of minor noble youths to spread rumor and gossip about Tristan and ruin his reputation.

When Tristan found out, it brought his carefree life to a screeching halt. He was often the subject of gossip and rumor, but never before had it been spiteful (and usually it had been deserved). This concerted campaign against him aroused a fighting spirit within him that he'd never known existed. He used his superior charms and immensely superior connections to turn the tables on his detractors. He exposed their schemes and destroyed their credibility, and as an added bit of revenge spread a few artful rumors of his own. For a month or so, opponents vanquished, his life returned to normal.

Unable to match his skills at petty politics and constantly enraged by the gossip that held them in such mockery, both Tristan's rival and the two nobles marched into the inn one night to challenge him to duels. Outraged that they had brazenly interrupted his performance, Tristan accepted without a second thought - and furthermore, contemptuously offered to fight all three duels in a single day.

Like any decent Rostlander socialite, Tristan owned a blade and was tolerably well acquainted with its use, having hired himself a private dueling master for some years - but he had never expected to have need of the skills. Still, his pride would not let him back down, and so he resolved to follow through. For the week leading up to the duels he practiced constantly. When the day came, his opponents drew straws for the order in which their duels would be fought, and the rules were laid: to first blood or capitulation.

First he fought one of the nobles, a young man who had been training with a blade nearly his entire life - but had little aptitude for it. With experience and stamina he ground out a lengthy bout, but eventually Tristan was able to cut him upon the hand and so take a poor, but definite, victory. The second match was fought against the original instigator, the fellow singer. This man hated Tristan with a passion - but was useless with a blade. Tristan stabbed him in the shoulder on the second pass.

The third and final duel was fought against the most formidable opponent. The second noble was Tristan's elder by three years. Tristan knew little of him, but everything he knew he hated. The man was cruel, rash, arrogant, and poorly spoken. Tristan could not bear the thought of losing to him, and so he summoned up every bit of strength he had left - but after two duels, he was tired, and it was all he could do to fend off his foe's attacks. Then he remembered that he had another weapon which he had thus far left unused - his words. He began to taunt the noble, mercilessly and creatively. He joked. He insulted. He improvised mocking lyrics and poems even as he dodged attacks. The crowd - which was considerable - roared with laughter. After one particularly biting limerick that commented on the noble's taste for farm beasts as bed partners, the young man charged recklessly. Tristan countered with a thrust, hoping to take his opponent in the shoulder - but the nobleman stumbled in his haste, and spitted his head upon Tristan's blade. The cleric they'd had on duty for the duels declared that the man was dead.

The noble's family did everything they could to declare Tristan a murderer, but here, again, he proved able to defend himself against the allegations with his own words and the help of his allies in the nobility. He was absolved of wrongdoing - but now Tristan had earned himself more powerful enemies. He was forced to enter the realm of politics to prevent the dead noble's family and their allies from destroying his life. This he managed to do, and for several years his life was again joyful and downright hedonistic - but somewhat less carefree.

In the end, it was not this violent episode which undid Tristan - but rather his own amorousness. At twenty-four years of age he was more successful than ever, playing and singing for wealthy merchants and noble families for miles around. And one of those nobles turned out to have two very fetching daughters.

As well as an extremely charming wife.

On the final day of his month-long stay at the estate, Tristan's host, a powerful nobleman, discovered him in bed with the wife - and upon further questioning of the household staff, also discovered the dalliances with his daughters. And one of his kitchen maids. Not all of Tristan's words and allies could save him from consequences this time - though they did manage to save him from the headsman's axe. Instead, the judge took "mercy" upon him, seizing most of his possessions and exiling him to the Stolen Lands.

It was the wife who, just as Tristan was about to depart, sent him a note by courier. His truest friends amongst the nobility had pulled some strings. Inside was an explanation of the recent attempts to pacify and settle the Stolen Lands - and a charter making him an agent of the Swordlords of Restov.

"Take heart," she had written. "Greatness still lies ahead of you. I know it."


Tristan is a good-natured, outgoing, unrepentant hedonist with a passion for song and wordplay that exceeds all else (even his other passions, which are many). He is of a generous bent and freely shares his wealth (well, the wealth he used to have) with friends and has also been known to donate to the poor from time to time. His major weaknesses are a tendency to live in the moment and pursue his desires while only rarely considering the consequences (a tendency that is directly responsible for his presence in the Stolen Lands). While not violent by nature and preferring other means to solve his problems, he is decently handy with a sword and bow and does not shy away from a fight. His pride and a streak of vanity (especially where his musical skills are concerned) have also been issues.

