Anthroposassin's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


I played an investigator in a PFS play test, and there are four things I have to say about it.

1)Inspiration is awesome. Awesome awesome awesome.

2) I hope that there is an archetype that allows the investigator to add the inspiration free to skills like sense motive, bluff, and diplomacy as long as they have ranks, instead of the trained knowledges, spellcraft, and linguistics.

3) Overall I felt as if the alchemist features were sort of tacked-on, especially the poison-use. The use of potions is awesome for a rogue, but the lack of cantrips annoys me (for both the alchemist and the investigator), especially the lack of detect magic. Although I sort-of get why the alchemist doesn't have it, I feel like an investigator should at least have it as a first-level extract, even if everywhere else it is an orison/cantrip. For example: "I am looking for an object. I am in a room with 6 exact copies of that object. There are no casters in my party. The only difference is that the object I'm looking for is magical. But all these could be magical. But....I can't detect magic, so I guess I just take all of them and look like an idiot when I'm supposed to be a super-awesome genius? Ummmmmm...."

Point being, I think that at least detect magic should be available to the investigator, even if it's just as an investigator talent.

4) After playing the class, I don't feel like it's a class on its own yet. I feel like--aside from inspiration--it is like playing a multi-classed rogue/alchemist. It is missing a lot of the little powers that are part of the other hybrid classes that make them unique.

(Did I mention that inspiration is awesome?)