
Arthur of the Road's page

23 posts. Organized Play character for EmissaryOfTheNorth.

Full Name

Arthur of the Road


Half-elf Steelblooded 11 || (HP 121/121) | AC:26 T:15 | FF:23 | CMD 28 | Fort +13 | Ref +9 | Will +12 | Init +7 | Perc: +18 | Speed 25ft) || Rage Rounds: 24/27 || Spell Slots(1st/2nd/3rd): (2/3) | (0/2) | (2/2)


Rage Stats:
|| (HP 165/165) | AC:24 T:13 | FF:21 | CMD 31 | Fort +17 | Ref +9 | Will +15| Init +7 | Perc: +18 | Speed 25ft)

Strength 18
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 16

About Arthur of the Road


Arthur of the Road
Male, CG, Half-Elf Steelblood Bloodrager
Init: +7; Senses: Perception +18, Low-Light Vision

AC 26(24); Touch 15(13); Flat Footed 23(21) (+11 armor, +3 Dex, +2 Deflection)
Hit Points: 121(165) (11d10+33+11)
Saving Throws:
Fort +13(+17); 7 base, 3 Con, 3 Res
Ref +9; 3 base, 3 Dex, 3 Res
Will +12(+15); 3 base, 2 Wis, 2 Feat, 3 Res, 2 Race
Special Defenses, Resistances and Immunities: Courageous(+2 ST vs Fear), Elven Immunities(immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.), Indomitable Stance( +1 CMD vs Overrun, +1 Reflex vs Trample, +1 AC vs Charges), Blood Deflection(Immediate Action; Sacrifice spell and gain Level to AC)

Speed: 30 ft. (25ft armored)
-Wrath's Edge +17/+12/+7 (2d6+8/17-20,x2) or
-Wrath's Edge +14/+9/+4 (2d6+17/19-20,x2) with Power Attack or
-Wrath's Edge +14/+9/+4 (2d6+20/17-20,x2) with PA/AS
-Wrath's Edge +22/+17/+12 (2d6+14/17-20,x2) or
-Wrath's Edge +19/+14/+9 (2d6+23/19-20,x2) with Power Attack or
-Wrath's Edge +19/+14/+9 (2d6+26/17-20,x2) with PA/AS

Special Attacks: Power Attack (-3 to hit, +6/+9 to dmg), Bloodrage (27 rounds/day; +6 Str, +8 Con, +2 Will ST, -2 CA), Arcane&Riving Strike (Swift Act; +3 to damage, -2 ST vs Spells and SLA if hit), Arcane Bloodline(When raging affected by blur, protection from arrows, resist energy or spider climb), Greater Arcane Bloodline (When raging affected by Haste or Displacement), Disruptive&Disruptive Bloodline (+6 DC to Cast Spells Defensively when threathening)

Caster Level: 11th
Spells Per Day: 3/2/2
Spells Known
•First: 1st: Touch of the Sea, Guardian Armor, Shadow Weapon, Shield, True Strike, Magic Missile(Bloodline)
•Second: False Life, Ironskin, Mirror Image, Resist Energy, Invisibility(Bloodline)
•Third: Fly, Greater Magic Weapon, Paragon Surge

Str 16+2 (+4) ; Dex 16(+3) ; Con 14+2(+3) ; Int 10(+0) ; Wis 14(+2) ; Cha 14+2(+3)
Base Attack: +11; CMB: +15; CMD: 28
Feats: Power Attack(1st), Raging Vitality(3rd), Improved Initiative(5th), Disruptive(Bonus 6), Arcane Strike(7th), Improved Critical(Greatsword)(9th), Iron Will(Bonus 9), Riving Strike(11th)
FCB: Hit Points 11
Traits: Courageous, Scholar od the Great Beyond

4base, 0 Int
•Kn. Arcana +14 (11 ranks, 3 Class, 0 Int)
•Kn. History +15 (11 ranks, 3 Class, 0 Int, 1 Trait)
•Perception +18 (11 ranks, 3 Class, 2 Wis, 2 Race)
•Swim +18(+21) (11 rank, 3 class, 4 Str, 0 armor);

