
Arathana's page

30 posts. Alias of KloolessInCali.


Ed Girallon Poe wrote:
This is a wonderfully creepy piece that I will be recommending as a reference to a low charisma halfling witch Klooless will be playing in an upcoming Jade Regent campaign (alongside Janeko from your list).

Guess I better get to putting the finishing touches on her, too. Now that I can put a look to her, I think I might need to change her name. Galatea just doesn't seem like a name for a Witch Jinx... too peppy lol

Ruloc wrote:

Doesn't matter I still check both for new requests. :)

And just to keep you posted, I had to help a friend move the last days that's why my dailys got delayed a little.

Take all the time you need, Ruloc. Your work is more than worth the wait!!

Ed Girallon Poe wrote:

Posted in other forum. Oopsie!

Ruloc wrote:

I do have to hit the breaks soon.

So I decide now that: I will take requests until this Sunday, 12th August. From there on out I will work my list down and won't take any more requests.

I'm glad I checked back when I did! I've been deciding which one I was going to ask for, but looks like I'll just go for broke. Throw 'em all on the list ;P

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Thanks for the update on the thread!!

I have heard nothing but wonderful comments about the works that you have completed. In fact, I am currently adventuring with Dr. Virgil Halifax. My friend Odytoboman strongly suggested I submit my Elf Ranger, Faunalandria, so here she is...

Faunalandria (Female Elf, 5’11, 115#)
Hair: dirty blonde dreads hastily pulled back into a ponytail
Eyes: Hazel with flecks of gold and a hint of insanity
Skin: lighter side of tan
Weapon: “Tempest” Long Bow w/ frost*, Elven thin blade sword (remains sheathed unless absolutely necessary)
Armor and accessories: Elven Darkleaf, mithral buckler, bracers of archery, dusty rose ioun stone
Favored Accessories: Cursed/Lucky shrunken gnoll head (strapped to belt), Gnoll tail skirt**
*Tempest is an artifact that Fauna found (was led to) after ingesting some supernatural slimy gunk. When wielding the bow, a thick, slimy moss grows up her left arm almost to her shoulder. (Holds with left, draws with right)
**Fauna ABHORS gnolls! During a year of down time, she wiped out an entire colony, collecting the tail of each kill as a trophy. When there were too many to wear tucked in to her belt, she took them to the town tailor who (rather begrudgingly due to the smell) created this one-of-a-kind skirt.
I picture Faunalandria taking aim at a group of unsuspecting gnolls, a crazy gleam in her eyes and a grin of insanity gracing her face.

GAH!!!!! So I'm playing a Life Oracle and I looked to the APG errata for information on the bonus spell for 16th level. I may not be the greatest at figuring out RPG rules, but how can I get a bonus 9th level spell when I can't cast them for another 2 levels? I have looked through the 8th level spells available and no, there really are no good 'life' related spells other than "Mass Cure Critical" but couldn't you technically create one? "Greater Breath of Life" could allow for a period of time longer than 1 round between the PC's death and the casting of the spell maybe. Since the original spell is level 5 than a 3 level difference seems only natural. Any comments?

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

My best friend is VERY interested in playing a Dhampir when I GM "Carrion Crown"... not sure when that will be... but he has expressed an interest.

And I'm seriously thinking of allowing it.


I'm playing a Dhampir Sorceress in Carrion Crown. My best advice is to have at least one level in divine casting to gain Inflict Light Wounds or invest in a few wands. With the potential for damage, you are basically your only healer. I also went with the Sanguine/Undead archetype which allows for a d6 of healing by drinking the blood of the recently deceased (We had to off a few deer in the beginning lol).

That slimy bastard just had to do it, didn't he?!? Took my damned head off in the final battle just micro seconds before he was finally bested!! At least the clerics could bring me back to bask in the glory of our triumph. But Rendul as the new ruler of the area? I guess it's a step to the better.....

Hazard Stormwalker wrote:

Arathana, I can't thank you enough. I couldn't ask for a better companion throughout my travels. We've seen many things of the world up close and dangerous. Unanus and Rendul have been great, too.

