I am playing my first barbarian and would like advice on how to make him effective in combat, having a decent AC, and ways to help his terrible will save. I don't mind a bad reflex save if I can improve my will save.
Here is what I have so far:
I have picked Half-Orc as my race for a bonus to intimidate and Orc Ferocity. Have an 18 Str 18 Con, 14 Dex, 12 Cha, 10 Wis & Int.
I was thinking of adding additional ability scores at 4th and 8th into CON so I can get: more HP, rage rounds, and FORT save.
I want to be able to sunder weapons, perhaps armor. Though how do I overcome all those armor HP with a DR 10 on metal objects? I see the Smasher rage power from the Advanced Players Guide would help this, but should I invest a rage power for this?
I like the rage ability Ground Breaker from the Advanced Players Guide, and would use it with the Combat Reflexes feat to get more attacks of opportunity. Or, should I just forget this and use the Cleave feat to get extra attacks?
I like the Clear Mind rage power to help me with will saves.
I like the Intimidating Glare rage power, with my bonus to intimidate as a half-orc. I picked this to offset my reduced AC while raging.