
Aria Half-Elven's page

29 posts. Alias of SamanthaRT.


Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

Gliding into the room wearing her functional dark navy blue dress with an attached shawl / demi-cape, Aria pauses momentarily to take in the setting. Her gaze settles on the refreshments and she helps herself to a modest portion before sitting furthest away from Lady Martella.

She turns the senate aide badge over in her hand before pinning it in a position similar to where the guards wore such badges. She keeps her arms folded throughout the sitting, calm but relaxed while taking in the information shared by Lady Martella.

Now's when I found out if all this time spent practicing moving these items pays off, making ready to make the switches at the event. If not, maybe I'll be a good distraction for the others at least.

Last week was a rough one for me as well. Hope you all are doing okay!

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

After the opportunity to actually see the items, the next day Aria will shop around for a fan, journal and dagger that closely enough resemble those on display. I'm not sure how much a fan and journal cost, and she can use one of her daggers if need be.
Before the event Aria will put on her party dress and practice hiding those items, and moving them with the intent of replacing the actual items on display with them. The dagger should be easy enough strapped to her thigh under the dress...

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

"Thank you for arranging the tour Uraisa," Aria whispers as they leave the tavern. "There are a few items of interest I've heard much about and am curious to see them without the distractions of a large gathering."

As the group makes their way around the collection of artefacts, Aria peers with great intensity on the items and their means of display as well as the overall layout of the gallery and the positioning of the guards.

During the tour, Aria will mentally mark the locations of several items, walk around each to examine the case/pedestal/display to gauge the best way to pocket them; walk casually but meaningfully around to measure the distance between them; and look for hiding places should the need arises. Long story short, basically casing the joint.

Stealing any items now would definitely point back to the group - my plan is to get an overall layout of the place first, then pilfer the goods during the party while there are lots of other possible culprits.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

Hi all, just checking in - I lost power last week (external transformer issue then internal building breaker needed replaced) and only got it back yesterday. Hope everyone is doing well!

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

"Oh no, that is so sad," she says with a bit of a pout. "I've come quite the distance to visit with my cousin and we were hoping to visit the most important building in town.", Aria submissively claims whilst thinking, 'It's not technically a lie', from what she's come to know this short time out of the arena. Drawing her common clothes about her, attempting to look like a shy young visitor hoping to see the big city for the first time.

"If we can't go inside for even a quick look good sur, where might we find the captain this time of day?"

Hopefully one of these will help getting the guard to let us go in quickly for a secret look, or help with getting the proper access via his captain.
Deception +3, Diplomacy +3, Performance +6

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

That evening as the group heads back to our flat, Aria mentions in a hushed voice, "I overheard at the shop that a Lady Morilla is back in town and is expected to perform at the Day of Exaltation festivities. Does that name mean anything to anyone?"

During the week of prep, she will go visit the Arcade of Triumphs, and out on a personal shopping trip for some less conspicuous common clothes and a few other items.

She occasionally gets a few stares and whispers as she goes about the streets, and takes a few moments with those who actually approach her to express some level of fandom over her performances in The Arena.

While at the Arcade, she will pay special attention to the items on her "shopping list" to determine size, guess weight, where/how they are displayed, that kind of thing, as well as the size of the crowd and number of guards. She will also go over the next couple of days at differing times to note the same thing about the people there, taking time to pace out a few paths to where each item is and determine how best to swap a few out and stash them. And look for any places where they may be hidden on premises for later recovery.
The items she will pick up are a buckler, dagger, journal, as close to how those on display are.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

I had a crazy week at work, preparing for being off this week. Finally making time to get back into the game here :)

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

'Very dark blue, I like the idea of that...
After much looking around, Aria decides on a functional dark navy blue dress and requests the lower portion be adjusted to accommodate her long stride. It offsets her eyes wonderfully and she is able to glide about the fitting rooms just so.

