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722 posts. Alias of Remco Sommeling.


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If a SLA follows a spell it has the casting time of the spell description, unless specifically noted otherwise in the monster description.

If it doesn't follow a spell then it is a standard action unless noted otherwise.

I oan see the summon (sp) ability go either way, but I think it follows the spell description unless noted otherwise in this case meaning a casting time of 1 round and similar restrictions / rules.

Dominate should have 1 round casting time.

Marthkus wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Which, again, you have to spend a Standard Action to do... EXACTLY THE SAME AS IN PATHFINDER.
Except that it stays off instead of you having to maintain it every turn to keep it off.

Not how I read it, it seems to me you have to spend a standard action to lower it for a single spell. Nowhere does it say it stays "off".

It doesn't matter regardless it both sucks in general..

I find it rather silly to let it pass. So your greatsword chosen weapon of the god of war.. sucks in comparison. Not cool or balanced or creative, imo.

Marthkus wrote:
Rynjin wrote:
Marthkus wrote:
gnomersy wrote:
SR is bad more often than it's good
I love how monk SR is reviled as bad when barbar superstition is praised as the best thing ever that only noob spellcasters have trouble working around.
Because Monk SR can't be dropped as a Free action, and you can't just say to the Monk "Hold up, let me buff you BEFORE you Rage".

It also doesn't cost them a rage power and can be done more than once per combat.

But yeah. I really don't understand why SR doesn't work like it did in 3.5

It actually does work like in 3.5

Slightly modified monk, I will likely playtest.


Full BAB, D8
Saves: good F, R, W
skills 4+ int

1st lvl Unarmed Strike does not improve, it stays at 1d6 damage. (modified)
1st lvl Flurry of blows, delete this sentence: “For the purpose of these attacks, the monk's base attack bonus from his monk class levels is equal to his monk level. For all other purposes, such as qualifying for a feat or a prestige class, the monk uses his normal base attack bonus.” (modified)
4th Ki pool, the monk can make an extra attack at his highest attack bonus if he spends 1 ki point,
(this does not require him to flurry anymore so it can be activated after a move or charge). The monk an draw from his ki pool to use these actions once per round as a free action. (modified)
4th lvl Ki strike, as a swift action a monk can deal +1 damage, +1 per 5 levels in any class that gives access to a ki pool for 1 round. It also gives the monk the ability to ignore DR/Magic whenever the monk uses Ki Strike. He can use this ability as long as he has at least 1 ki point left in his ki pool.
At 7th level the monk’s attacks also count as cold iron and silver while using ki strike.
At 10th level the monk’s attacks count as lawful when using arcane strike.
At 16th lvl the monk’s attacks are treated as adamantine for the purpose of ignoring DR and hardness, while using ki strike. (modified)*
6th lvl Monastic Training, like fighter weapon training it stacks with weapon training and is for all effects and abilities the same as weapon training but it only improves the monk weapon group.
It increases by +1 every 6 levels after 6th, up to +3 at level 18. (added)
13th lvl Diamond soul, the monk can spend a ki point as a free action to gain spell resistance equal to 11 + his class level this lasts till the beginning of the monk’s next turn.
The monk can also activate it as an immediate action ending at the end of the monk’s next turn in that case. (modified)

5th wholeness of body, as is

7th purity of body, wholeness of body functions as remove disease.

11th diamond body, wholeness of body also acts as neutralize poison.

At the cost of two ki points the monk an use it on another.
* Ki strike is also a feat in my campaign, though it doesnt get any of the DR penetration improvements besides magic usually.

Slightly modified monk, I will likely playtest.


