Little Red Goblin Games wrote:
Thanks for the reply! My earlier post should have read I know the Thane gets TRAMPLE. I agree he would need to be large. I have a build for a Mokele-mbembe character.
Jason Nelson wrote:
Thanks for the quick response! Bummer those generals were never fleshed out.
Jason Nelson wrote: We also have in production more variants of the general, including a pied piper/animal horde version as well as a fey-master version. Probably not coming until sometime after GenCon, but definitely in the works! Did any of these variant generals get published? If so what supement?
I have a question about regarding the Beauty Mystery. The Unearthly Grace revelation says, "You add your Charisma bonus, but no more than one-third your oracle level, as a sacred bonus (profane if evil) on saving throws and as a deflection bonus to AC, with a minimum bonus of +1." The wording has me a little confused. Are you adding your full Cha bonus to your AC; or is the bonus capped by 1/3 your Oracle level. For example, I have a 7th level Oracle with a Cha of 18 (+4 bonus)who selects the Unearthly Grace revelation. Does he receive a +4 sacred bonus (from his Cha bonus) to his saving throws and AC or does he receive a +2 sacred bonus ( one-third his oracle level rounded down is 2). Also, just to confirm if your bonus is capped by 1/3 your Oracle level the max bonus provided by the Unearthly Grace Revelation for a character with appropriate Cha score (i.e. 22) would be +6 sacred bonus (one-third of 20 lvl Oracle rounded down is 6) on saving throws and AC. Thanks in Advance!
Prince of knives... Thanks for the fast reply and the link to the errata! Akadzjian... Yes this is an Awesome Race book! My group is trying to launch our next campaign and whether it is Giantslayer or Mummy's Mask we will be using at least a Half Dozen races from this book! I think Bloodforge's greatest strength is there are races for just about any campaign setting, terrain, or Adventure Path. ^_^
I have a question about the Sthein. What is their movement rate...30ft? The Alternate Form Ability says: "Alternate form (Su): As a full-round action a sthein may
Does that mean the Sthein has a 30ft movement rate in both their Serpent and Humanoid forms? I was also wondering if the Sthein in Serpent form would have the Legless quality(i.e. Legless: have no legs, and cannot be tripped)? Thanks in Advance; and I have to say this is one of my favorite Race Books for Pathfinder!
Thanks for the Review End, I ended up picking up the product! I do have a question for Fat Goblin Games regarding the feats in the PDF. Initiate of Decay has a Prerequisite of "Initiate of Decay." Should there be no Prerequisite for the Feat, or based of the "fluff" of the Feat should the Prerequisite for the Feat be the Worm Born Trait listed earlier in the PDF?
Scott Gable wrote:
More Symbiote Feats AWESOME!!!! I came very close to playing an Amoebian Character. However, I ultimately went with a Squole Anti-Paladin dedicated to Jubilex. My first feat was Elemental Blood! Being an ooze creature, I explained to the my party I look sort of like a lava-lamp, with the blue colored ooze of my symbiote drifting up and through my naturally green body.
Necroblivion wrote: You had me at Jubilex. Oozes eh? Ok, we'll put it on the list. The next volume of Rawr! is all about dragons. Last night was the first playtest with my character and blood and souls were offered to Jubilex! A captured prisoner also lost a set of eyes...quite tasty! I look forward to the next volume of Rawr! Dragon goodies are always Awesome! ^_^
Necroblivion wrote: What would you all like to see in upcoming Rawr! volumes? We'll tackle your favorite monster themes, problems, monster designs or ways to enhance them. Your feedback can help shape our upcoming product lines! I am using the Taste for Eyeballs Trait for my Squole Anti-paladin of Jubilex Character. The race is a humanoid ooze and also blind, so my character takes perverse delight in eating the fleshy delicacy from fallen foes. ^_^ Can I make a suggestion to see some more ooze love in an upcoming volume of Rawr? Perhaps some traits and feats...Maybe even an ooze or oozes along with some rules that can be used with an Anti-Paladin's Fiendish Boon? ;)
I'm using the Symbiote Feats in this PDF for my current character...a Squole Anti-paladin dedicated to Jubilex. I have to say the feats are AWESOME! +1 if the Extras PDF has more Symbiote Feats! I would love to see a Major Symbiote Feat that further plays off Alien Resistance...Alien Mind or Hive Mind, something that gives you immunity to mind influencing effects for having such strange physiology and two minds in one body. I might have to work on home-brewing said feat with my DM! LOL! ^_^