AngelFlight's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Pointless without showing item stats.

Not even weight.
No buy price or sale price?

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Whack-a-Rogue wrote:

Five Feats: Roll With It, Combat Reflexes, and the Panther Style chain.

Charge into battle, deliberately provoking AoOs as you go. Smack them when they attack you. If they hit you, go flying across the battlefield, provoking more AoOs and punishing anyone who dares to attack you. Next round, rinse and repeat.

Also, Tangle Feet + Vicious Stomp. As you move through Threatened Squares, you tie their shoelaces together or something. If they fall, you get an AoO from Vicious Stomp.

You are getting Panther Style. Get Snake Style too. If the AoO you finessed misses, then you get an Unarmed AoO yourself.

It would be a good idea to work in some Dirty Tricks or something and some Sneak Attack Damage, like with Ninja, Unchained Rogue, and/or Vivisectionist Alchemist.

Doesnt work. You can have one immediate action or swift action per round.