Full BAB, D8
Saves: good F, R, W
skills 4+ int

1st lvl Unarmed Strike does not improve, it stays at 1d6 damage. (modified)
1st lvl Flurry of blows, delete this sentence: “For the purpose of these attacks, the monk's base attack bonus from his monk class levels is equal to his monk level. For all other purposes, such as qualifying for a feat or a prestige class, the monk uses his normal base attack bonus.” (modified)
4th Ki pool, the monk can make an extra attack at his highest attack bonus if he spends 1 ki point,
(this does not require him to flurry anymore so it can be activated after a move or charge). The monk an draw from his ki pool to use these actions once per round as a free action. (modified)
4th lvl Ki strike, as a swift action a monk can deal +1 damage, +1 per 5 levels in any class that gives access to a ki pool for 1 round. It also gives the monk the ability to ignore DR/Magic whenever the monk uses Ki Strike. He can use this ability as long as he has at least 1 ki point left in his ki pool.
At 7th level the monk’s attacks also count as cold iron and silver while using ki strike.
At 10th level the monk’s attacks count as lawful when using arcane strike.
At 16th lvl the monk’s attacks are treated as adamantine for the purpose of ignoring DR and hardness, while using ki strike. (modified)*
6th lvl Monastic Training, like fighter weapon training it stacks with weapon training and is for all effects and abilities the same as weapon training but it only improves the monk weapon group.
It increases by +1 every 6 levels after 6th, up to +3 at level 18. (added)
13th lvl Diamond soul, the monk can spend a ki point as a free action to gain spell resistance equal to 11 + his class level this lasts till the beginning of the monk’s next turn.
The monk can also activate it as an immediate action ending at the end of the monk’s next turn in that case. (modified)

5th wholeness of body, as is

7th purity of body, wholeness of body functions as remove disease.

11th diamond body, wholeness of body also acts as neutralize poison.
* Ki strike is also a feat in my campaign, though it doesnt get any of the DR penetration improvements besides magic usually.

EDIT: I posted this in the wrong thread, but I'll leave it here since it is at least related and might be helpful.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

I'm kind of amazed that the sorc's 3rd-level spell speed bump didn't get smoothed out in the transition from 3.5 to PF. It's one of the many minor nerfs that the original 3e team thought would be necessary to keep the sorc out of ZOMG UBERPOWERD territory. But I guess backward compatibility trumps all.

...Except when it doesn't.

I was similary amazed that they made the wizard able to cast 6th-9th lvl spells a level earlier in the transition to 3.X, trashed the fighter's pretty decent save progression and gave everyone multiple attacks according to "BAB" ?!?

I would have given all full casters progression similar to the sorcerer, but I guess they felt spellcasters and definately would have kept thac0, I mean seriously...

Lifat wrote:
AnnoyingOrange wrote:
Lifat wrote:
AnnoyingOrange wrote:
Lifat wrote:
Personally speaking I would simply hardcap blood money on 5k gold, because otherwise it is simply to good.
pfff.. then I will just research a 4th lvl version of the spell that doesn't have to deal with that random limitation on RAW.
And if it were my game I would tell you that such research would be futile and wouldn't work.
I would simply ban bloodmoney to start with, the idea of learning a 2nd lvl spell to bypass material components as a balancing factor is somewhat ridiculous from a game balance perspective. Few people are concerned with that though.

And I would have no problem with a GM that banned this spell.

I don't see it as broken when used to fx. cast true seeing without the annoying and very limiting component cost. Or for stoneskin or other such spells. The cap could be discussed, but the reason I would put it there is to prevent the most blatant of abuses (for an example free money with wish).

Stone skin and true seeing I house ruled:

stoneskin can be cast without material component but only lasts 1 round per level if done so.

true seeing can be cast without material component but is personal and only lasts 1 round per level.

MagusJanus wrote:

Of course, all of that is irrelevant. Here's what's relevant:

Any developer looking to balance this is probably going to look at it and go, "Let's see... Sorcerers learn one spell per level, wizards learn one spell per level... Same reward! Looks balanced." If they were not, I bet that the two classes would have a different reward, especially considering how easy it is for wizards to achieve knowing every spell they possibly can.

Thus, why it is I originally said they get the same benefit.

I think the developers noticed that a sorcerer has some room for a power boost compared to the wizard rather.

sorcerer's tend to be quite good dealing with metamagic, increasing the casting time is not usually a big deal. Metamagic can add a lot of flexibility for spontaneous casters in particular, wizards often just end up preparing an inferior spell.

Lifat wrote:
AnnoyingOrange wrote:
Lifat wrote:
Personally speaking I would simply hardcap blood money on 5k gold, because otherwise it is simply to good.
pfff.. then I will just research a 4th lvl version of the spell that doesn't have to deal with that random limitation on RAW.
And if it were my game I would tell you that such research would be futile and wouldn't work.

I would simply ban bloodmoney to start with, the idea of learning a 2nd lvl spell to bypass material components as a balancing factor is somewhat ridiculous from a game balance perspective. Few people are concerned with that though.

