Larur Feldin

Angus McDuff's page

85 posts. Alias of Aberzombie.


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Too right, lad!

A wee short bit o'fun then.

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Especially dwarves.

Aye, laddie.


Aye, laddie

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Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Don't mean to jar people, but I think it's time for a new pair of glasses. I changed my avatar today.


I'm not a huge fan of change, but at least you're still flying the Dwarven colors! ;)

That, sir, will never change - dwarves rule!

That we do!

Scintillae wrote:
So what you're saying is I need to make a dwarf bard.

Dwarves rule!

Aye! That's the stuff.

Harry 'Blacksocks' MacGrognard wrote:
Who's buyin the first round?

Ah'm guessin them drinks'll be on the house, on account o'how awesome we all be.

Ah got me own sekrit sonic n'gas weapon, right here in me arse cheeks.

Aye lad, we be havin a convention. A convention o'awesomeness!

Ah wunce bernd an orc tuh deth with uh fireball from me arse.

taig wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
taig wrote:

Hae yae nae hearrrrd Scots, man?

You should really use a dwarf alias when you post things like that.

I don't have a dwarf alias...

Ah ken help ya there, laddie!

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We don't need a makeover. We're beautiful, just the way we are.


James Jacobs wrote:
...and even dwarves are probably safe, since their fans tend to be loud and scary.

Ah'm not loud.

A fellow dwarf was once surrounded by a bunch of zombies and bitten multiple times. Thankfully, they were all returned to life, fully healed.

A dragon once attacked my kingdom while I was visiting. I remember that battle with great fondness every time I put my boots on.

The Tarrasque tried to eat a dwarven kingdom once.


You poor lad. What'd we do? Show up some sissy elves yer fond of? It ain't that hard.

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Jealousy is an ugly thing.

They don't call me Three Legs McDuff for nothing!

Not just toward the beard!

TheAntiElite wrote:
Angus McDuff wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:

Meh. There is not much difference between Dwarves and Halflings. Both should be removed from D&D, and all other fantasy products.

Jealousy is such an ugly thing....

Says the prime candidate for Hair Club for Short-Wides!

Not to be hatin', or anything, but seriously, could that dome of yours be any shiner? For all that vaunted hair growth capacity, that is one bare pate.

And I will keep dwarves, and gnomes, AND halflings in my game, thank you very much. All Golarion flavored. AND THE MISCEGENATION WILL CONTINUE WHILE MORALE IMPROVES.

What can I say? The ladies love the bald head.

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Grand Magus wrote:

Meh. There is not much difference between Dwarves and Halflings. Both should be removed from D&D, and all other fantasy products.

Jealousy is such an ugly thing....

Rules? Dwarves don't need no stinking rules. We do, however, abide by some of them, just to make the rest of you feel special.

The reason people invented nukes was because they wanted a weapon that duplicate the raw power of a dwarf.

Without dwarves, adventurers in Golarion wouldn't have orcs to gain XP from. You're welcome.

Depends on the location of the beard!

You can't spell war without dwarf! Just another sign of how badass we are!

Do you know how much awesomeness a dwarf would have to give up to become a deity?

Dwarves invented killing orcs and giants.

Fact: Dwarves were created so everyone else would have an example of awesomeness towards which they could work.

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Shalafi2412 wrote:
Races of Ansalon, a Dragonlance product published by Margaret Weis productions has half-dwarves and half-gnomes and half-kender.

Clearly, this is propaganda written by tree-huggin elves jealous of our excessive body hair, nearly unlimited tolerance for alcohol, and ability to single-handedly fight off an orc-horde while associating with actual females.

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In fact, it has long been rumored that dwarves are merely an evolved form of Honey Badger.

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Also, dwarves who die in battle are often reincarnated as Dire Honey Badgers.

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All dwarves infected with lycanthropy turn into honey badgers.

Bunch dang kobold lovers, that's what these haters are.

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If it weren't for dwarves, trees would have already taken over the world.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Jealousy. It's an ugly thing.

Dwarves spirits!

And not the kind that haunt you.

That was hilarious!

Stockvillain wrote:
@Moorluck I was playing a lot of Jade Empire while I was writing that part of my world.

Jade Empire rocked!

Ah always like tuh get a couple o' dwarven lasses tuh help meh shine muh sword.

Dwarves are better miners than kobolds.

Haters gonna hate.

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Dwarves rule! Orcs drool!

This here thread be more to muh likin!

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