You watch my back, I'll heal yours ;)

Hazard Stormwalker wrote:

Arathana, I can't thank you enough. I couldn't ask for a better companion throughout my travels. We've seen many things of the world up close and dangerous. Unanus and Rendul have been great, too.

You watch my back, I'll heal yours ;)

Hazard Stormwalker wrote:

Arathana, I can't thank you enough. I couldn't ask for a better companion throughout my travels. We've seen many things of the world up close and dangerous. Unanus and Rendul have been great, too.

You watch my back, I'll heal yours ;)

I lost my closest friend to a dragon today. My grief was such that my first thoughts were not of revenge but of resurrection. I may not be quite my self anymore, but the memories of all the Hazard and I have been through will always be embedded in my subconscious.
Many thanks to Unanus and Rendul for eliminating our immediate threat of dragons while I attended to our fallen comrade. I will not remain passive for long, however, and my retribution will me merciless!

Rendul's death by whip was a blessing in disguise... at least for Rendul. I know Hazard has his regrets for doing what he could not control, but the body of a halfling did not suit our companion. He is much happier to have his Elven traits back.

As for my self, it will take some time getting used to my new appearance. I have been informed that my eyes have become a light shade of green. I can not wait to see how it goes with my new hair.

Rendul is becoming quite powerful as our adventure continues. I almost don't need my blades any more. And Unanus really seems to enjoy creating minions from our enemies. I do appreciate the ride, though. OH, and I'd really like to know how a tree could move faster than a bolt of lightning (that is a most prodigious feat by the way, Hazard). At least I can still help by healing. Maybe it is all just a sign from my God that I have been too violent as of late.

Xabulba wrote:

108) build dice forts and knock them over whenever the DM rolls his dice.

109) Play WoW on your laptop during the game.

154. (ext. to 109) Play FarmVille on your laptop during the game

OK, I admit this one is me, but at least half this chit happens every time we play... and there's only 4 of us!

Hazard Stormwalker wrote:

I hate to say that I don't fit in with a crowd like that, but, isn't it weird to see a brute like me mingle with foppish, pampered royalty?

Hopefully I can stop Unanus from doing anything too crazy, at the least.

Foppish??? Love it!! lol

Oh, and if you can keep Unanus from getting any crazier with his actions, I'll do your laundry for a month! (just don't tell him I said that lol)

So have I told you just how much I hate fracking dinosaurs? Like it wasn't bad enough seeing Hazard disappear down the beasts gullet; then I regain consciousness covered in the beast's phlegm! Thank you, Rendul, I will not forget your archery prowess!

I try to rest and all I see are eyes; thousands of eye staring at me, paralyzing me. This list battle will take some time to forget. I pray that this doesn't add to Hazard's nightmares as well. The bounty we received for our troubles was more than worth it, though.
It seems that our... confrontations... have been increasing in number as well as difficulty as of late. I wonder what we shall encounter on this next trek that Allustan is sending us on. Away to MagePoint we go.

I glad we found Allustan before he left us as well. He wasn't very happy to hear that his home/shop was destroyed, though. I guess he will use our abode that is just outside of the cairn for now while we explore the rest of this tomb. I wonder how many more elementals we will have to face...

So Hazard and I go underground to bury our companions... only to see them again in a different room, fighting by our sides again, but not quite like themselves. It was quite unnerving. Enter Unanas and Rendul. They are posing as our lost allies until the tournament is over.

Round two and I almost died. Unanas saved me somehow. I'm not sure how I feel about his being able to completely drain another being's life force with one thought, but I lived and we won so I'll worry about it at another time

Back in the underground, I remember having a "chat" with a cleric of Kyuss. The next thing I know I'm with Unanas at eh Temple of Vecna (sp?) being told that I was dead, but now I'm just broke. Glad I saved!



Nexus, would you like me to talk to Leopold about fixing you an elixir for that cough?

But seriously... why can't I just be me? First I get body napped by a doppleganger, then when I get the chance to fight again I get stunned, now I find out I was dominated by some giant marble brain?!? I pray my companions accept my apologies for attacking them.