Avh wrote:
AnnoyingOrange wrote:

"Weapon Training (Ex)

At 6th level, a sohei gains weapon training in one of the following weapon groups, as the fighter class feature: bows, crossbows, monk weapons, polearms, spears, or thrown weapons. He may select an additional group of weapons for every six levels after 6th, to a maximum of three at 18th level. A sohei may use flurry of blows and ki strike with any weapon in which he has weapon training.

This ability replaces purity of body, diamond body, quivering palm, timeless body, and tongue of the sun and moon."

This doesnt replace any abilities people will miss and takes a decent step to fix the monk. you an pick monk weapons / unarmed strike, I find the sohei to be better at barehand combat than a normal monk despite having a base 1d6 damage for unarmed attacks.

Well... if I recall, the sohei is a monk with weapons and with an armor.

It's far from what people think when they see (or hear) "a monk".

Weapon training opens up the gloves of weapon training as well, adding a +5 bonus to hit, damage and bonus on maneuvers, they will be 0.5 damage behind on other monks on average but get a +5 to hit at level 18.

True, as a fix then :

* give the monk weapon training as a sohei but only for monk weapons and unarmed strikes, but strip increased unarmed damage. (+1 at 6, 12, 18)

* Add some fighter feats to the bonus feats they can take, most notably weapon focus (1), specialization (6), greater weapon focus, critical focus (8), greater specialization (14).

* I'd also propose to strip arcane strike of it's spellcasting requirement, the fact you an use SLA with it only empowers weird metagame race choices to just deal some extra damage. You could call it "ki strike" instead, replacing the monk ability of the same name coincidentally and working with any weapon. It actually improves a bit for the monk allowing it to count as silver, cold iron, adamantine and lawful later on.

* wholeness of body also can remove diease as the spell now in addition to healing hp damage. (to make up for the loss of purity of body)

* allow monk bonus feats to be taken with normal feats if you had the option to select them as bonus feats earlier.

* strip purity of body, diamond body, quivering palm, timeless body, and tongue of the sun and moon. You can add quivering palm (14) as a monk bonus feat if you want.

EDIT: I am not concerned with the inability to select archetypes, I am sure those can be fitted in easily in some other way.

Lifat wrote:
Personally speaking I would simply hardcap blood money on 5k gold, because otherwise it is simply to good.

pfff.. then I will just research a 4th lvl version of the spell that doesn't have to deal with that random limitation on RAW.

aceDiamond wrote:
Seems like sorcerers get a lot of tough calls, now that I look over things. After adding bonus spells from high attributes, they don't have very many more slots than wizards. Plus, everything is much more expensive. A scroll and the materials to copy a spell into a spellbooks are a drop in the bucket compared to a Page of Spell Knowledge, so you've got it much harder to gain new spells. A Runestone of Power is twice as expensive as a Pearl of Power, so wizards close the slot gap easier as well. And I'm still going to harp about level delay in spells because WHY?!

though the runestone of power an power a spell as part of the casting, a pearl of power is a standard action to recall a spell.

Note that favored class bonus for humans allows you to expand your spell selection considerably, just take the toughness feat to compensate.

"Weapon Training (Ex)

At 6th level, a sohei gains weapon training in one of the following weapon groups, as the fighter class feature: bows, crossbows, monk weapons, polearms, spears, or thrown weapons. He may select an additional group of weapons for every six levels after 6th, to a maximum of three at 18th level. A sohei may use flurry of blows and ki strike with any weapon in which he has weapon training.

This ability replaces purity of body, diamond body, quivering palm, timeless body, and tongue of the sun and moon."

This doesnt replace any abilities people will miss and takes a decent step to fix the monk. you an pick monk weapons / unarmed strike, I find the sohei to be better at barehand combat than a normal monk despite having a base 1d6 damage for unarmed attacks.

I see absolutely no reason why not, as long as it is made mostly out off wood.

aceDiamond wrote:
Wiggz wrote:
Grey Lensman wrote:
IMO, a simple 'fix' that shouldn't throw balance out of whack is to just advance the bloodline spells known down a level. The other spontaneous caster gets them the moment they can cast them. The witch doesn't, but starts the level with 2 spells known anyways.
This is definitely a good fix - simple, elegant and thematically appropriate.
Were one of my players to pick a sorcerer, I'd houserule this. Unfortunately, I don't think it'll ever see play in PFS games, even if it would make sense.

