
Andre Caceres's page

501 posts (503 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 1 alias.

Wondering what is going on with the 10th Dr. Who RPG sourcebook. I can't find a hard copy at all. Not even for a stupid price. Are they going to reprint it??

Just heard that FFG lost the rights to 4th ed Talisman. Now I hear that someone else might get rights. wondering if any one has info on the status of Talisman. Even if just rumors.

Just wondering


Hey everyone,

I want to do a one nighter Call of Cthulhu game, anyone know of a good quick adv. I have 5th ed. and d20 version of the game but not much else. I know most eds. (except for the current 7th ed.?) are fairly interchangeable so I'm not too worried about conversion issues, just don't want a long drawn out game. Any Suggestions, help or web pages with short adv. would be welcomed.

Thanks all.

Hey guys Have a player who wants to play a 3.5 warlock in Pathfinder. Don't know the class that well and only Warlock I found from a 3PP didn't have the same feel. So anyone have a good Pathfinder Warlock class done, not just suggestions because I have to convert the class to my house rules as it is. Or do you think the 3.5 version can fit fine in Pathfinder as is(power level and such)? Thanks for any help.

Been doing some world building and I wanted race from 3.0 days, the StoneGrunts from Mythic Races FFG. I was re-building the race race for Pathfinder (except for keeping racial levels); but thats not the issue.

Stonegrunts get Damage Reduction 10/+2, but I double checked Pathfinder rules and was a bit unclear on if the +2 matters any more, only substance or magic qualities. So how would a 10/+2 damage reduction natural ablity be converted for Pathfinder.

This becomes a bigger problem as I have more then just +1 'normal' qulities, I use modified rules from GR's Black Company. So a masterwork itme in Pathfinder is closer to +3 non-magical item in my game. But if stats no longer reflect that it means some work for me stat-wise.

Thanks in advance for any imput.


Okay, so I’m at my FLGS the other day and I what was in effect a Zombie Superman toy. It was just wrong. I found out it was for Blackest Night a Green Lantern storyline. Okay now before I go on I have not collected since X-Men age of apocalypse and while I do try to keep up on what’s going on with comic books I’m by no means hardcore. That being said I read up on the Green Lantern story so I know the basics, but something just kept bothering me about the Superman thing. Now I’m team Batman make no mistake, but I’ll freely admit Superman’s the most famous and iconic superhero and it just struck me wrong.

At first I thought it was simply my pride as an American. Superman to me is a symbol of the USA and I just didn’t like him being a Zombie ‘like’ (yeah I know they are not Zombies in the Romero sense of the word). But really that wasn’t it, or at lest that wasn’t all of it. I work for a Law Library I was going through some old copies of the Daily Journal (a Law news paper) and found an article on the lawsuits over Superman ownership from the families of his creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. (As an aside I’m actually on DC side of the question, yeah they might of created the character, but they sold it to DC, how many characters did they buy that never became iconic, no one at the time knew what Superman would become? Sorry guys but you sold it, and you knew what the comic book business was like). In any case, sorry lost track of my point, it seems to me the whole Zombie Superman as a sick slap in the face to the character and his creators.

My logic goes something like this, Siegel and Shuster’s creation was the Superman of the 1930s, hence Superman of Earth 2, who has been coming back a lot lately even though 86’s Crisis on Infinite Earths ended his story, more or less happily. And each time DC has basically been throwing mud in his face as a hero of a bygone era, until now with this final(?) insult of insults now you’re an undead zombified corpse. Now maybe I’m wrong but its almost like DC is saying, fine if we have to share ownership of Superman with the families of his creators, were going to really F*** with your creation, and we have an easy out because the ‘real’ Superman isn’t the one form Earth 2.

Like I said I’m actually on the side of DC on the ownership issue, but it seems like they really have a bad case of sour grapes and wanted to get back and Siegel and Shuster in a back handed way.

Sorry just had to rant.


I deciced to pick up a copy of this core book since I'm been playing in a group using Rippers for almost a year, but cannot find it at my FLAGS nor on line other then pdf format, which is not my perfered option.

