Aralan's page

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Hello Guys i want to ask question just to be sure about it.
There was a quarell between guys in my group.
Dex bonus. Does it count only once or can you count it both from shield and from armor. I understand it as both armor and shields have just max dex bonus and you use lower one but still add dex bonus only once from lower limit.
Thx for fast answer.
Sincerely Aralan

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Ok thx for help guys, gonna propably come again cause of some confusion about rulebook, we wanna start SF campaign in few months. Thx again stay healthy

Ia it even viable to use vesk racial later in game? What i saw on most fotums they say that much more any later weapon is gonna outdmg it

I was much more askin about vesk natural melee attack if he can somehow boost it

Ok so you cannot actually have anything on your hands when you are using vesk natural melee attack yea? No gloves, no powerarmor.
So its only boostable through abilities that gives bonuses to unarmed attacks?

Hello i am in quarell with my friend for some time now over Bonus from Vesk Nat. Melee Attack.

Question is: Can he use Gloves(Gauntlets) and still proffit from his bonus that he adds 1.5 of his level to Unarmed strikes?
I think that when someone uses gloves that got their own Dmg Dice then he doesnt use his natural melee weapon and uses Gloves so he lose bonus from Vesk.

Thx for answer.

Sincerely Aralan