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Organized Play Member. 17 posts (32 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
Hi Guys! Just stopped buy to say a couple of things! =) ...
One, i've checked the kensai guide, and seems very nice... I've played the Kensai a couple of times and i really like the archetype... I just noticed something in the session 10. Special Tatics... About the spell storing weapon combo, there's a thread where somebody from paizo explains that although you can apply some metamagic feats without increasing the spell slot, they still take an storage level inside the weapon (or if it is a ring) ajusted by the feat...
So an Empowered Intensified Shocking Grasp takes 4 spell levels inside items, and it wouldn't fit inside a spell storing weapon...
But i recommend putting in a spell storing weapon things like a Rime Frigid Touch (it's still 3rd level!) ... The Vampiric touch is nice as well, and you can increase the burst with the Shocking Grasp Intensified... If you take A Familiar with an Arcana, and later on the Improved Familiar Feat, to take some magical beast that can cast spells, you can make it replenish your spell storing weapon once per round!
I would like to indicate taking Spell Blending for Fluid FOrm, at the late game... Being a Kensai who's never surprised, and have that amazing initiative , and besides has a lots of AoO... Your reach extends a LOT with this spell!
Now, about the weight the kensai doesn't have to worry about it, he will not wear any armor! ...
=) ... (rein"forcy"ng)
3 times per day placing a metamagic feat for free in almost any your spells! That's basically what this seems to me...
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Hi! ...
I've had an idea when i looked at the Magician's Hat , at the Ultimate Equipment... It seemed a little cheesy!
Let's look at it (making it simple):
Wizard has:
1) Preferred Spell
2) Spell Perfection
Whenever you want to cast your preferred spell, you can automatically input a metamagic feat (at least), that doesn't need a increased spell slot, due to spell perfection ... If, for example, you have Sirocco as you're Preferred Spell and Perfected Spell, you can spontaneously cast it and apply metamagic feats to it, if possible... if you abdicate any 6th lvl spell in order to cast Sirocco, you can put any ONE metamagic feat you have in the casting, since you have Spell Perfection...
Ok until here... Now, let's look at Magician's Hat: It allows the wearer to TRANSFER metamagic feats already applied to your prepared spells...
Now, let's think about Sirocco... Let's assume you prepared a Sirocco, with a Dazing Spell ... You can transfer it to another spell you're about to cast, if the spell has the same or lower level than Sirocco... That would leave a common Sirocco prepared in your mind... Well, whenever you want to cast that Sirocco, you can simply sacrifice it, and cast a Dazing Sirocco in it's place, due to Preferred Spell and Spell Perfection...
Is it abusing ? Doesn't seem to me that it was the intention of the designers to allow something like that!
honestly, spellbinder it's awesome! really, really! =)
I would suggest going Half-Elf, because now they rock being sorcerers...
Do you want to be able to cast e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e spell out there? you can cast Paragon Surge, whenever you want that sorc/wizard spell that you don't know, and whenever you want to cast those divine spells, you are a Razmiran Priest who carries many scrolls and a Handy Haversack!
Love and Peace guys! <3 ...
I remember seeing some Quaterstaff Hexcrafter build by Abraham Spalding somewhere, and he did take Spell Perfection, as i recall and he was also using Toppling spell! ... I'd be glad he would see this thread, because i always like his comments over Magi...
The reason i agree with you Mathwei is that most of the rounds playing as a Magus i don't have enough swift actions to spend... But if you consider that you take Rime Spell, for controlling, and Intensified spell for a little damage, it's not that hard to take another feat and be able to take spell perfection... But i like the option of casting 2 spells per round (and not increase it's slot level due to spell perfection) whenever it's necessary...
Hi! Sorry, but i think that a High crit. chance on your weapon is better because of spellstrike... For many reasons: Critting a vamp. touch, or your Empower Intensified SG, might be just better...
I'm Currently playing a Kensai, and i REALLY love to crit over my vamp touchs, i can EASILY mitigate party damage, and i'm the toughest character in our group ! (though i'm the only true min-maxer) ...
