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Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.
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I'm tired of mooching other's books (or computers if it's a PDF) so I really need to remember to buy my own...eventually...maybe I'll do so someday when I'm frustrated enough...
Fulfilled immediately.
Print Edition Unavailable
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Non-Mint Unavailable
~squeee!~ I really must remember to buy this has all sorts of awesomeness in it!
Print Edition Out of print
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Non-Mint Out of print
Must remember to get this so I can figure out the interactions between the wayfinder and Ioun Stones...
Add Hardcover $44.99
List Price: $3.49
Our Price: $0.99
Might come in handy sometime...though I think I could probably make my own that actually fit on index cards better...hmmmm...must look into that...
Hardcover Unavailable
Need to remember to get my own copy...
Available now
Subscription Price: Cover Price
~smirk~ I might as well add this since it really is a bit of a wild fantasy....
Add PDF $9.99
Might be nice to try...though I tend to keep my characters on my computer anyway
Just 'cause I'm curious and nobody in my group has it...yet