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Aritian "Macabre" Gestavah's page

11 posts. Alias of fearcypher.

Full Name

Aritian Gestavah



About Aritian "Macabre" Gestavah


Race: Human
Origin: Brevoy
First Class Path: UnMonk
Second Class Path: Ecclesitheurge Cleric of Pharasma
Third Class Path: Empyreal Sorcerer
Mythic Path: Hierophant
Secondary Mythic Path: Marshal
Main Role: Protective Magic
Secondary Roles: Mobile DPR, Debuffing,Emergency Healing.
Campaign Trait: Will use whatever is not picked by other members of party. Will write it in when/if selected.

Aritian "Macabre" Gestavah
LN Human UnMonk/Ecclesitheurge Cleric/ Empyreal Sorcerer Mythic 4
Init +10; Senses ; Perception +24
AC 32; Touch 31; Flat-Footed 30
HP 160; Wounds —; Non-Lethal —
Fort 13 ; Ref 13 ; Will 20
DR —; Immune —; Resist Acid 10 cold 10; SR —
Speed 70;
Melee +17 Unarmed strike (3d8+6, x2); B;
Melee (, ); ;
Spells Known/Prepared
6th—Harm, Heal, Undeath to Death, Summon Monster VI, Modify Memory D(5/day Contingency M)
5th—Breath Of Life M, Plane Shift, Summon Monster V, Righteous Might, Air Walk, Communal, True Seeing D(7/day Wall of Stone, Wall of Force, Flame Strike)
4th—Blood Crow Strike M, Restoration, extended Resist Energy, Communal, extended Deadly Juggernaut, Freedom of Movement, Death Ward D(8/Day Black Tentacles M, Greater Invisiblity, Stoneskin, Remove Curse)
3rd—Dispel Magic x2, Vision of Hell, Protection from Energy, Speak with Dead D(9/day Haste, Slow M, Phantom Steed, Wind Wall, Magic Circle against Evil)
2nd—Shield Other, Restoration, Lesser, resist energy x5, Memory Lapse D(9/day Mirror Image M, Badgers Ferocity, Invisibility, Cats Grace, Rope Trick, Resist Energy)
1st—Protection From Evil, Protection From Law, Protection From Chaos, Obscuring Mist, Bless, Bane, Moment of Greatness, Comprehend Languages D (9/day Blood Money, Grease, Magic Missile M, Shield, Enlarge Person M, Bless)
0th—Create Water, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Virtue, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Light,Touch of Fatigue, Arcane Mark, Mending, Spark
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 32, Cha 10
Base Atk 12; CMB +14
Feats Fey Foundling(1), Improved Initiative(1), Arcane Strike(2), Combat reflexes B(1), Deflect arrows B(2), Mobility B(6), Dodge B(12), weapon focus(unarmed strike)(1), Extra channel(4), Extra Channel(5), Dimensional agility(8), Dimensional assault(9), Dimensional dervish(10), Dimensional savant(11), Spell penetratrion(12), vital strike(6), Mythic vital strike(T1), Mythic Improved Unarmed Strike(T3) , Extend spell B(7), Toppling Spell(7)
Skills Acrobatics +24, Heal +14, Knowledge Arcana +4, Knowledge Dungeoneering +1, Knowledge Geography +1, Knowledge History +9, Knowledge Nature +1, Knowledge Nobility +9, Knowledge Planes +4, Knowledge Religion +4, Perception +24, Profession: Teacher +24, Sense Motive +24,Spellcraft +15, Stealth +7
Languages Common
SQ Channel positive energy 7/day 7d6, Abundant step, Feather balance, Light steps, Slow fall, Flying kick, Shattering punch, Heavenly fire 14/day,Gentle rest 14/day, Ward against death, Recall 14/day, Remote viewing 12 rounds, Blessing of the faithful, Ki pool (17 points Lawful, Cold Iron, Magic)
Gear +1 amulet of mighty fists, Monks robe, Ring of Ki Mastery, Phylactery of Positive Channeling, Stonefist gloves, Cloak of Minor Displacement,Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone, Wand of Fly(50charges), Wand of CLWX2(100 charges); Money 500gp gp

Everything except for the Unarmed strike and AC is fairly straightforward. IF you need any numbers on anything else I will provide

Unarmed strike
2d6-level 12 Unmonk
2d8-level 17 unmonk(monks robe)
3d8- large size(stonefist gloves)
+4 from strength
+2 from Mythic Improved Unarmed Strike

total 3d8+6

21-Wis mod
23-armour bonus
25- Deflection bonus
27-dex bonus
31-UnMonk AC bonus
32- Dodge
33- Dusry rose Prism Ioun stone
+20% miss chance- Cloak of Minor Displacement.

feats Reasoning:
I picked up fey foundling because my character is going to have a very distant fey ancestor and that's the easiest story feat to fit into my backstory. Improved Initiative So I don't go last as I have terrible initiative rolls. Arcane Strike so that if my swift action is free I can get a nice damage boost. Combat reflexes So that enemy spellcasters can't cast for free. Deflect arrows as it's one of my favorite monk bonus feats. Mobility because avoiding AOOs is nice. Dodge because more AC makes me less likely to need help so I can help other players. Weapon Focus So I can keep up my to hit. Extra Channel to help deal with my reduced channeling from ecclesitheurge The Dimensional Assault spells because I want to be able to switch from casting buffs from the backline to full attacking in one round. Spell Penetration because SR is annoying. Vital strike to meet the Pre-req for Mythic vital strike so if for some reason I can't full attack I can get good damage. Mythic IUS because I need it for Titan strike, toppling spell to make magic missile a bit better and extend spell because it was a good bonus feat from the celestial list.

Aritians parents fled from Cheliax to Brevoy in order to avoid persecution. They promised to provide magical services to the Rulers of Brevoy in exchange for asylum and anonymity. His mother, A cunning wizard taught him the value of allies and that you must never let your friends down. His father, A priest of Pharasma taught him that eventually everyone would die so he should enjoy himself and his loved ones while time lasts.

As Aritian grew he met a man who had fled Tian Xa and had come to Brevoy, also seeking asylum. He never told Aritian why. He saw the ascetic life that Aritian led and thought to teach him of his own order. As Aritian trained with the man and honed his body and learned greater ways to channel the power of Pharasma. After years of training with the man Aritian became able to reliably beat him in sparring matches, as well as match his meditative stances. One night the man looking much older and haggard than earlier in the day, came to Aritian. He revealed that he was not a human, but rather an Aasimar. He told Aritian that he was still being hunted and that he had not much time. He grabbed Aritian by the hand and light erupted from the man, Aritian passed out. When he came to the mans robes were on the ground but he was nowhere to be found.

Later as Aritian was reciting some magical incantation aloud that he was reading, Somehow he managed to burn the scroll he was holding. Amazed by this new power Aritian tried to understand it.

Eventually however the Tiens who had been hunting the man came to Brevoy. They came to his last known student, Aritian. When they learned that Aritian did not know where the man was they attempted to kill him. Aritian defeated them but realized that he would need to leave. And so he left Brevoy and became an adventurer

Before he had left Aritian had become both a doctor and teacher. He taught many subject, ranging from arcane theory to the various religions of the world, to the different types of herbs in the wild, to the history of Golarion and it's Rulers.