So I was wondering if anyone knew if Rippers is going to go back into print anytime soon, or will have to hunt it down?



So my pathfinder game has begun, and like usual one of my players wanted to change x y and z. Thankfully this time it wasn't focused on rules, well not specifically.

Long story short after talking it over we decided that we'd perfer our Halflings to be closer to fey then Tolkins' vision. In fact we pushed halflings closer to what Paizo makes Gnomes to be, except that we decided to go with a Dark Crystal/Elflings feel for them, in looks and powers. All this mechanically worked fine without rules changes save for females having wings and the ablity to fly.

As none of the core races have flight as a racial ablity I was wondering if their is a standard mod. for the fly skill as a racial ability, +2 or +4? Or should I just give female halflings fly as a automatic class skill (I perfer the latter as I regard flight to be more akin to glide for them, however my player likes the +2 idea). In either case however what if anything should I take away from Halfling racial ablities.

As I said I like simply giving fly as a automatic skill, but I'm open to others ideas, or if their is an established standard what that would be.

Thanks in advance for any and all imput....


Okay I have a request for the folks at Paizo, and since its now October and Halloween time I just had to send this out.

A few months ago my gaming group was discussing the Pathfinder rule set, one thing led to another and we ended up talking about Halloween and costumes, which for some reason ended up becoming a discussion of Vampires, and how bad the current crop of vamps are these days. I mean True Blood, Twilight, good help ups the Vamp. Diaries, its all the same, and all a women centered romantic notion of vampires standing in for god knows what. Actually I do know what, good looking guys, emotionally damaged (because no bad looking guy can be damaged or be worth her time) who treat women with all the bygone manners of a few centuries before without all the ownership values of said centuries, and with out the ‘male domination’ of such times. In other words with all the romance of said times, without any of the cost. (I know, I’m venting)

None of which is my point, which was that we as a group began to name iconic vampires that did not fit the above modern version (although every name had some aspect of such) Dracula (Legosi’s) and LeStant, Nosferatu (Schereck’s), Count Yogi, Marieous (spelling?), Lee's Dracula of course, heck even Spike from Buffy (say whatever you want about the show being the forerunner of the current croup at lest the creators of the show knew they playing with the stereotypes even before they really existed as they do today). But then I mentioned Strahd almost off handedly. I got nothing, not even from the old timers.

“You know from Ravenloft.” Oh yeahhh! Form the old timers. It was odd that only the old timers knew what I was talking about, and even then had to be reminded. I never played 2E (I was busy in the WoD) but I heard of Ravenloft, and of Strahd. Heck I even got a hard cover of "I Strahd". I couldn’t believe he was barely acknowledged or even remembered. But then I thought about my collection of 3E Ravenloft stuff. I got it all, and while the texts were good and informative, they were sadly and ironically being from WW, dry.

So my 1st request is for Paizo give us a good old-fashioned Gothic Horror Adv. Path. I read in one of the Dragon Mags that Ravenloft owed its inspiration to the old Universal Monster movies; as such I love to have something based more on Hammer’s Horror, and Lee. The archvillian should be a vampire of course, but like Lee make this a true monster, something that’ll kill you as soon as look at you, and regards the peasants as property or food. In other words Paizo, to be perfectly clear, give Vampires their freaking ba-ehh fangs back again. A true Gothic Vampire Horror Adventure Path. Please!

My 2nd request is probably less likely but I think would simply be cool. An adventure Path (six issues) of “What If’s?” from the older paths. In other words, one issue being What if a Rune Lord had won. The next issue being What if the Second Darkness had begun. This would also fill the growing demand for epic or at lest higher level adventures.

Just had to put this out there for your consideration.


Hey has anybody ever attempted to combine two Adventure Paths so that they take place at the same time, sorta? The reason I ask is because now that my Robotech game is going well, and is becoming less and less work I’m setting things up to do a Pathfinder fantasy game. Before anyone says anything let me address the obvious.

1. I making my players level up at a crawl pace. Most likely Level X 3000 xp. Even without combining paths I feel that progression goes to fast for the stories I want to tell so this works much better, and with item creation no longer needing xp I’ll get fewer gripes about it.