While not having a great deal of experience with responsibility to anyone but himself, on the rare occasions when he makes promises or gives his word, he takes keeping it very seriously.

Physical Appearance:

Tristan is just a touch above average height and has a lean build. He has light brown hair, sharp facial features and deep blue eyes. He has a thin scar on his right temple and ear which is largely concealed by his hair, a remnant of an accident during fencing practice some years ago.

Kingdom Building Role:

Tristan would work well as a Grand Diplomat and as Councilor, with his own preferences being on the latter (he likes to live and work amongst people who like and admire him), but he would also be ready and able to serve as the former (or indeed, whatever else is needed) when duty calls.

Sorry if I'm missing it, Jon, but have you said anywhere how you're doing HP? Standard full dice at 1st level plus half after that, or something else?

Dot. Would love to be in a game with the Kingdom building rules. I'm also thinking something rogueish/fightey. I'd love to try out my Rogue/Sorcerer in this game, though not sure he'd get involved in kingdom building... maybe as a spymaster. Or even as a councilor, if I play his development that way. Could work.

Submission in the works.

Scratch the above ideas. I've decided to rebuild a beloved Ranger character as a Slayer who'd be great as a kingdom Marshal.

Congrats to the chosen! I'll no doubt be following along for at least a while, so keep me entertained. ;)

DM-Salsa wrote:

Also, hello! Always happy to see people I've played with before applying, Since college is no longer an issue and I've managed to keep up with one game for the past three years, I think this one will turn out better than the Way of the Wicked game. Plus, I'm older and theoretically wiser. I should know what I'm doing.

Better than the Shadow Queen, as well, I should hope! Though I thoroughly enjoyed that one in the time we had. Still need to get Kylar Bannon into another game.

DM-Salsa wrote:
It actually smells of nutmeg. Any enchanted gear smells of nutmeg and no one knows why except the god/goddess of magic. :P

Damnit. Alright, GM fiat. It smells of nutmeg.

thelizardwizard wrote:
you sure? I thought it would smell of sunflowers :P

What kind of weirdo would think a sorcerously-summoned magical weapon would smell like sunflowers? Obviously it smells likes oranges. Except on Wednesdays, when it smells like lemons. If you were an Armorist you'd understand.

WarforgedMan wrote:
-watches all these crazy wizarding crunches come by, quietly polishes the greatsword in the corner- :P

Through the wonders of crazy wizarding, Eliyah's greatsword never needs polishing. It always appears bright, sharp, and smelling faintly of oranges. Not that Eliyah knows what oranges are.

@ Crayfish: Yes, she kills people - but in her defense, those people had specifically screwed over her family and escaped all semblance of justice.

@ Salsa: Usually I avoid creating aliases for characters I'm not sure I'll use, but I've gotten attached enough to Eliyah already that I imagine I'll keep submitting her if I'm not picked up here. I'll repost her details under her alias soon.

Here is the almost-final build, backstory, and other asked-for info for the character I'm planning, an elf named Eliyah Belegos. I might still mess with Feats (still missing one) and traits but everything else should be set. Warning: I tend to write longish backstories.

Salsa: There are several points in the backstory that I might need to harmonize with your setting. If I am selected I'll be more than happy to do so. Also of course feel free to let me know about trouble spots in crunch and fluff at any time.

Eliyah Belegos: History:

Eliyah was born to an to an odd sort of elven pair. Her father was a weaponsmith, a Tower elf of the empire, and her mother was a Dusk elf huntress. Their partnership attracted much gossip in the earlier years, but ceased to be of interest to any but strangers by the time Eliyah was born. When she was still a girl, her mother was slain by a great beast of the wild. Despite this sorrow, Eliyah’s childhood was, for the most part, happy.

Her father was renowned amongst the smiths of Nordholm despite his status as a foreigner. But he still had enemies. Eliyah remembers the gossip and rumours, the whispers her father tried to shield her from. As she was entering her teenage years, they were getting more persistent and more wicked. Finally, one of his most zealous detractors rose to leadership of the Guild of Weaponsmiths, and the plot came to fruition. Accusations of cheating, of bribery, of double-dealing and of counterfeit work were leveled upon her father. He was stripped of his rank in the guild and eventually imprisoned.