I would like to suggest taking Spell blending for Heroism and mainly CALCIFIC TOUCH... I don't remember the name of the thread where somebody clarifies how the spell really works... I might believe it really has a place over the Debuffer build! Heroism ,to me, it's a GREAT spell, i end up using it even for my non-gish characters...
And i truely recommend making a Samsaran (new race in ARG) with Mystic Past Life feature! Some spells make my eyes shine: Fluid Form (alchemist list), Irrestible Dance (bard list), Heal (alchemist list), Freedom of Movement (bard list)...
Hi, Synthesist with a dip of two levels of paladin is really strong option! ...
No, i mean,
1) Hold a Quickening Rod, for example...
2) Cast Paragon Spell (Quickened because of the rod)
3) Choose the feat: Spell Perfection
So, every time you cast paragon spell, you can perfect one different spell, making this highly versatile...
Facing Water elementals? Choose Sirocco and cast a Dazing Sirocco...
The possibilites are endless!
Has anyone consider other applications of the new awesome spell?
I thought about, at late levels, Quickening it, and getting Spell Perfection for the right spell, at the right time! ...
And wizards might be able to do same trick as sorcs has being doing, getting Preferred spell (need heighten spell though).... or have i read something wrong?
Hi! Samsara is the circle of birth and death that we are bound to, unless we find spiritual enlightment, we'll continue to reincarnate! Words in sanskrit don't have easy translation! Changing the subjetct, who else found very, very interesting the ability to add different spells to your list ?
Indeed... Well Noticed! My bad!
Yeah, i agree... But i'm not sure it can't be activated through casting via scrolls... Overall, 3 feats and all 4th level slots might not be worth the trick...
Maybe for a different kind of gish, like Fighter/Wizard/Eldritch Knight ...
+1 Keen Spellstoring** (Sorry...) ...
But of course, you can get Keen through Keen Edge too! (we gishes should know that already)
Hi, Great Guide! Loved it! =] ...
I would suggest, but it's kind of insane and a little feat-intensive to do something like that:
Kensai 13+
For: 10
Des: 20
Con: 13
Int: 17
Wis: 11
Cha: 11
Feats and Special Abilities:
- Weapon Finesse (lvl1)
- Weapon Focus - Scimitar (lvl1)
- Dervish Dance (lvl3)
- (lvl5)
- (lvl5)
- Intensify Spell (lvl7)
- Lunge (lvl9)
- Dimensional Agility (lvl11)
- Dimensional Assault (lvl11)
- Dimensional Dervish (lvl13)
The idea is to fly around the battlefield, hitting people and controling a little bit of the battle with spells like Frigid Touch... Or delivering a lots of damage to special foes, and even coming back... The problem is a little bit obvious, is it ok to expend 3 feats just to do that ? There are 2 feats available, at lvl 5 (i hadn't figured wich ones to choose yet), Maybe toughness and something... Your sword will probably be a +1 Keen Spellstrike sword at least, to allow you to hit with two spells in the first round (one previously cast in the sword and the other through spellcombat - spellstrike, magus features), and even allowing some other spellcaster, to cast a swift like-those-frigid-touch-spells, in your blade, after you return with dimensional dervish, so you can do something like that in the end of the turn... You can even distract some foes, due to Teleporting, hitting while casting Mirror Image, well, you guys can figure it out the awesome possibilities this might bring)... And it is, of course, possible to make a Dimensional maneveurist, with that 19-20 whip, tripping everybody round, and coming back (but in that case some feats might change, and you'd need that maneuver arcana)...
Having Dimension Door Scrolls would be awesome too! You can't expect to use all of your 4th level spells with dimension door... So a team-wizard should be writing some scrolls for you (You can pay him of course)...
Later, for the Scimitar build, i'd probably go some crit feats, with 15-20, this build can largely apply debuff conditions to a lots of different (or maybe, the same), enemies, and still coming back, while doing considerably damage (specially if you start) ... The buy-point, was actually throug dies (18, 15, 15, 11, 11, 10)...
4th lvl would go to INT and the others to DEX, imo ...
If you are willing to, you can take some fighter levels, and get the three dimensional feats by lvl 12, and already speeding-up the crit feats... May be worth it, i haven't really decided yet! =]