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![]() He seems very weak for the first few levels. If I'm reading it right, he can only wildshape once per day at 1st-2nd level; after that, he becomes an expert with an animal companion (no spells and no domain abilities to fall back on). I'd give him something else to do or allow him to wildshape more often with a reduced duration. The wildings seem strong, but not too strong. I like them! ![]()
![]() Karjak Rustscale wrote:
You're right, most of them are too high for the oracle to cast at the time she gets them (checked the PFSRD). Does that mean oracles get some spells that they can't cast? :/ That's odd. ![]()
![]() I believe you've missed the oversized weapon special quality of the giant. Pathfinder Reference Document, Cloud Giant wrote:
So, +12 BAB +12 Str bonus -2 size = +22. ![]()
![]() Raging Hobbit wrote:
From what I read, you can cooperate even if you can't create the item on your own - it's enough if at least one of the participants has the feat. The others could be casting spells, for instance. PRD wrote:
Emphasis mine. Raging Hobbit wrote: Why would there even be an agreement if one of the cooperaters couldn't create the item in the first place. You are right, it seems strange that you can be considered the creator even if you don't have the feat :/. I guess they meant that, if two or more of the characters have the feat, they must agree who will be the creator? So, IMHO: by RAW, you don't need the feat to cooperate and you can be the creator either way; RAI, I can't tell either way, but seems strange. ![]()
![]() Ithiliond wrote:
You're totally right, I didn't really think that one through. :P You could get by with standard actions (assuming you could drink from the same bottle), but it's not really worth it, especially after you get to level 6 and get iterative attacks. Wow, I never realized how lackluster Raging Drunk is (what with the "being nauseated at the end of rage" part and all). It has its use, but I don't know if I'd like to trade fast movement for it. ![]()
![]() Ithiliond wrote: I was wondering what should be the point of "drink as a move action" for the Drunken Brute archetype, since you still have to use another move action to draw the potion/alcoholic drink. Well, drinking potions doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity for a raging Drunken Brute (it usually does). Also, they could drink a potion/alcoholic drink they previously had in hand, then use the remaining action to attack or do something else. Ithiliond wrote: Moreover, what's the point in drinking alcoholic drinks, since you'll just keep staying in rage while not performing any action (other than swift, immediate or free)? The benefit is that if you drink, you get this round of rage 'for free' - you don't consume rounds of rage for the day as long as you keep drinking. Ithiliond wrote:
Can't say for sure, but I don't think so. As for the drawing from a bandoleer - not RAW, but I'd let my players do that. In any case, the only change I'd allow is to avoid attacks of opportunity. Damn, ninja'ed. ;-) EDIT: reworded some things. ![]()
![]() Ardenup wrote:
Yes, it lasts 1 round. In any case, +10d6 sneak attack means rogue lvl 21 - by that level things get pretty weird. ![]()
![]() Sizik wrote:
Aaah, I see it now. The problem is, I guess, whether you consider domain spells as "domain powers" (depending on cleric level) or just "bonus spells" (depending on caster level). Re: ElK. Yes, it's disappointing; and now that we have the Magus, it's never going to get fixed. Maybe house-ruling the Eldritch Knight to get (some) magus arcana could be a nice fix, though (it'd help fill empty levels). ![]()
![]() vip00 wrote: A fighter would have to designate wizard as his favored class to make use of this ability. That means that as long as he took levels of fighter he would not gain any of the favored class bonuses. It's a rather large tradeoff when 1st level potions are so cheap. On the other hand, that fighter can use a wand of fireball. I know, bad example, but the point is he can use any wand of the favored class. Another example: you could choose bard/witch and use wands of CLW - you can now do healing, even if it's out of combat. I guess there are better things to do, but it's nice to have that versatility. "OilHorse wrote: but using a wand is cheaper (and more convenient) than having 50 potions of the same type. +1 ![]()
![]() Snorter wrote:
Humm... maybe you didn't add the Alpha channel on the imported layer? It's the only thing I can think of :/. ![]()
![]() Sizik wrote: Also Cleric/Druid domains, although you only get the extra slots, not the domain spells. You don't? I always thought you did and I see nothing about it in the domain rules. Have I missed something? :/ Mind you, I'd love to be wrong about it (we even house-ruled it that way), but I think you get them by RAW. Cleric domains: Domains: A cleric's deity influences her alignment, what magic she can perform, her values, and how others see her. A cleric chooses two domains from among those belonging to her deity. A cleric can select an alignment domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if her alignment matches that domain. If a cleric is not devoted to a particular deity, she still selects two domains to represent her spiritual inclinations and abilities (subject to GM approval). The restriction on alignment domains still applies.