Through her father’s close friends, Eliyah learned that the Guildmaster had had an ally in the local Sheriff, an Imperial human who needed wealthy, connected allies amongst the populace he ruled. Only the help of such a lofty noble had been able to squash her father’s reputation so quickly and shut off all means of clearing his name.

Eliyah was turned out of her home, and was given shelter by a family that had been close with hers, farmers who lived a few miles from the town she called home. But they could not help her father, for fear of the Sheriff. Eliyah herself had the looks of a Nordholm elf and had thus far escaped the attention of bigots.

As years passed and her father wasted away in prison, Eliyah’s rage grew and grew. She would visit her father often, offering the guards bribes and lies to let her see him. It did not always work. She took to stealing away to the woods to beat at tree trunks with a stout branch, imagining it was one of the mighty greatswords wielded by the ancient elven warriors in her father’s stories.

When Eliyah was 22 years old, her father died in prison of starvation and disease. The town had largely forgotten him, and for that Eliyah hated them, too. But always her greatest ire was directed at the Guildmaster and the Sheriff. On the day she learned of her father’s death, she set up a pair of old scarecrows in the woods and wrote names upon them in charcoal. Then she beat at them with the branch until her hands were bloody. And still she struck them more. With one final, furious blow she swung at the Guildmaster’s stand-in, imagining she could see his leering face.

The top half of the mannequin was sliced cleanly off, for she no longer held a stick - but a blade, enormous and sharp. She was so startled she dropped it, and watched it dissolve in a shower of sparks.

For days afterwards she attempted to bring the blade back, and could not. Her frustration grew until she confessed it to perhaps her only friend, an elderly elven woman named Dreili. Dreili patted Eliyah on the head, told her to be patient, and that she knew of someone who could help her.

A few weeks later, while Eliyah was again trying in vain to summon the sword, another elf appeared out of the underbrush. At first Eliyah was afraid it was a bandit, but was soon assured that it was none other than Dreili’s friend, a warrior mystic who lived in the forest. Dreili had gotten word to her about Eliyah’s plight. She had received word from her friend and had come to live at the farm for a time.

Over the next few years, the young elf learned of magic, and battle. She learned of how she had summoned the great sword to her hands and that she could do the same with other things. She learned, too, of the Hidden Paths, the secret ways that existed between places. She learned the discipline of a warrior and how to focus her anger, control it and use it, rather than let it use her.

Shortly after Eliyah’s 26th birthday, the mystic left again, claiming Eliyah had all the skills she could teach. Only a few days later the young elf put in motion the plans she had been developing for years.

From a hill overlooking his mansion, Eliyah could see directly into the Guildmaster’s bedroom. He was old, fat, successful, secure in his position. Unguarded. It had taken her a great deal of time to see paths long enough to walk directly from the hilltop to his bedside, but she found them. She had contemplated all the punishments she might visit upon him. The bloody, hateful vengeance she could wreak. In the end, she barred his door, tied and gagged him in his bed, informed him of her identity, and beheaded him. It took less than five minutes, and then she was gone again.

The Sheriff was a far different story. He slept in a windowless room. There were many guards about. He had survived two attempts on his life already. Eliyah spent months getting herself a position in his household, working diligently, suffering the indignities in silence. Always ready for her moment to strike. And finally it came, as she walked by his huge sleeping quarters carrying clean linen. He was alone in his room, the door half-shut and two armored guards flanking it. Without another thought she dropped the sheets, walked the Path to the far side of his door, kicked it shut and barred it. He turned to see her even as her blade appeared in her hands.

Her blade had grown in power as she did, and she had imbued it with the deadliest magic she could, magic that had a price in her own blood. The Sheriff, neither coward nor weakling, fought back. But when the guards finally destroyed the door and entered the room, all they found was an unarmed, unarmored elven maiden, standing over their leader’s corpse and grinning, covered in his blood and her own.

She was knocked unconscious, brutalized, starved. She was not taken to the local prison, she was sure of that. She had no idea where they’d taken her. But it did not matter. She expected some torture to lie in her future, then execution. So be it. Her task was complete. She relaxed back against the frigid stones of the dungeon cell and thought of her father.

Eliyah's Personality:

Eliyah is a character of great passions, but greater discipline. Her early tutelage has trained her to channel her passions into purpose. When she feels angry, she seeks to take action; when she feels sad, she seeks to find joy, etc. However, after having sought out and accomplished her great task - the destruction of those who brought about her father's imprisonment and death - she is left somewhat adrift, and while in prison is ready to accept death (and only idly considering fighting back against it). If she survives, she will need time to find new purpose. But she is not inherently fatalistic and will embrace life again if it comes her way.

