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Here's a scenario. A sorceress with a dragon bloodline can pop magic claws that do 1d4 slashing damage("These claws are treated as natural weapons.."). Any attack she makes with her claws is obviously against her target's full AC. Now the same sorceress casts Elemental Touch on her clawed hands. Elemental Touch: "You gain a melee touch attack causing 1d6 damage of that energy type (in her case fire, not that it's important)....You also deal energy damage and the related special effect when you attack with your hands using an unarmed strike, a single claw, or a single slam attack."

So if her firery hands are by themselves (no claws) a touch attack and her claws are a natural melee attack, then when she swipes someone with a single burning claw attack and her roll to hit isn't high enough to penetrate their full AC (ie: the claws failed to get past the armor) but at the same time is high enough to touch their touch AC, (ie: Ha, ha I still tagged you! You're on fire!)does she still do 1d6 elemental damage? I think she should. If she can run around just touching targets doing 1d6 fire damage whenever she hits their touch AC (ie: with no claws), then it doesn't make sense to me that when she slashes those same targets with her claws(melee attack) while they are on fire with the same spell(touch attack) that the fire damage needs to get around the target's full AC all of a sudden.

Do the pathfinder rules support this? Would you run this another way?