Sadly, but I am inclined to think that paizo agrees. Seeing as they did things differently for the oracle. If they were to do a rewrite of the CRB they would almost certainly change that imo.

If you are an eldrith knight you might even squeeze in a few critical feats xD

You can still use arcane blast when you can not use verbal, somatic or material components. (polymorphed, grappled, silenced etc.)

You can still use it when concentration checks are impossible to make.

It can not be counter spelled.

It can often still function in places where magic is unpredictable.

It ignores SR, and can be used to directly damage golems for example.

It can not be disrupted by damage.

Ignores DR, Evasion and energy resistances.

1) Strike means a successful hit.

2) Being large would not, by RAW, have any effect though I have ruled that one that takes care not to get too close, can attack without danger but take a -2 AC and -4 to hit penalty. This provided that they can and do keep at least 10' distance as per normal reach weapon.

For larger creatures, when they are at least 15' distance and using a suitable weapon they can avoid the damage altogether like using a weapon with reach.

These houserules were for the benefit of ruling fireshield though it applies here equally.

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I think most people will assume that once a person dies he went on to his final reward/punishment, while it is possible to get have the Gods give a person another chance at great sacrifice/expense few people would go against the natural order unless there is a very good reason for it.

What happens if a person got raised and fails to live up to divine expectations given another chance?

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Arnwolf wrote:

In response to Set,

Yes I agree, Prisoners are slaves. That is why I am opposed to prisons and a justice system that has prisons. Since liberty is more valued that life. And freedom more valuable than slavery. I support the death penalty for all criminals that are so dangerous that others would think them needing imprisonment. Basically, I would send criminals to counseling and/or pay property damages, and if that couldn't solve the problem I would put them to death since slavery is worse than death and I believe cruel.

I am sure the criminals put to death will be celebrating your humanitarian nature for saving them from cruel slavery.

I'd say Neutral Evil, Lawful evil, Neutral or Chaotic Neutral would fit best, in that order.

Obsessed with power and revenge, inflated self-importance and generally dismissive of individual suffering. (He would walk past a sick/starving family unless he could do something without it costing him anything.
He's focussed on the greater good, which is not good at all in pathfinder.

Also I would avoid Chaotic Neutral alignment like the plague and find Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Good likewise redundant additions to the alignment system.

I copy paste something I wrote and posted quite some time ago to give the sorcerer some of it's lost shine back:

1st__Bloodline Power, Bloodline Spell (1st), Eschew Materials, Cantrips
2nd__Bloodline Feat
3rd__Bloodline Power, Bloodline Spell (2nd)
4th__Eldritch Focus +1
5th__Bloodline Spell (3rd)
6th__Bloodline Feat
7th__Bloodline Spell (4th)
8th__Eldritch Focus +2
9th__Bloodline Power, Bloodline Spell (5th)
10th_Bloodline Feat
11th_Bloodline Spell (6th)
12th_Eldritch Focus +3
13th_Bloodline Spell (7th)
14th_Bloodline Feat
15th_Bloodline Power, Bloodline Spell (8th)
16th_Eldritch Focus +4
17th_Bloodline Spell (9th)
18th_Bloodline Feat
19th_Eldritch Scion
20th_Bloodline Power, Eldritch Focus +5

Changes to the base sorcerer from the CRB :

- Bloodline spells are gained much earlier, all except the 1st level spell are gained a level before you gain the actual spell level, this prevents you from not picking that thematically appropriate spell the first chance you get. (see next point)

- You get a single bonus spell slot you can use to cast any bloodline spell you know, if you use it to cast a spell of lower level than your highest level sorcerer spell known you can apply meta magic feats to raise it's level up to your highest level spell known, though you still have to use a full round action to cast it if you do.

- The sorcerer gains a bloodline feat at 2nd level and every 4 levels after 2, 6, 10, 14 and 18 (instead of 7, 13 and 19). Add all metamagic feats and skill focus in the sorcerer's bloodline skill to the possible feats you can select.

- At 4th level, the sorcerer gains Eldritch Focus which gives a +1 concentration checks when casting sorcerer spells and on skill checks with the sorcerer's bloodline class skill. This bonus increases by +1 at 8th level and every 4 levels after.