She hates injustice and the powerful preying upon the weak. She also hates bigotry in every form she recognizes. She is cynical about the nature of the world and about the nature of people in general.


At 6' tall, Eliyah is of above-average height for an elven woman, and somewhere between lean and well-muscled. She has typical skin, hair, and eye coloring for a dusk elf (whatever those are!) and blends in well with native elf populations. She prefers wearing flowing clothing that allows for easy movement, including the split skirts once favored by her mother.


Eliyah Belegos
Female Elf Armorist 3
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 22 (3 HD; (10+6+6-3) +3 Favored class bonus
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +6 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)
Ranged Bound Greatsword +7 (2d6+3/19-20/x2)

Caster Level 1; MSB 3; MSD 14; Concentration +6
CAM Wis +3
Spell Points 6
Spheres: Warp
Warp: Distant Teleport, Quick Teleport
-Teleport, +1 Spell point for Long distance, +1 Spell point for Move Action
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 19
Skill (With Ranks): Intimidate +4 (1 rank), Know(Arcana) +5 (1 rank), Know(Nobility) +5 (1 rank), Perception +6 (3 ranks), SpellCraft +5 (1 rank), Stealth +5 (2 ranks)
Armor Training (Move normally in Med Armor, -1 to Dex/Armor Check Penalties)
Power Attack
[Unspent Feat]
Axe To Grind: +1 damage to enemies only this player is threatening
Resilient: +1 To Fortitude Saves
Nordic, Imperial Common
Other Gear
Special Abilities
Arsenal Tricks: 1
Enhanced Equipment: Greatsword

Bound Equipment: Greatsword
Current Form: +1 Greatsword, Vicious (+2d6 damage to enemy, +1d6 damage to wielder)

Grovestrider wrote:


Actually the trait explicitly includes spell points (emphasis mine)

Choose any one mental ability score, you use that score as your casting ability score for any sphere casting classes you have, thus affecting the use of spheres, talents, spell points, etc.

Obviously I was too tired last night to be making crunch decisions. :/ Thanks for point out my mistake!

DM-Salsa wrote:

I believe you can pick what attribute you use with any of the Spheres of Power classes.

Scratch that, Tenro has the right idea.

Eh, that only allows it for the spheres, not for the attributes of the class like spell points. I considered trying the Mageknight instead, but I love the idea of summoning equipment too much. I've revised the character concept to work with wisdom instead of charisma.

Another question for Salsa: Will things like retraining be available for Spheres and talents if necessary?

All right, I've got the rough outline of my concept below. Will flesh it out further tomorrow according to your answers to a couple of included questions.


The idea is an Armorist specializing in the Warp (certain) and Telekinesis (probably) spheres. General backstory is she and her family were wronged by an Imperial/other political powerful individual and she plotted and exacted her revenge, but was then captured and sent to this secret prison.

She'll be a primarily physically focused character, using teleportation and misdirection during battle (might pick up the Dark or illusions spheres later).

My only real question to you, Salsa, is whether I could switch the Armorist's casting stat to something else? I'm imagining something much more willpower-and-emotion fueled, so Charisma as a casting stat would be fantastic. Can I use Charisma instead of the Armorist's usual Wisdom?

Hm. Well, given that we're going to start in a secret imperial garrison I guess the Imps have enough influence to do something. I'll make something up within your "broad strokes" outline and see how it plays!


I'm so happy I got to that joke first.

Will have a character concept up soonish (tonight or tomorrow). This is my first exposure to Spheres of Power and I'm already loving it (and already considering converting my own homebrew setting to a Spheres of Power setting... but I should probably learn it more closely first).

Question: Does the Empire actually rule any areas of Nordholm, still? Or are the Imperial remnants all subject to whatever local rulers they have? I'm considering an "oppressed by those pig Imperials" backstory.

Prophesied greatest hero/villain, so you're sort of on rails there. Actually kind of hoping Salsa doesn't include that part. :)

Hello again Salsa! I'd be interested in joining in on this campaign as well.

Intriguing. Is all that you want at first the 200 word sketch, or do you want crunch as well?

Also, should we be prepared to face pretty much any challenge, instead of gearing up (statwise) for pure combat?

Decided to ditch the Undine idea. Initial character concept and build below, including "big ticket" inventory items (armor, weapons, etc). Alias will be created and inventory finalized if the character is selected. Backstory will also be expanded, as it's still too barebones for my tastes.