Languages: Common, Elven
SQ: Low-Light Vision, Dual Mind, Elf Blood, Elven Immunities, Keen Senses, Multitalented

Gear: Wrath's Edge(+2 Furious Adamantine Greatsword), +2 Light Fortification Buoyant Folding Plate, Cloak of Resistance +3, Belt of Physical Might(+2 Strength and Constitution), Headband of Alluring Charisma +2, Ring of Protection+2, Pearl of Power(1st)x3
Other Equipment: Handy Haversack, Fine Clothing(50 gp), Signet Ring(50gp), Fighter's Kit, Gear Maintenance Kit
Consumables 4xPotion of Lesser Restoration
Gold: 950

Quick and Dirty Concept:

Arthur, NG, half-elf steelblood bloodrager
Half errant knight, half angry freedom fighter, full traveller. Bastard son of a varisian half-elf slave and her Chelaxian noble master.
Deeply interested on ancient lore and legends when not bleeding out for noble reasons, also likes wine, music and sleeping like there's no tomorrow.
Good hearted as a general rule of thumb, gets magically angry when poked.

Longer Backstory:

Bastard son of a Chelaxian noble and one of his half-elven varisian slaves, Arthur didn't have what you call an easy childhood.
Only two reasons stopped him from growing into a cruel, bitter adult: force of will and his mother's tales.
As it happens to be, Marlah -as that was her name- was a varisian Desna worshipper who worked as a scribe to a travelling arcanist before falling into the hands of slavers. She told Arthur of distant lands, great heroes and marvelous creatures... She taught him to dream and yearn for the roads.
Arthur demonstrated arcane potential, possibly inherited from her mother, yet the lack of training or higher learning meant he couldn't conjure even the most basic of spells.
As she was the only light in his life, the only reason Arthur hadn't tried to escape their master, when a terrible fever took her from this world Arthur travelled as a stowaway from Kintargo to Nisroch.
Free from his master but not their influence in the shadowy kingdom, Arthur followed his dream to travel and see world, learning to fend for himself during his early steps but in the end becoming something of a knight errant.
During these travels he learned to gather his arcane magic to overcharge his body, becoming stronger and tougher than most while disrupting magic around him, and with hard work he finally managed to use his power to produce useful effects.
From Nidal to Mendev he helped those in need, forging alliances with others that shared common interests and becoming enemied with those that would abuse the meek, until he finally arrived at her mother's birthplace: Nybor.
But Nybor wasn't his home, even if he felt Varisia was as close one as he has known, and he kept travelling the land doing what he thought right and opposing those who were wrong.
The news of giant sighting around Sandpoint caught him on his way to the Mierani Forest and by the time Arthur arrived at Sandpoint everything have ended.

Ten Minute's Background Additions:

Known Secret: When Arthur escaped Cheliax, he had the opportunity to free others slaves... But he feared that could make him easier to track and ran away alone. He still regrets this selfish choice and has since tried to never leave anyone else behind.
Unknown Secret: Arthur's magic actually comes from his father, who was a wizard and diabolist. While he now uses it to help others, he would probably never have used it if he knew it from the start.
Shame: Arthur is practically illiterate, having never received formal education and only having learned to read the Common tongue a few years ago, albeit at a slow pace. He couldn't read elven even if his life depended on it.
Goals: Other than being a damn hero whenever he can, Arthur truly wants to see Celwynvian at least once before dying due to her mother's tales of the great elven city.

Known People #1: Duke Arvaniel Illeoric. Father and master, diabolist and wizard, a complete jerk and chelaxian noble.
Known People #2: Atheros Blackwall. Former Cavalier of the Dragon Order, now retired in Magnimar. Atheros took Arthur under his wing, trained him and forced some common sense into his young mind. Athero's sword is the one Arthur uses now.
Known People #3: Euria the Brave. Half-orc paladin with almost as big an arm as a heart. Arthur and her travelled together for a long time and developed a romantic relationship half-way there. In the end her sense of duty and divine quest made them part ways, but Arthur hopes to one day reunite and settle in a small home at a small village by a small lake with small half-orcs and smaller half-elves running around the small yard.