AngelTrickster's page

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Hello All,

I could use some help with my campaign building. I feel a bit overwhelmed at the moment campaign building wise as I would like to give a more worldly feel and complexity but I feel a bit at a loss.
Currently the part has gone through part of ship, rescued Khonnir, neutralized Garmen, and are pretty trusting of Sanvil Trett.
They have garnered a favorable reputation among the towns folk and city council.
I'm a bit stuck on how to give them loot as the book doesn't drop it often and balancing town politics and money things. Part of the solution I've come up with is once they clear the first floor of the ship they will get a lot of salvageable stuff so they can make weapons (they have a transmuter and crafter in the party) and an amount of silver disk.
However overall, I feel like I am missing an edgy or perhaps cohesion for world building and story telling.
Any Advice??
(I apologize if this isn't specific enough this is my first time GMing and only my second year playing pathfinder)