2. I’m going to have the game in my homebrew setting, hence locations are not an issue for me. Nor Timelines. More importantly with the slower xp progression the players have the time to move from one place to another and thus deal with both adv. Issues.

My idea is this, RotR and 2nd Darkness are taking place at the same time, though my players don’t know this, so confusion about who or what the real bad guy is falls into question. In my game Drow were long ago defeated by the ‘goody’ Elves who now rule Arcadia in an Endless Summer. Most people see Elves as near Legends and Drow if they know of them at all, are regarded as Myth, so my players will be unprepared for Drow nature, and may think that they use some sort of Rune Magic, when really such magical works are due to the newly awaking Rune Lord.

I’ve done the xp system before and it really gives me freedom to have fun with little advs. between the main storyline without the players becoming too powerful for any given adventure. Example I could add the Kobold King Adventure just for fun one night. In any case I was wondering if anyone has done something like this and could you give any heads up on things that went wrong with your game.

Oh yeah and I was wondering if anyone has made up any ‘racial stats’ for the Varisians, other then just human? I was thinking of giving them separate stats like I’ve done for the Picts in my home setting. I’d hoped for such in the Campaign Setting when I got it but now such luck. Just wanted some extra flavor.

Thanks for the help,


Fair warning, bit of a rant….

So here I am, going back and fourth between setting up a new Robotech game, which has giving me endless musings when I look up and realize that Pathfinder is coming out sooner as opposed to later. So now I’m musing about Pathfinder, a little. Specifically I’m thinking about character classes and 3.5/3.0 classes and what if any updating they’ll need. During play testing my group played a lot of older stuff with the beta classes, and we came to some conclusions, but the problem is that 3P is getting closer to 3.5 then even I thought. So, assuming that not every publisher is going to update their older books/classes I think we should come up with some assumed standards for how or which classes need to be updated. And with the previews out I think we can at lest have an educated discussion on the subject.

So were am I going with this, well I guess I like this thread to report what people think about updating older classes, do they need it, are they fine as is, and what if anything do such updates need. For the sake of the discussion I’d prefer we stay away from arguments over if more classes are needed, in the end for me I like more classes, and tend to dislike switching class abilities, unless they are very specific to a race or area, and often I don’t like the thinking that oh well the tribe’s shaman is just a Druid, done. You may disagree and your point of view is every bit as valid as mine, but lets just assume we want to update older classes, at lest here in this tiny corner of the web.

I’ll start first with a look at what looking at fro ‘standards’ of upgrade.

Martial Classes, no not in the 4e sense of the word, but rather in terms of classes that are combat oriented but, well for lack of a better word, mundane in origin. Of the Core classes only the Fighter really fits this type, the rogue being what I call the skilled type, and the paladin being more divine then not. Classes such as these, say the Archer from S.S. or 3 arrows for the king, are both easy and hard to up grade, easy because we know what has to be done, a class feature every level, hard because should we simply double up, copy part of the Fighter class and add on or come up with new abilities are selves?

Caster types: I’ve seen a few update attempts for 3pp casters, and for the most part like them, and as with martial classes they should get something every level, but a debate rages at my game table over gaining a new spell counts or, as I see it, gaining a new level of spells. For the record most players in the former camp do not like the 3P upgrade.

Skilled types, here I think is where doubling up works best. A skilled class becomes a very specialized skill class. Think of WoW Tinker class, although he works fairly well with Beta rules, I gave him a few extra feats, with the new core rules I’m less sure of that, and think perhaps he works fine as is.

I’ll give better specifics to this latter but as a quickly report here are a few of GR 3.X classes that I thought worked fine with Pathfinder. I should note that while for the most part the issue of power creep existed with WotC, GR was a clear exception.

Assassin: Way overpowered in 3.5 much less 3.0, now I see him as a valid option now.

Shaman: needs a little up dating, in terms of power I feel, and I’m thinking of adding a few class features from Mongooses version of the Shaman.

Witch: same as the Shaman, more so even.