- At 19th level, you gain Eldritch Scion as a class ability. This allows the casting of any bloodline spell as if cast with still and silent spell meta magic feats without increasing casting time or spell level.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
EDIT: These are meant to be small adjustments to make the sorcerer a bit more interesting compared to the wizard, for a bit more of a powerboost. You can also:

* Change the spells to 0 at the lvl the bloodline spell is gained allowing for bonus spells through high ability scores, so you can use it for your bloodline spell or metamagic spells of a lower level.

* Get a bonus spellslot usable for your bloodline spell at the level you get to add it to your spells known (a bit like domain spells), this should replace the single bonus spellslot.

* Give the sorcerer his bloodline spell a level early (like the oracle)

* Give the sorcerer D8 and average BAB

I feel it fits more with a character that doesn't really need to study anything to cast magic.

I used 4d6 drop lowest, but offer the option for a 22 point buy instead. Incase the player prefers that (after rolling), but disallow sores over 16 or lower than 8 in that case before racial adjustments.

It offers variety in characters which is a good thing mostly, though some characters might end up a bit more powerful than others.

* I also give my players 3+con hp, 2sp+int, and an extra feat a 1st lvl commoner could take. This reflects them not always having been a wizard, fighter etc., toughens them up a bit and adds a little versatility.
It is not directly related to this thread but many people hate starting out as barely better than a commoner, thus I added it.

The creature should be able to squeeze into a 5'x10' space, though he portable hole is round..

a 5' by 5' square block would not be able to fit into a 6' diameter hole, it would have to be a bit over 7' in diameter to fit it in. If I am using the squeezing rules to calculate the mathemetical limit you can fit in there a typical large crature would be too big too fit.

I would say a large creature is too big to fit, unless a compelling argument can be made, the portable hole doesnt mention anything about large creatures in the bag which makes me feel like it is not intended to fit.

In other words: Ask the GM.

The Morphling wrote:
Hogeyhead wrote:

I'm sorry, but no matter what you do your channel energy cannot be altered by versatile channel. If you read carefully channel energy does not stack so for instance if you took a level of neutral cleric, and then got versatile channel and had levels of oracle of life, you would be able to channel both kinds of energy with your cleric channel, but because the choice to channel negative or positive energy was made for you, as a life oracle you cannot alter your positive channel energy.

If I'm wrong by RAW I'd like to be told as this is something I too would really like to do.

Well, today's your lucky day. By RAW, the feat simply requires that you be a cleric who's not forced to choose. The feat never specifies that it's the cleric's channeling that's affected - it just says that "your channel energy class feature" can be used in the alternate way. Therefore, a level 1 cleric, level 9 Oracle of Life can channel negative energy as a 7th level cleric, or as a 1st level cleric. You're correct that they don't stack - which is why I didn't want to take the Cleric level if I could avoid it.

It looks like this is what I might do (or take a level in Necromancer instead, to get some fun arcane toys).

Hogeyhead wrote:
BTW if you want to be a really powerful channeler, be an Aassimar oracle of life and spend your favored class bonus on upgrading channel energy

Have you guessed yet why I want to be an Oracle, not a Cleric?


Technically a necromancer wouldn't allow you to qualify since you dont have the channel energy class feature (power over undead or revelation is not the same thing). Yes it is a stupid RAW argument but people on these forums like that sort of thing.

Personally I'd not feel bad to use the favored enemy and challenge ability of the ranger and cavalier for the paladin class.

Challenge advances as smite evil in number of uses, as a cavalier of the same level.

Favored enemy undead, [evil] subtype and (evil) aura creatures, and dragons. +2 at 1st lvl advancing +1 every 5 lvls after that.

People never play cavaliers or rangers in my games though, and even if they did it wouldn't bother me. The mechanics fit the paladin well enough.

- You must create the pit on a horizontal surface of sufficient size.

- it is 10-by-10, it can not often target multiple creatures and they still get a reflex save, a spell with a will or fortitude save usually manages to disable a single target on a failed save in some way.

- The edges are sloped, it is hard to approach and 'toss stuff at him' without making reflex saves themselves, unless they are flying in which case it is at least a partially moot point.

Climbing :

- A Climb check that fails by 4 or less means that you make no progress, and one that fails by 5 or more means that you fall from whatever height you have already attained.

- You try to climb more quickly than normal. By accepting a –5 penalty, you can move half your speed (instead of one-quarter your speed).

– +5 climbing a corner where you can brace against perpendicular walls, pretty much everyone can do this

- +10 climbing where you can brace opposite walls, large creatures can do this as well as some other creatures that have exceptional reach at the GMs option.

