Arklor's page

1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Fore note: If this is the wrong place for this thread I apologize, please move it as you see fit.

Hello everyone,

My wife and I have been living in Victoria B.C. for a couple of years now playing D&D/Pathfinder with friends and recently we've come upon an opportunity to host a new game.

My wife will be GMing Rise of the Runelords. I have a somewhat irregular work schedule, and we have one child (a second on the way) but we intend to work out a regular gaming time with babysitter support. Likely to start in August. We need two more players so anyone who is interested can contact me by replying to this post and following up with an e-mail to my 'game account' "". Just say hi and I'll try to get back to you quickly so we can discuss availability to play. Cheers.