AndrewHuerta's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


4 people marked this as a favorite.
Paladinosaur wrote:
I'm probably spoiled bt Wayne Reynolds but I think this art is terrible.

Wayne Reynolds is an amazing Illustrator but to defend Jake Bilboa and comic artists in general, we have to draw around 1 page a day, while illustrators like Reynolds have about a week or so to work on one image. Just putting that out there :)

Hello, Andrew Huerta artist for Pathfinder Comic, here.

I see some readers either love the art or hate it. I wish I could please everyone but I know that isn't possible. I feel bad I can't give some of you Pathfinder fans the book you wanted but I'll continue to do my best on future issues and here's hoping it improves or maybe grows on you.

At least we still have writing by the amazing Jim Zub!
