Empyreal Lord, Cernunnos

Armaros-the-Fell's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

So it just occurred to me when I was at my gaming group and I was looking through the pathfinder books that I have forgotten about Golems and the creation of one.

My idea is to be able to create Golems of different power and types through the building of skills and it being available as a Guard NPC or whathaveyou

The Pros to this idea would be:

■ Body Guards for any reason such as Cities or Caravans

■ Working hard to create something that is yours

■ Necromancer's flesh golem

The Process Cons (I don't mean bad) would be:

■ The hard work to make one

■ Would need to be a high enough level to create

■ The skill points to put in the creation

So thoughts? Opinions? your Cons and Pros?

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

So what I mean by this is, for an example, if a Druid goes out into the woods and finds a nice spot to make a building, it could be a giant tree home. A wizard could make a giant tower, or a cleric could do a cathedral. Ranger could make an outpost hiding spot.

Specific Class restricted buildings, I personally like the idea of making a building that only your class could make, it adds to the feeling that it is "yours" and with a decorative feature it could be very cool.

so thoughts?

Edit: I changed the title to Archetype

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Hey, I just wanted to get an idea of what everyone's starting character class will be? Possibly go into detail with what you are going to do with him/her afterwords.

Mine will be a Human Wizard which specializes in Necromancy with the opposed will be Enchantment and Illusion. If they allow character templates then I will be a lich, possibly make a tower for my character. Then I'll make an army of undead (if it can happen)

Et tu?

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Hey, this is my first post here, so hello to you all.

Alright, I wanted to talk about Character Templates, how they could be obtained and possibly start off with them.

My idea (and hope) would be that it can become an advanced thing such as being a Necromancer and becoming a Lich, the obtaining of a template through sheer work would be nice. Another idea is that by acquiring the necessary route of work (such as encountering or advancing in levels) that you can create a character from the start with a Template such as the Natural Lycanthrope or the Half-Dragon, and so on and so forth.

So the total idea is that A) You can obtain it through sheer work. Or B) You meet a requirement(s) to process a new character with the template.

Ideas, thoughts, comments?