She asks of the attendants, "And a fashionable demi-cape on the back, that stops just below the waist will be wonderful - perhaps something akin to an attached shawl in case the evening turns chilly."

She's looking to have the sides of the dress adjusted in case some call to action is needed so that it won't hamper any movement/acrobatics that may be called for.

She'll ask very discretely to have a few secret folds sewn in - large/baggy enough to hold a buckler & book in the small of her back under the demi-cape. And some nice sturdy garters that would comfortably hold a dagger on the inside of each leg.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

"You Ladies are much more in touch with the current fashions in the city - Any suggestions?", Aria asks as the group strolls towards the Threads Rare.

She takes a keen interest in the common folks going about their business, somewhat amused by the everyday activities and clothing they wear. She's not in a great hurry, and often pauses to peer in windows near conversations, to see what the cityfolk are discussing.

Aria will use Perception +5 to gather whatever info she can, as well as pick put any regular weapon shops and regular clothing.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

"Not much to say here. I grew up in The Arena and trained every day for the gladiatorial battles. All I own I'm either wearing or have stashed in my pack in the front room." Aria glances around the room to gauge reactions, then takes another sip of wine.

"I wouldn't say No to a proper bath and change of clothes at one of these fine shops I hear so much about. Then perhaps a stroll by the Arcade before dinner, to work up an appetite!", she finishes as she firmly sets her glass on the tabletop and stands to stretch out ever so slightly.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

"Lady Uraisa, I've heard the Arcade of Triumphs is quite spectacular to take in for first time visitors. Would you be willing to escort me around there please? - once I've had an opportunity to don more suitable attire, of course."

After finishing a third chunk of bread, Aria leans back in her chair and stretches comfortably. Sighing in satisfaction, this appears like the first full stomach she's had in a long while.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

Very nice! I'm down here in Florida, and we have a few tropical disturbances and tropical depressions. Please take care!

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

"Yes, that's what I thought too, Lady Martella," Aria says to the Lady's back as she leaves.

As the gloved hand settles on her shoulder, Aria glares at it then moves her gaze up to meet the eyes of Sir Peris and shrugs it off, strolling over to the table to refill her glass of wine.

After taking a deep drink of the dark liquid, she asks, "Is anyone familiar with the Arcade of Triumphs? I didn't get to explore the city much before arriving here."

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed
DM DoctorEvil wrote:
Aria, if you want to have stopped the lady from leaving, I will give you that chance. Also, you will have the intervening week to find out some facts about your targets etc, if you choose.

Standing briefly to catch the Lady Martella, Aria nimbly moves across the room, asking as she goes, "My Lady, a brief moment before you go please. There is a quite puzzling mention in my note here," she waves a small, double-folded piece of parchment in front of her, "that has me quite confused - I'd like to ask before I undertake the mission."

She leans in to whisper softly to Lady Martella:

Aria's Whisper (GM):
"My Lady, the note mentions that we are related in some way, that we're cousins? How is that possible??

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

Standing briefly to catch the Lady Martella, Aria opines after she leaves, "Hmph, that was a rather abrupt exit on our host's part. And I didn't get to ask my personal question."

She gently sets herself back into her chair, swirls the half-full cup of wine and utters, "Typical for a busy noblewoman, I suppose." Turning to look at Sir Peris, "Would you be able to get a note with it to her, if you please?"

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

"But of course. Mother would not have had it any other way.", Aria responds while waiting a moment to gauge Vylora's response, then dismissively turns her attention back to Lady Martella.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed
Volturio "Volt" Levinus wrote:
An all female group as well! Should be a lot of fun :D
*cough cough*

Good thing we have a cleric in the group, with magic to help with that cough! lol

I thought we were a person short, as I didn't see Volt strut into the waiting room. Sorry 'bout that, been under the weather lately...