Corin Able: Background:

Raised by his human mother in the nation of Irullia, Corin never knew his father, knowing only that he had been an elven adventurer his mother had traveled with for some time. Despite being raised in the largely nautical soceity off Irullia, Corin never took to sea. Instead, he became a hunter, and when he was young his catches provided a much-welcome break from the constant diet of fish in his village.

In the spring of Corin's twentieth year, disaster struck. Animals, driven by some sinister will, began to ravage the area; attacking people and other wildlife in a mindless destructive rampage. Corin was one of the many people who tried to get to the bottom of it. He braved the suddenly-perilous wilds and discovered a hidden cave system wherein sheltered a mad druid. Despite a brutal fight which left Corin near death, he triumphed. The scars of the shifted bear-druids claws still show on his face.

In the years afterwards, Corin continued to explore and map the cave system, which turned out to be quite extensive. Eventually he become locally famous for his expertise on the many wonders and dangers to be found hidden away beneath the earth, and as his reputation spread others sought him out to make use of this knowledge. He visited caves, caverns, dungeons and tunnels in many nations. Sometimes exploring, sometimes hunting, sometimes guiding and sometimes guarding, the deep places of the world became his domain. His skin grew pale as years and years went by with him as often below the ground as above it.

Then came the ravages of the plague, and suddenly Corin was called upon for a much more important task than had ever been asked of him: to accompany a group into the largely-unexplored dungeon beneath the Citadel and stop whatever was causing the sickness.


Male Half-Elven Ranger(Dungeon Rover)
Init +4; Senses Low-light vision; Perception +14
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15
HP 35
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +5

Armor: +1 Chain Shirt

Offense BAB +6/+1
Speed 30 ft.
Cutlass - +7 1d6+1 18-20/x2
+1 Flaming Composite Longbow(1) - +11 1d8+1d6(fire)+2

Str 12, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 16, Chr 9
Base Atk +6/+1; CMB +7; CMD 21

Skill Focus(Know(Dungeon))
Deadly Aim
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
Precise Shot

Anatomist (+1 on rolls to confirm crits)
Cliffmaster (+1 to Climb and Survival Checks)

Skills (only skills with invested ranks listed): Climb +6, Craft(Bows) +4, Disable Device +11, Heal +7, Know(Dungeon) + 12, Know(Eng) +6, Know(Geo) +4, Know(Nature) +4, Perception +14, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +11, Survival +13, Swim +5

Languages: Common, Elven

Other Gear: Masterwork Bowyer's Tools, Bowyers supplies (arrowheads, etc), Everburning Torch

Inventory: (11,360 gold to play with, 10k + 1360 rolled)
+1 Chain Shirt: 1100
+1 Flaming Composite Longbow: (4200? Or 8200? 200 for the box, and 2000 + 2000 for the effects or do they "add up" to a +2 for 8000? Need to verify)

Special Abilities

Forgot to roll Wealth:

Wealth: 5d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 2, 3) = 17 * 80 = 1360

Furthermore, I'm toying with the idea of creating an Undine character that would hail from Irullia. Would that work? If an Undine is not acceptable, I'll go with half-elf.

Didn't see an announcement of the player list and I've been looking for a new campaign, so going to roll my stats. If it is too late let me know (or if I see a selection go up, obviously).


4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 6, 1, 6) - 1 = 15
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 3, 3, 2) - 2 = 12
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 2) - 2 = 16
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 6) - 2 = 10
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 2, 1, 3) - 1 = 9
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 4) - 2 = 10

Will be working on fluff and build. Assuming I can get it up tomorrow, is that in time for consideration?

Male Human

Roger that. Looking forward to revealing myself. In every way.

Wait, what?

Male Human

Did indeed, and ready to return to my various campaigns - or rather, to return to my other one and enter this one.

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Male Human

I'm not 100% sure what you just said (Hogmanay?) but waiting until after the holiday season is over suits me just fine. Just put my other game on hold for the same reason.

Male Human

Howdy folks! I'm another player Dow has brought in to help/hinder you. I'll leave my actual character introduction for when you run into him in-game, though. :)

Male Human

All right, here's a post with main alias. I'll just remember to check the campaign now, but even posting into main gameplay didn't pull it out of my inactive list. Anyway, I'll catch up and continue to post. Apologies for the strangeness and please believe I had no intention of going anywhere! :)