Cavalier: now this class works well as is, though I’d actually take away the Knightly aspects to the class (I prefer the Knight from R&R Excalibur) and allow the class to be a more universal mounted warrior type then a Knight arcatype. As such he works well in OA settings as well as a ‘Barbarian Hoard’ mounted warrior from the steppes.

I’ll add other classes later, and I’d like to here what classes you’d like and how you’re dealing with updating.


I think I know the answer to this, since technically the Pathfinder RPG isn’t out yet. But then again I by no means own all of Pathfinder setting stuff so I may have missed this somewhere.

Is there a detect bloodline spell?

Reason I ask is because in my next game I’m thinking of moving my setting into a second ‘Burning Time’ led by Wizards and focused on Sorcerers, Witches, Mystics and Druids. It’ll mostly be a secondary plot to RotRL, but one that I hope will lead to some very good role-playing moments.

Also, wondering if anyone has come up with a good Giant bloodline? Really thought this was lacking in Beta.

Thanks, DRE

Okay so I'm putting together a new game crew, as a fun diversion as I was thinking about a DnD game inwhich all the players are kids.

This came about because one of my players, and best bud, has an 8-year-old son who sees his dad and ‘uncles’ playing with toys (they are not toys they are hobby miniatures) on the table and wanted to play too. Well my friend isn’t really into RPG’s, so the other game suggestions I had for him and his son, he wasn’t interested in, and of course he wanted me to GM a game. Well things went from a game with two adults and a kid to two adults and 5 kids (to which I said, errr boy). I created all the characters and went with CMB rules, and generally watered down everything in the game. (Really I should have gone for a simpler system but as my friend was sort of co-DMing and he’s never played anything else we went with what we both knew). We played last sat.

In any case what struck me wasn’t the game itself, it was the fact that they wanted to play kids protecting the village, not manly men heroes. I didn’t even know they we’re of this mindset until I was correcting one of them that their character was taller then the Goblin, the Halfling was the small guy in the group. I was the one corrected; he was playing a ten-year-old human boy (I have chosen not to wonder why they were in a Tavern at the start of the game).

That started me thinking about role-playing such possibilities in DnD. Either as a full-blown adventure or in flashback as one shots. Think of the Pathfinder Icons, as I understand it each has been given a fairly good background, some even with artwork showing them as kids. Haven’t read any of this mined you, but I’ve gathered that from some of the boards. Now lets say your playing RoRL and one night only one or two players could show up, you are at a critical stage, even if they could push through on their own you kinda wanted the whole group to be there. So you do a flash back adv.

My problem is I’m not sure if I like what I’ve read so far in terms of rules for this.

NPC classes don’t really work, as the full hit points seem off somehow for a kid.

The 1st level multi-classed rules fit much better, just drop one class and go with the character as an apprentice, but I fear I’m missing something. And even then as kids it still feels slightly off.

In my mind I toyed with the idea that as kids they start with 1 hit point per encounter and/or skill rank until they reach full hit points/skill ranks for the class they wanted (if flash backs continue I’d add class features until they have in effectly created a 1st level character). So that each flashback they are being rewarded with out gaining true XP. Barbarians being the only exception in that I’d give them 2HP per encounter. This would work also for full-blown adventures. In terms of skill ranks Pathfinder Beta would be far better then 3.5 BTW. In the game with the kids for example they had no problem understanding skill ranks. I took some ideas from Loot for Less and gave the kids a ring of invisibility, but since by that point I’d adjusted and was being very fast and lose with the rules anyways, told the kid, the Wizard who forged the ring completely messed it up. Yes it makes you invisible, but only once, it then has to be used by somebody else, and once they remove it someone new. Something along these lines would also be good for rewards in the game.

In terms of story I’m not worried about killing the character. As a flashback I can say the situation was a nightmare and in reality you lived, or saved the life of so and so. As a full-blown adventure it would actually be great, the players would have to role-play the impact of having one of their own being killed.

I looked around my Library and net reviews of books and have yet to find anything except for DCC #0 by Goodman Games, which is very good but assumes adult NPC as players. And something called Grim by FFG but I don’t own that so I have no idea of its usefulness.

