Aqu's page

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I'm going to be running my Carrion Crown campaign soon, and I allowed two of my players to choose one of the less common races, as they were wanting to try something different. One ended up as a Samsaran Magus, the other is a Blue Psion, from the Dreamscarred Press material. I warned both players that in a superstitious place such as Ustalav, they may face negative reactions.

So, how would you handle this situation? The Magus is planning on hiding her identity, but as far as I know, the Blue goblin is not. How do you think the townspeople would react as they arrive in town for the funeral?

This is a question regarding the Recorporeal Incarnation spell used in the Second Darkness adventure path, and how it would effect an Aasimar with the Angelic Wings feat.

At the start of the path's fourth chapter, the spell is cast to disguise the party as drow, so that they'd be able to infiltrate the drow city.

The character I'm playing, currently level 9, will be gaining Angelic Wings at lvl 11, if I take the feat. Brought up by the GM, will the wings persist through the disguise? Or would they be hidden beneath the spell?

The problem is that if my character were to level up to 11, and suddenly grow wings as a drow, it probably would mean trouble for the party, seeing as we're supposed to infiltrate the city without bringing attention to ourselves. I'm not asking for spoilers about whether or not the wings will be viable to grow, but rather just if they will show through the disguise or not.