
ArrowDel's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


I've read through a good portion of this book, I have yet to find where the starting wealth is for the Techen classes is stated, which worries me a little as the DM has threatened to start us out dead broke.

(edit)Just found the FAQ that gives answers for such things at

As the player of Glimmer I would like to point out that I was guilty with leniency, hence why you have the adamantine hatchet. Also "Matthew"s name is George. Other than little things like that, very interesting point of view. ~grin~ I'm really looking forward to playing some more today. I really want to figure out what's with the trees...and the people for that matter...and the snow...ok...maybe I'm just channeling Glimmer's curious flaw 'cause I want to figure out what's with EVERYTHING.

Tierre wrote:
BTW Will there be a spells known page on your cool character sheet?

I'd love to see the spells known and spell book pages added to this sheet, it would make dealing with magic so much easier...

Might I suggest a check box for Bags that make the items in them not weigh anything to make calculating Pathfinder Pouches and Bags of Holding carry capacity easier?

Edit: Whoops, it's already there, I just hadn't found it yet... XD

Thank you :)

Ok, I know Eschew Materials feat allows you to cast spells with up to 1gp worth of components without the actual components. I thought I had read something somewhere that replaced a larger amount, but I cannot for the life of me remember if it was a feat, item or even whether it was part of pathfinder or somewhere in 3.5...does anyone else remember this and know where to find it, if it even exists?

Just a question borne of overactive curiosity...

So far my best has been a Dwarf Cleric but my favorite is a homebrew'd gestalt rogue/ninja.

I promise to find dig the sheets out and copy them into here if asked...but both are pretty basically done...I've not gotten to where I can dig into the nuances of character generation yet. (at least not without a severe headache pounding on the back of my eyes by the time I'm done with my nemesis known as math)

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Mhm, I actually have to say that this is the most polite thread I've read so far XD

I suppose...either way, it was still a great way to end a game.

I believe that a Tarrasque is capable of understanding language though...

~shrugs~ Who cares, it was freaking AWESOME...Tarrasque came up, with a little gnome basically saying "Hi guys, how do you like my ride." Not to mention the magically enchanted castle that expanded to handle the Tarrasque's size when normally it was sized to handle medium folks.

Wait so 3 intelligence is the nice sweet spot where you are neither animal or intelligent and cannot be swayed by other people?

I think the druid was rolling handle animal...unless I heard wrong during the game. Handle animal as diplomacy via wild empathy.