- A creature with a climb speed has a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks, it can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened while climbing. If a creature with a climb speed chooses an accelerated climb (see above), it moves at double its climb speed (or at its land speed, whichever is slower) and makes a single Climb check at a –5 penalty. Such a creature retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. It cannot, however, use the run action while climbing.

* So typically difficult terrain can disallow the use of this spell since it isn't a horizontal surface.

* it can not be used if there is no applicable area 10 by 10 foot, so 9 foot wide hallways are out, unobstructed 10 by 10 foot spaces tend to be much less common than you think in a typical dungeon,counting the slopes you need a 20'x20' area.

* Your (typical) frost giant has +13 on climb, it is large enough to brace opposite walls for a +10 bonus on climb and a move speed of 40 feet, taking this +23 modifier it can chance an accelerated climb taking a -5 penalty, it moves 20 feet as a move action on a roll of 7 or higher, in one round he could climb out of the pit if he manages to roll a 2 on his second move action (he does not need to accelerate for the remaining 10 feet, though I guess he has 10 feet move left if he does.)

* spiked pit is even easier to climb out at DC 20, though it does incur 1d6 damage it will almost guarantee an accelerated climb out for a creature like the frostgiant.

On summon monster I table they are simply the best choice allround not taking into account some corner cases.

The summon monster II table has some options that are likely superior to eagles, even 1d3 of them.

some general stuff:

- eagles are squishy, they will often die with one hit.

- Their smite is not like the paladins and works for one attack, they do not have a high AB.

- Augment summoning increases damage but otherwise has little effect on them, it doesnt increase AB either cutting into their DPR considerably.

- a little DR makes them useless quickly

- Small fliers are vulnerable to some effects and spells, like weather and gust of wind.

- Low HD creaturs are vulnerable to some stuff, like sleep, color spray and the like.

- multiple creatures might have a hard time to focus on one target.

ok, now summon monster II has some gems:

- Giant Ant, it is mre sturdy, it's bite attack should deal 1d6+3 dmg (1d6+6 dmg with augment), not that impressive though augment summoning will do much for it. It is however immune to mind-afecting effects which might be very useful in some cases (most notably fear effects)

- Small elementals are all kinds of awesome each has a fun ability to use, they are all immune to crits and sneaks and several conditions and effects. They are not smart but they have a language, meanign you can give them more exacting commands.

earth elementals can pack a decent punch with a good AB/damage and can bullrush for free, but it can also move through earth and stone.

air elementals, can fly very fast with perfect maneuverability and a creative player will find uses for it's whirlwind ability often.

fire elemental, put things to fire, a makeshift torch, burner of webs and melter of ice, energy damage has all kinds of uses. It also is good against creatures wit natural attacks, hitting or being hit it inflicts damage either way and might catch fire even. oh and it is also immune to fire.

water elemental, it put out fires(lights) and burning companions, it is otherwise useful in waterbased settings, even if tht is in large part because others are not.

Other elementals, might or might not be allowed by your GM but there are quite a few elementals that are core that by RAW can be summoned and have their own strenghts.

- Giant frog, 15 reach touch attack grapples !

- Giant spider, ranged web attacks are awesome ! it is immune to mind effects, it also has tremor sense 60' and a decent poison and smite attack.

- hyena/wolf, trip attacks !

- Lemure, it is sturdy with decent HP, DR 5, immunities (poison, fire, mind effects) and resistances (acid, cold), also It can see in darkness of any kind.

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A petrified character has been turned to stone and is considered unconscious. If a petrified character cracks or breaks, but the broken pieces are joined with the body as he returns to flesh, he is unharmed. If the character's petrified body is incomplete when it returns to flesh, the body is likewise incomplete and there is some amount of permanent hit point loss and/or debilitation."

No, petrification in itself would not end the profane gift imo, though I'd say being dead does.

There is simply no good reason the wizard would know it works like this unless you decide as a GM there is a precedent of spellcasters abusing succubi like this. if you rule this an be done with a knowledge check the player sure will not be the only one abusing it.

This essentially is an evil act, regardless whether the succubus is evil summoning an evil outsider AND to take advantage of it, MANY times.
Now being cruel to a succubus wouldnt necessarily pin evil, inflicting cruelty for the benefit of yourself is.

