Anubis73's page

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

You can move, fire a ranged weapon, and move again before your foes can react.

Prerequisites: Dex 15, Mobility, base attack bonus +4.

Benefit: As a full action, you can move up to your speed and make a single ranged attack at any point during your movement. If you have the trick attack class feature, you can take your movement from trick attack at any time during a trick attack with a ranged weapon (instead of only before).

Normal: You can move only before or after an attack with a ranged weapon, not both.

Does being able to take your movement from the trick attack at any time mean you can move trick attack shoot and move the same way as anyone else using the feat? Or are you restricted to moving before or after the trick attack.

as both the Trick attack and shot on the run are both full round actions, you cannot combine them into one action.

baggageboy wrote:

So does trick attack work with shot on the run in such a way that you can move shoot and then move again?

The wording is a bit murky. It seems to indicate no that is not the case, you can move before or after shooting, but not both. However the intention seems to be that you should be able to.

What do you guys think? At the very least I feel the wording is messing and should be clarified

You cannot, according to the book do both, because the Shot on the run is a full action, as is the Operative Trick. you cannot combine 2 full actions as one full action.

Claxon wrote:
The ring of fangs is really the best way to augment your unarmed strikes

Alas, I am an Operative/Technomancer, so Mystic wouldnt fit.

So, if you have the Venom Spur would you be able to inject the poison with an unarmed strike using that limb? Doing your unarmed strike damage instead of the 1D6 listed for the strike. take into account I have the Mystic strike feat (beat Magic DR), Death strike (no longer archaic, and now Operative weapon), and Improved Unarmed Strike (improved unarmed damage, now lethal and threaten). just an idea.

Out of curiosity, if you have the Photoenrgenic node (pg 125 Alien Archive 2) can you empower your unarmed strike with the extra damage granted by this Biotech augment?
As unarmed strike is listed as a weapon (with no level).