I’d like some thoughts on my idea and solution of executing it. Am I missing a critical pit fall? Please keep in mind that as kids this adventure/flashback they wouldn’t encounter anything much more then EC level ¼, sometimes not even that much (i.e. it would be a storyline encounter).

Thanks for any help/comments.


P.S. For the record it was nice having a game where the players didn’t correct you on the rules.

Just got Pathfinder # 19 today 03-25-09, not sure if that's real late or not but it seems so. In any case the Paizo envelope was beat up like it was thrown around in the street for a few days. Bottom and top edges of the issue it self were doged eared and the mag in general looked like it seen a years worth of use. I know its not your fault as a company but I thought you should know that the product came to me in really bad shape, and if this happens regularly well I will have to have to return my issues or maybe cancel my subscription all together.

I hope this is the where to place these complaints.

Sincerly, Andre E Caceres

A very Merry Christmas to everyone at Paizo, and to everyone at these boards.


So I was talking to my Godson the other day as he was playing the Force Unleashed (video game sadly, kids today) and I noticed that in the game Death Vader is having his new follower do a lot of the dirty work for him. So I started thinking about reading the novel, and looked up so reviews of the book. Well I started getting botherd by something, but couldn't really place a finger on it. Then I realized what it was.

Ben said "Darth Vader helped hunt down and destroy the Jedi"

Vader killed Ben in A New Hope

We see him about to kill a bunch of 5 year olds in Revenge of the Sith, but not the actual culling, as it were.

Maybe I have to see the movies again, I used to think I knew a lot about Star Wars, but I don't think Vaders ever killed a Jedi (other then Ben of course, but that was much Ben's choice as it was Vaders rage).

Is this Lucus making Vader not so evil, becuse its his redeption story? If so it shows why the Star Wars verse is losing its punch. I willing to admit I'm wrong here so I'm asking if anyone can give me examples in the novels (or whatever expanded verse media you'd want) in which Vader has hunted down and killed Jedi, The Force Unleashed seems to imply, though I have not started the book, that he does not do so in that book.

Has Vader killed any other Jedi?

Well finished my five game session of 4e just to give it a fair shot, (more on that later, but in short my review is, what I expected).

Setting up my new/old group of players for Pathfinder, converting things and such. I have a lot of 3pp material, and am combing things from WOWC RPG, Conan and a lot of other stuff with Pathfinder, but thats another subject for another day. Right now I'm converting 3.0/3.5 races and racial levels. As such can I assume that.....

1. For ECL 0 races I only add a +2 modifier to an ablity.

2. If so can this +2 be stacked with another + for a total of +4?

3. The reason I ask is because I'm assuming that ECL's should basically be lowered by one? But in doing so I found that some bonuses stack.

Anything major wrong with my logic please give me the heads up. Anyfeedback would be great.

Thanks Dre

Guess I'm just in a Dr. Who state of mind, but I was thinking the next thing their gonna do is have two or more Dr.'s meet. Don't tell me if its happaned in series 5, I've just finished series 4 out here in the US so no spoilers, but I was wondering which actors who've played the Dr. Who are still alive. And who would you all like to see be in a eposiode.

For my money Tom Baker is and always will be the Dr. but I think thats because he was my first Dr. Who, and I would love to see him come back as the Dr. one last time.

Hey everyone just saw the big ending for series 4 of Dr. Who it was great but I also saw a cameo by none other then K9, one of my beloved old favs but I had a question.

I've seen a few episodes of Sara Jane advantures, which isn't bad but aimed more for younger viewers, but in any case the show never seems to use K9 though he seems to still be owned by her, guess I'm wondering is K9 a character on the show or not? Looks like the Sci-Fi here in the US isn't goning to support the show anymore so I was just wondering.

Also in general any good K9 fan sights out there, I think he deserves are love.


Please kill this Cow.

The Fighter.

No not the class, the name. For the love of all that is holy rename to Warrior. I mean you say Barbaian you get an image. Wizard you get an image. Bard, Sorcerer, Cleric (though maybe prist would be better), every class you get a classical image. But when your playing and your new player or worse Girlfirend asks what your playing the Fighter is the only one they have no iconic image of what your talking about. I understand its supposed to be generic so you can be playing a Knight or a Rider of Rohan or whatever, but really Fighter? I Fight like Fighting men do. Lets call a spade a spade, and Fighter a Warrior, that has just as much iconic feel as saying I'm a Wizard. Maybe someone will see Harry Poter, or Gandolf, or that guy from OZ but they have an image. When you say Fighter however you get Rocky or Raging Bull, not Gimli.