I think I'll go shopping with one of the guys rather than alone. I don't want to take any chances.

Is it too much to ask for a nice relaxing time at the spa? I settle into the chair for a facial when all of a sudden a strange aroma strikes my olfactory senses. Next thing I know I wake up tied to some damned post. To make matters worse, I feel violated, not physically but mentally; as though someone was swimming through my memories.

Nexus and Hazard came to my rescue, and Leopold's as well. I can't believe they thought that malevolent doppleganger was me. Yes well, I'm free and she's dead so....

The spa was invigorating, but upon arriving at the inn I discovered that one of our crew was taken to the prison. Maybe leaving him there over night gave him ample time to think about his actions. I do think it's funny that the guards "misplaced" him, though.

I got the chance to try out a new spell during the ensuing search. I thought the blades encircling my body were quite impressive. Stupid mimics... did they really think they would prevail?

A good night's sleep followed by a scrumptious sausage breakfast. The Free City has welcomed me back graciously so far. After selling off the loot that we have amassed so far, we made some of the other merchants quite elated with our purchases. I think I may visit the spa as well.

With the Croc out of the way (and his skeletal remains adopted as our mode of transportation)we were able to finally reach the Lizardfolk's encampment.

After a brief encounter with some kobold's, however, I have entered into a state of mourning. Due to a hasty judgement on my part, one of our lizardfolk guides was killed. I pray that his family can forgive me. We did, however, save the clan's latest clutch of eggs from being perverted by the worms inhabiting the faux black dragon egg.

I don't recall if I had mentioned it earlier, but I HATE spiders. I still feel itchy just thinking about the bunch that we came across in the swamp, and I'm still finding bits of web in my hair.

I pray that the soldiers at Blackwall Keep can rest easier now knowing that their Commander is finally at peace. I tried to help my friends, but this insurmountable wave of fear hit me like a raging ogre. May he rest well with his God.

I shouldn't dwell on that, however, seeing as there is a gigantic crocodile trying to dine on my companions. Nexus somehow got him rooted to the ground so I think we should be able to finish him off.

Vitali left after getting some "urgent" message. Whatever. Got Dourstone busted before going though. That was fun.

Found some guy named Leopold while accompanying Allustan to Blackwall Keep. Maybe he'll stay with us in Vitali's absence. He seems like he can hold his own quite well, but I'm sure he was glad for our assistance when we found him taking on a bunch of goblins and orcs alone.

The battle at the Keep was somewhat explosive. This was Nexus' doing. He is becoming quite the adept wizard. I just hope it doesn't go to his head. I have known way too many conceited wizards in my time.

We tracked down a group of lizard folk who had taken some hostages from the Keep. They are resting with their God now. I hope we can get the hostages back to the Keep safely.

The "Big Bad" wasn't quite as bad as I had expected, but he did get a few good shots at Vitali and Hazard. Nexus' spells were most helpful, and I was able to help with healing. All in all, I think we finally all worked well as a team.

Hazard Stormwalker wrote:
Arathana and I have been companions in arms before, and when one falls, so does the whole team (in this case literally). I think this place is more dangerous than it seems. How quickly we can forget our wounds when they heal so soon. If one or two in our team loses focus, we all lose. I've put my life on the line, and my trust in my companions. It'd be regrettable to lose any of it.

Amen, Hazard

Nexus and Vitali need to chill out. They bicker more than an old married couple.

Not liking this part of the mine so far. First I slip off a cliff side and fall 45'... hurt like all hell! (sorry, Hazard, for dragging you with me) Then I get attacked by some stupid strangler thing and end up passing out. They told me I could have died.

I am NOT a happy camper.....

I am starting to worry about my companion, Hazard. He does not appear to be sleeping well. It seems that nightmares are invading his mind. He tosses and turns in his bedding as if fighting some invisible foe.

At least we are finally getting some rest after battling the cultists in this horrid mine. They are most definitely plentiful as well as intent upon their actions. I feel that there are things that Smenk hasn't told us about his dealing with them.

Maybe Nexus will find something useful in the spell books that we recovered.