Each domain grants a number of domain powers, dependent upon the level of the cleric, as well as a number of bonus spells. A cleric gains one domain spell slot for each level of cleric spell she can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a cleric can prepare one of the spells from her two domains in that slot. If a domain spell is not on the cleric spell list, a cleric can prepare it only in her domain spell slot. Domain spells cannot be used to cast spells spontaneously. In addition, a cleric gains the listed powers from both of her domains, if she is of a high enough level. Unless otherwise noted, using a domain power is a standard action. Cleric domains are listed at the end of this class entry. ![]()
![]() I use GIMP (link) all the time. It's free and you can do a lot of things with it :). I have done that sometimes (new players, didn't want to carry Bestiary 1-2 around). Depending on the quality you want, you can get something useful in a few seconds. ![]()
![]() Mynameisjake wrote: ** spoiler omitted **... IMHO, yes, the escape DC of the Web counts as the grappler's CMD. The concentration check would be then: DC of Web + spell level being cast = concentration check DC (because 10 + CMB is a little less than the CMD most of the time). Also, it seems consistent with the concentration DCs of most spells (Italics mine):
PRD, Concentration checks when affected by spells wrote:
![]() FenrysStar wrote: I'm really leaning towards Wondrous Item, and in most games like this I'm the one that ends up being the GM/DM/Judge/Referee/etc. mainly because I"m usually the one to bring everyone together, set up the dates, buy the books and practically everything else. Like the one guy who wants to play D&D 4E with me but wants me to buy the books and everything else so all he has to is show up, then he starts complaining when I throw furries into the mix. I feel your pain, man. Half my players never bother to buy their books, but they expect me to have them. :'( As for the skills: I'd use Craft (clothing), if only to avoid PC sinking skill points into 2+ different Craft or Profession skills (I'm assuming they'll be able/expected to craft their own suits of clothing). ![]()
![]() IMHO, it'd fall under Craft Magic Arms and Armor - it is an armor, after all, even if it's made out of clothes. Have you considered the leaf armor from the Adventurer's Armory? It's mundane, so you'd only need to put the endure elements effect on it. Sounds fitting from your description of the armor and it could be far cheaper. Just my 2c :-). ![]()
![]() Just for reference:
Pathfinder Reference Document wrote:
1. It means any round in which you have already hit the shaken, etc. opponent. The idea is that you hit once, he is flat-footed to the rest of your attacks this round (say, if you're doing a full attack) AND to all your attacks next round. 2. Yup, they're all susceptible until shaken wears off. ![]()
![]() Kandriel wrote: What happens if I have a Cleric of Gozreh and Multiclass into a Druid of Gozreh and take the Air Domain for the Druid instead of an Animal Companion. Do those Levels stack or would just the highest Level of one of the two clases count ? Going by RAW, they don't stack - you'd get two sets of powers from the Air domain (one counting your cleric levels, the other counting druid levels). Basically, it would be the same as if you took two different domains. The good thing is you get domain spell slots both for druid and cleric spells. :) ![]()
![]() Pathfinder Game Reference Document - on multiclassing wrote: Note that there are a number of effects and prerequisites that rely on a character's level or Hit Dice. Such effects are always based on the total number of levels or Hit Dice a character possesses, not just those from one class. The exception to this is class abilities, most of which are based on the total number of class levels that a character possesses of that particular class. Emphasis mine. Unless said otherwise, domain powers are based off cleric level, not character level. In other words, you'd only get resist electricity 10. ![]()
![]() Pathfinder Reference Document wrote:
Emphasis mine. The general consensus is that any animal companion with an Int of 3 can learn to understand Common (single rank in Linguistics). So you wouldn't need to get Int up to 10 just for that :). This has cropped up in the past. You should take a look at this thread. ![]()
![]() Sean FitzSimon wrote:
I didn't know that, thanks! :-) And now I want to play a half-orc raging cleric... Mojorat wrote: except none of those but cleric and inquisitor get access to destruction. don't think the domain meets the prereq for the Orc though. Yes, you would need to get at least 1 oracle level, something like cleric 12 oracle 1 rage prophet 7. ![]()
![]() Troubleshooter wrote: I didn't do a thorough read-through, but I didn't actually notice any prerequisites that required Barbarian levels. Though the class feature that stacks the PrC with Barbarian levels certainly makes it an option. Well, one of the prerequisites is the moment of clarity rage power. AFAIK, only barbarians get rage powers... ![]()
![]() karkon wrote: I think adam's interpretation is correct. The real benefit to following step is being able to shift your position and to essentially gain an extra 10' of movement when an opponent tries to 5' step away. Also, Following Step won't take 5' from your movement for the next turn (nor the ability to take 5' steps), which is a downside of Step Up. ![]()
![]() IMHO, they only difference is that Nature's Whispers doesn't apply to Reflex saves. Well, that and the fact Sidestep Secret is supernatural while Nature's Whispers is an extraordinary ability. As for the second concern... you can always put some ranks into Handle Animal, and your Charisma should be higher than a druid's or a ranger's, so I don't really see a big problem. ![]()
![]() Walhall wrote:
Actually, they both get the -2 penalty AND they have to wield the warhammer with both hands. Pathfinder Reference Document wrote: The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder's size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. For example, a Small creature would wield a Medium one-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon. Hope that helps ;). ![]()
![]() Geistlinger wrote:
I think it replaces normal feat progression, since it is linked to their HD (it was the same in Savage Species). On the other hand, you'd need to update it because is set to the 3.5 progression (1,3,6,9... instead of 1,3,5,7,...). ![]()
![]() 1. I would say she gets healed by both. Death's Embrace doesn't explicitely say that you get hurt by channeled positive energy, after all, but I could be wrong. 2. No, she couldn't. Each domain power needs a standard action to use.
Pathfinder Game Reference Document wrote: In addition, a cleric gains the listed powers from both of her domains, if she is of a high enough level. Unless otherwise noted, using a domain power is a standard action. 3. Yes. I'm not entirely sure on the Large Eidolon, though, but I would allow it. 4. I'm not sure on that one because both the spell-like ability and the Eidolon are not summon spells... |