Regardless accepting the embrace is also a chaotic act, but in the end it would pin more towards evil than chaotic.

It might not be a big deal in your games, though I wouldn't allow them to use the bestiary to flip through to see if there are any loopholes or rules to abuse.

A Unique half-fiend orc lich, NE, necromancer 10 / Shaman 10 / MT 10 / mythic 10.

A fight can happen easily if they have different information and they both believe themselves to be correct. This could result in two forces of good with the same general believe to come into conflict.

The planetars guarding the vault might believe they are guarding it for the good of mankind and the paladin might believe it needs to get inside to save the world, in reality either or both might be duped by evil forces or simple miscommunication.

Dont allow smiting of animals, non-intelligent foes or foes with the [good] subtype or aura ability or creatures that are otherwise soulless or outside of the dominion of the gods.

Some creatures might still be the target of smite evil (like skeletons or creatures that somehow gain the [evil] subtype / aura).


You have the art of turning a passing glance into love.

Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks with those who find you attractive. You can use daze once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster Level equal to your character level.

Change it to classic paladin enemies:

Dragons, outsiders and other creatures with the [evil] subtype, undead, creatures / character with the (evil) aura.

just have smite have a lesser effect against other foes, perhaps half the usual benefits.

I's suggest a gestalt with the godling classes, mythic levels might work too.

Probably should take a look at the whipering tyrant from mythic realms.. afew adjustments go a long way.

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Marthkus wrote:

Pretty sure the SNA also only last 1 round per level if you are allowed to also have your eidolon out.

It's only a standard action because SLA are a standard action unless noted otherwise.

Depends on how you interpret this line:

"A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description"

In my opinion it simply conforms to the spell, if it doesn't duplicate a spell it will be a standard action unless noted otherwise.

K177Y C47 wrote:
AnnoyingOrange wrote:

so the summon last for 1 round per lvl instead of 1 minute, take 1 round to cast instead of a standard action ad you will not learn to use gate as a sla either.

Now I am not sure that is strictly an improvement..

The First Worlder does learn Gate and SNA IX. The SNA only really replaces the SM part.

true, missed that part.

So the question is:

A succubus at lvl 11 for 1 minute per lvl or a nymph at lvl 13 for 6 seconds per lvl ?

You can' t possibly give her a charisma of 41, I don't see any reason to as a GM so I wouldn't.

so the summon last for 1 round per lvl instead of 1 minute, take 1 round to cast instead of a standard action ad you will not learn to use gate as a sla either.

Now I am not sure that is strictly an improvement..

Talcrion wrote:
Scavion wrote:
Talcrion wrote:

He broke the code by killing an innocent, no it wasn't his fault, Because it wasn't his fault, he doesn't have to pay the cost of the atonement spell, but he still needs the atonement spell.

They would not get a discount on it if it wasn't their fault, if they didn't need one if it wasn't their fault.

He actually didn't break the code. The code reads, "...punish those who harm or threaten innocents."

Do you send the gun or the man who shot it to jail? This is pretty obvious. Without the source of the Confusion what would have changed? The Child obviously wouldn't have died. The Paladin didn't really kill the child. Whomever cast the confusion did.

So the Paladin focusing on the task at hand and hunting down the creature who was the source of the confusion is well within the bounds of his Code.

So your argument is that killing innocents is allowed in the paladin code? Because the Paladin DID kill the child, he was not in control of his actions, and that's WHY he gets a free atonement spell.

EDIT: Atonement specifically references people who do things while under magical compulsion.

As a GM I dont need the atonement spell, if that the character does indeed show some kind of emotion, regret or whatever other fitting emotionnand deals with it in some way that is enough for me to not 'fail' as a good character.

People should understand that playing a good character can and should be hard sometimes, often it means doing things that go against your basic nature, feel compassion when none is deserving, regret when it is not truly your fault, sacrifice for others without expecting anything in return etc.

Evil characters do basically anything they want and are just selfish people with few if any true friends. Not every evil person wants to kill puppies but if they did want to kill puppies it is unlikely he'd care what anyone thinks of it beyond getting away with it.

Neutral characters are somewhere in between,they care about others but probably more about themselves. They would sacrifice and are compassionate with those they are close to them but are largely indifferent towards others and will usually not inconvenience themselves greatly to help them.