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

Sounds like we're not direct competitors then. Aria is more of the arena/ring type where physical combat is the main draw. She is known for singing during her bouts, which is seen as a way to empower her performance whilst demoralizing her opponents. Her favored weapon is a whip, used to effect as she acrobatically moves around the arena.

It's possible they may have faced off in a one-to-one smaller duel at some point.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

Shifting her gaze and picking up on the few notes Vylora played, Aria sings along with a few bars of an elven melody, her pitch melding perfectly in tune with the instrument. "How wonderful to be working with someone else with an ear for music! Where did you learn?"

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed
Vylora wrote:
Just realised everyone's either a half-elf or a human. This has to be the most "normal" party I've been a part of.

An all female group as well! Should be a lot of fun :D

Me'mori wrote:
Aria Half-Elven wrote:

From her description, it seems Sennos may have the Athletic Champion background as well. If so, is there a chance we may have heard of or know each other?

Lore: Games (Trained) is +3.

Depending on the competitions, that's very likely, especially if there was the possibility of them competing against the other.

Dice= Lore(Games) ~ 1d20+3=23 That's a "Definitely" from the dice. =D

Lore(Games): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

While not as definitive, it does seem The Dice have decreed this an interesting plot point! lol

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

"Not the sort of arena in which I'm accustomed to performing, but a change of pace will be welcome and interesting. Assuming we'll have appropriate attire provided, I'm in," Aria lets a wry smile show before finishing another healthy drink of wine, finishing her glass and moving to pour another.

She takes a sip of the new glass, and sits up straight in her chair. "And there are a some details mentioned in my invitation that I'd like to clear up, in private, before we set off. If you don't mind, My Lady," she finishes with a seated bow towards Lady Martella.

From her description, it seems Sennos may have the Athletic Champion background as well. If so, is there a chance we may have heard of or know each other?
Lore: Games (Trained) is +3.

And also would Aria have any knowledge to recognize Vylora as a drow too?
Society is +0.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

Continuing to munch away on the bread washed down with frequent sips of wine, Aria says between bites, "This is the first I've heard of Lady Martella Lotheed, and now I'm dining with a proper Lady," she nods towards Lady Uraisa then towards Sir Peris. "And with an elegant lady-in-waiting."

"Any chance of getting some cheese with this?", Aria winks and adds conspiratorially.

Thinking back to her time with her mother and harkening to her teachings, Aria reflects on the lesson that every new situation is a potential fight - prepare yourself and gather as much information on your opponents as you can.

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

Taking in the finery and the grooming of her companions Aria offers, "I've only just arrived from my latest - engagement - and didn't have the facilities to prepare to fit in better."

She also then sits and helps herself to the bread and wine rather eagerly. "I was handed this cloak and a letter of introduction then sent on my way."

Before she sets to eating, Aria asks "Do either of you have an idea of what this is about?" Glancing over at Sir Peris, "One would hope a Lady-in-Waiting would know why strangers were invited to a small party."

Female Half-Elven Bard 1 | AC 18 | HP 17/17| F +4 | R +6 | W +5 | Initiative +0 | Perception +5 | 25’ Speed

The door opens and a cloaked figure glides into the room, stopping a stride away from the table. After the door clicks shut, strong calloused hands gracefully lower the hood to reveal a thin, unadorned face with cold blue eyes that are framed by neck-length black hair, sporting a short intricate braid on her left side. Taking in the room, the smooth glances around shift her hair enough that the fine points of her ears can be made out.

She bows her head deeply towards Sir Peris, and responds in a clear lilting voice, "Greetings - I am Aria, known by some as Bladesinger. What is this place?"

As she waits, Aria shifts the cloak over one shoulder to reveal well-used leather armor, the sharp metal studs oddly contrasting with the tight armor covering the lean frame underneath. A sheathed short sword hangs on her left hip, and the bulk of the cloak covers a bulge on the right, an oddly coiled thing with a worn handle grip.

Me'mori wrote:

Sennos has been updated with gear. I can't do much about the missing skill within the setting, I think? Is there a setting where I can insert homebrew stuff?

