Archasimos's page

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Does Starfinder have rules for using black holes (as gravitational/spacetime singularities)? All I can seem to find via Google or searching the Paizo Starfinder forums are a few mentions of them being portals to the negative energy plane, and the Solarian ability called Black Hole. Can’t find anything about how their gravitational pull might affect space and relatively nearby objects.

I have a campaign I plan to run that heavily involves black holes in the story and was hoping Starfinder might have some rules I could use. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Does anyone have any ideas for break DCs for large, huge, gargantuan and colossal objects? Hit points weren't too hard to figure out, but there isn't any way that I can find to scale up the break DC of items based on size.

I'm think in terms of characters knocking over objects such as pillars and statues.

Is there any precedent for this? You'd think this would be something that could definitely be done in some Pathfinder games by strong characters, and definitely in mythic games.

One reason I'm interested is that there is an upcoming scenario in the game I'm running where the characters can try to knock over these colossal obsidian statues onto the big bad for a substantial amount of damage, and a chance to pin it.

I don't expect any single character to do it alone, but there are several player characters and a number of large sized NPCs with high strength that can help. To make it slightly easier the characters can also try to damage the statues down to half HP to reduce the break DC by 2 (not much I know). I'm also going to allow a knowledge engineering check to determine if a statue may already be cracked enough at its base to make it easier to knock over.

So, any suggestions or precedents for scaling up the break DCs of larger objects?


As far as I can tell, there isn't a comprehensive list of mini-games and what adventures paths they are in. I've been making a few of my own, but I'd like to have more reference material.

Looking for a little help on getting info about the various mini-games, a brief description of them, and what AP and book they are in.

So I need a map for a castle or palace with a grand ballroom that could host 100 to 200 guests for a gala. I've had no luck finding anything so far that is big enough. Everything I've found is much smaller than what I am looking for. Does anyone know of anything they can point me to? I'd really appreciate any and all suggestions on this.


Are there any guidelines when creating a faction regarding the different number of Prestige Resources a faction should have? I can't seem to find anything on this anywhere.