You dont have to be NOT-EVIL to be a paladin though, you have to be GOOD. I think most paladins would not fall because they did something evil, rather that they did not go out off their way to do the good/right thing.

If a character never does anything good, should it be a good-aligned character ?

That seems a reasonable question to ask, a paladin always playing it neutral shouldn't be a paladin imo.

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Personally I feel like you have to work to maintain a good alignment, and sure it wasn't the paladin's fault, but the lack of compassion could be enough to lose good alignment not the act itself.

Imagine a person driving a car and a kid trips and falls on the street, the kid dies.. it wasn't the driver's fault but anyone would feel bad, well anyone except for the paladin driving the car....

I am not sure stripping his powers will make the game more enjoyable though, you could just talk to him about it, possibly change to an inquisitor instead.

* Theurgy feat is a nice addition.

* The MT is quite useless the first 2 levels without school powers, few spells, no channeling or domain powers. For that reason I'd rather see Hand of the theurge at 1st level.

* Cantrips and orisons, I would keep cantrips and orisons usable higher since they do not benefit from the bonus spells they just lose there. Advance them as a wizard being able to pick either orisons or cantrips.

* spell synthesis by the MT was only possible at lvl 16 and by then it could only cast lvl 7 spells. I think the ability is a bit strong as it is. Also I would like the MT to use it's lower lvl spell slots more efficiently rather than go nova.


* I'd not change to combined spells 3/day, it is not meant to have access to more high level spells than a wizard or cleric. honestly I was hesitant to increase it to 2/day for that reason, but I tink that is fine.

* I'd give Hand of the Theurge at 1st, Theurge bonus feat at 2nd, Scribe scroll 3rd. (Theurge at 2nd lvl is fine, other classes can only use it at 3rd at earliest and with few spell slots I do not think anyone wants to use it at 1st lvl)

* I am unsure of the prayerbook/spellbook idea, but it is a possible way to nerve it a bit in some ways without shutting down potential.

* Bonus feats might not be needed, I would like the mystic theurge to have access to Arcane Discoveries as a wizard though.

* You are probably right about UMD, the original MT PrC doesnt have it either.

* I agree spontaneous cure is not needed, I was looking to add a little party support there.

Bill Dunn wrote:
AnnoyingOrange wrote:

Just make all saves 1/2 character lvl, and add a bonus for saves that the classes are supposed to be good at as an extra class ability somewhere, which might be certain energy types or attacks or plain fortitude, reflex or will.

Revising the 3rd edition standard of saves might not be such a bad thing.
I remember fighters being at the top for all round saves with other classes being a bit better in their specialty in AD&D 2nd edition.

I'd borrow from Star Wars Saga Edition - each class gave out a class bonus to certain saves. Just define the +2 for the good save as a class bonus then you don't have to worry about multi-class good save overstacking either - killing two birds with one stone.

As far as fighters being tops in saves, that kicks in only after about level 8 or so. And I'm not entirely sure it was really designed to be that way explicitly that fighters were intended to have the best saves - ultimately, once all of the saves were maxed out in 1e, they were in the mix, but not the undisputed best. They just got to their apex via a faster route because their saves improved every 2 levels.

They weren't the best in every aspect of saving throws but taking into account the whole savingthrow table they had the best saves, though they maxed out a bit earlier than other classes.

Best breath weapon save, best pertifrication/polymorph saves.
Second best on poison, deathmagic just behind the priest.
kinda average on spell saves, behind wizard and rogue but better than priest.

It wasn't till 3rd edition that they sucked at saves, though they weren't impressive at saves in 2nd edition till about 9th lvl or so.

Ironically rogues had the most awful breath weapon save though. The save tables really were a mess.

Anyway, my point being the conversion to 3rd edition kinda short handed the fighter in the saves department with no precedent for that.

Fun, a trait that opens up arcane strike for everyone..

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Evilserran wrote:
Technically i dont think Mystra died during the time of troubles, her death is pretty much what caused it. Tossed magic all out of whack, and what are gods any way, then magical beings? Her death shattered the weave, which is to say, all the order that makes up magic. But, yes, Forgotten realms should definatly have stuff on it.

Time of troubles is the time that gods were banished to the Faerun in mortal forms. Mystra died at the hands of a guardian deity guarding the stairway to 'heaven', one of the few deities that wasn't banished.

The magic going out off wack was caused by mystra not being there to tend the weave. All in all a fun time.