Are you using Pathbuilder 2e as well? I've not been able to find any ways to modify anything outside what it allows. You can add other Lores, but not change/add beyond what it allows.

Spell-caster this time - totally forgot about those! I've added my list of spells and the skill - Deception. The character builder didn't allow the last skill slot for some reason but the math checks out, so I'll have to mentally note that. :)
She should be all ready now!

Character Details:

Name: Aria Half-Elven (Bladesinger)
Ancestry: Human Heritage: Half-Elven Background: Athletic Champion
Class: Bard ~ 1 Alignment: N(G) Size: Medium {5’ 10”; 140#; 20 y.o.}
Traits: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Humanoid Languages: Common, Elven
Perception (T/*E*/M/L) +5 Senses: Low-Light Vision
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC 18, Fort (*T*/E/M/L) [+4], Ref (*T*/E/M/L) [+6], Will (T/*E*/M/L) [+5]
Resistances & Immunities: -
HP 17
Class DC (*T*/E/M/L) 16
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Speed 25
Space 5ft, Reach[/b] 10ft
Melee: Scorpion Whip ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d4 +2 S/ Reach 10’
Shortsword ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d6 +2 P/
Dagger ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d4 +2 P/ Range 10
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str 14 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 16
Acrobatics (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Arcana (T/E/M/L) +0
Athletics (*T*/E/M/L) +5
Crafting (T/E/M/L) +0
Deception (*T*/E/M/L) +3
Diplomacy (T/E/M/L) +3
Intimidation (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Lore: Games (*T*/E/M/L) +3
Medicine (T/E/M/L) +0
Nature (T/E/M/L) +0
Occultism (*T*/E/M/L) +3
Performance (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Religion (T/E/M/L) +0
Society (T/E/M/L) +0
Stealth (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Survival (T/E/M/L) +0
Thievery (T/E/M/L) +3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Ancestry Feats: • Unconventional Weaponry (Scorpion Whip)
Muse: • Warrior
General Feats: • Martial Performer (Warrior Muse)
• Hefty Hauler (background 1st)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Items - Starting Wealth: 15 gp
• Scorpion Whip 5sp, L bulk
• Shortsword 9sp, L bulk
• Dagger -gp, L bulk
• Dagger .2gp, L bulk
• Studded Leather (T/E/M/L) 3gp, 1 bulk
• Buckler 1gp, L bulk
• Backpack [1sp L bulk], Scorpion Whip [spare] [5sp, L bulk], Musical Instrument (elven flute) [ - L bulk], Material Component Pouch [5sp L bulk], 50 feet of rope [5sp L bulk], 1 weeks' rations [4sp L bulk], Sack [1cp L bulk], and a Waterskin [5cp L bulk]

Remaining Money: 6gp 9sp 4cp
Total Bulk: 1.6 Unencumbered (Enc: 9; Max: 14)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Cantrips: Forbidding Ward, Light, Musical Accompaniment, Shield, Telekinetic Projectile
Focus Cantrip: Inspire Courage
First Levels: Magic Weapon, Phantom Pain
Muse Spell: Fear
Focus Spell: Counter Performance

Aria Half-Elven wrote:
** Character Details **

Aria's details are complete, and she should be complete now.

Character Details:

Name: Aria Half-Elven (Bladesinger)
Ancestry: Human Heritage: Half-Elven Background: Athletic Champion
Class: Bard ~ 1 Alignment: N(G) Size: Medium {5’ 10”; 140#; 20 y.o.}
Traits: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Humanoid Languages: Common, Elven
Perception (T/*E*/M/L) +5 Senses: Low-Light Vision
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
AC 18, Fort (*T*/E/M/L) [+4], Ref (*T*/E/M/L) [+6], Will (T/*E*/M/L) [+5]
Resistances & Immunities: -
HP 17
Class DC (*T*/E/M/L) 16
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Speed 25
Space 5ft, Reach 10ft
Melee: Scorpion Whip ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d4 +2 S/ Reach 10’
Shortsword ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d6 +2 P/
Dagger ◆: 1d20 + 6 (*T*/E/M/L), 1d4 +2 P/ Range 10
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Str 14 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 16

Acrobatics (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Arcana (T/E/M/L) +0
Athletics (*T*/E/M/L) +5
Crafting (T/E/M/L) +0
Deception (T/E/M/L) +3
Diplomacy (T/E/M/L) +3
Intimidation (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Lore: Games (T/E/M/L) +3
Medicine (T/E/M/L) +0
Nature (T/E/M/L) +0
Occultism (*T*/E/M/L) +3
Performance (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Religion (T/E/M/L) +0
Society (T/E/M/L) +0
Stealth (*T*/E/M/L) +6
Survival (T/E/M/L) +0
Thievery (T/E/M/L) +3
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Ancestry Feats: • Unconventional Weaponry
Muse: • Warrior
General Feats: • Martial Performer (Warrior Muse)
• Hefty Hauler (background 1st)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Items - Starting Wealth: 15 gp
• Scorpion Whip 5sp, L bulk
• Shortsword 9sp, L bulk
• Dagger -gp, L bulk
• Dagger .2gp, L bulk
• Studded Leather (T/E/M/L) 3gp, 1 bulk
• Buckler 1gp, L bulk
• Backpack [1sp L bulk], Scorpion Whip [spare] [5sp, L bulk], Musical Instrument (elven flute) [ - L bulk], Material Component Pouch [5sp L bulk], 50 feet of rope [5sp L bulk], 1 weeks' rations [4sp L bulk], Sack [1cp L bulk], and a Waterskin [5cp L bulk]

Remaining Money: 6gp 9sp 4cp
Total Bulk: 1.6 Unencumbered (Enc: 9; Max: 14)

Aria's Backstory:
The sound of roaring crowds has always rung in Aria's ears.
Born to an elven warrior captured during a raid, her earliest memories are mixed between the warmth of her mother Xiadi and the harsh life of confinement. To keep her spirits focused on surviving, Xiadi would sing of her life before, sharing her elven heritage in a comforting way to all would listen. In the quiet evenings, she would share the tale of the tall nobleman who visited her often when she first arrived, and how one night she lost herself and thus began a brief affair that resulted in Aria.
She never saw him again but did receive a stipend to help care for her child. This set her apart from the other gladiators, and to spare resentment Xiadi shared small portions as she could spare. This gained some favor with her peers who took to helping Aria with training to help her in the arena.
As Aria grew, her mother fostered her magical talents with secretive means and helped Aria focus her ability through song and music. Expressing this in a more subtle way ensured no heavy-handed means were taken to prevent spell-casting.
The day Aria last cried was when her mother died.
It was on her 11th birthday, and Xiadi was in the arena giving an exceptional show when the shot took her in the back. The only positive is that it was quick and she didn't suffer. Aria was stunned, frozen in disbelief as she assumed her mother was graceful enough to avoid any attack aimed at her. When her body was carried back into the dugout, the shock disappeared and great sobs of grief wracked her small form for days.
It was then that a new sponsor appeared to take her away for a fresh start. Aria' first few training sessions were half-hearted at best, but that changed when the mysterious letter arrived. "Take care cousin - you have a friend who cares about your success. Train well, and we will meet one day," read the note, in an elegant flowing script. She never knew how it was delivered only finding it one evening under her pillow.
Her mother's teachings kicked back in. From that day forward Aria focused every effort into becoming the best arena fighter by supplementing her warrior skills with her magical abilities, more so than her mother had. Her only goal was to become the best she could be so she could survive long enough to attend the mysterious meeting the letter promised…

I've finished her purchases on Pathbuilder - are we sharing the crunchy bits here as well?