I know its a sacred cow, and I know its late and I haven't slept in 26 hours, but realy lets get rid of the name. Its the one thing I think the guys who came up with D'n'D really fumbled the ball with.

Who's with me?

Not trying to start a fight or anything, just kinda wondering where 3PP now stand on the editon wars. For the record I'm OGL guy now, I'm sure 4th has merits, but its not my game and will not get my money, any hate from me goes to the company not the rules. And yes while I'll never buy or run, I don't have such an issue with any system that I wouldn't at lest play, no such thing as a perfect system also means no such thing as a broken or bad system.

So far I see 4E guys to be

Wizards (yeah I see them as 3PP now).
and maybe Necro, though he's on the fence, playing both sides I guess.

OGL people.
Green Ronin
Malhovic (although they really aren't in the game much anymore.

3.5 isn't being supported as such, but I suppose you can put Paizo there, though purest like Pres Man would beg to differ.

Anyways I thought a board keeping up on where publishers stand might be interisting thread.

Trying to get my group back together and am going Pathfinder, but with a few major tweeks. 1. Using Dodge and Parry table/Rules from Conan (keeping Armor as AC, but Sheilds now add to Perry). 2. keeping old skills of 3.5 (not skill system I like Pathfinder) and a few extra skills to boot (ie Craft Tech. Use Tech. Device from WOW RPG). 3 Using a lot of races and classes from 3PP including Wizards 3.5 stuff (which to me is now 3PP material). 4. new slots via WOW RPG for magic items. 5. tweeking a few core classes to better fit my needs. Normal stuff.

Well doing all this has not be easy but it has been fun, that is until my buddy asked, so who's character sheets are you using.

Well this is a problem. I putting together a character sheet that okay, one with a full page of Feats to dot in, and Wizards magic item slot sheet, but nothing I've seen has yet worked for the front sheet. I need something with Dodge and Parry from conan, but blank skill list that I can either write in or customize as needed. I like some of the fans Pathfinder sheets and I do like Emas web sight of sheets but I was wondering what kind of programs do people use to make your own Character sheets? I know Windows and Word fairly well but rarely use Publisher or Excel so I'm not as comfortable working with those programs, but to be honest I don't even know where to start. I can't change other peoples PDF files, and to be truthful I woudn't want to mess with other peoples work.

So what programs do you guys use, and also do you know of any place that has customizable sheets that fit what I'm doing.

Any help would be great.

Thanks Very Much in advace. DRE

I know its been covered but I was hoping to maybe get Paizo to reconsider adding a Half-Orc Iconic for the final version of Pathfinder.

My suggestion, with all the great artwork (ie the cover of just about every Adv. Path as well as inside art) it might not be a bad idea to give each race its own Iconic. My only complaint about the Alpha art was the side by side of the races. I just looking at it when it hit me, give each race an Iconic art. I know Half-Orcs are rare in your setting, but lets face it they are beloved, and they are a optional core race. I don't expect an Iconic Lizardfolk or Iconic Centaur or Drow as they are not core, but the Half-Orc is. Moreover giving Races an Iconic only adds options for recuring characters, after all in the Pathfinder Adv. Paths you get 12 Iconics a year, by the time the Final version comes out that's almost 30 images from them alone, nevermind any other artwork you own. Pluse it gives a more vaired view of what an Elf, Gnome, or Human look like.

Well thats my two coppers, hoping somebody is listing.


Maybe I'm alone in this but I was thinking of starting or at lest revamping a new game using Pathfinder, so I've dug out a lot of books to look and see about using them in my game. What I began to notice was very odd. 98% of my OGL suff is playable enough, but Pathfinder Classes over power other classes. But they do just fine with Wizards classes that came out in splat books and PHB II.


Knight from R&R Excalibur
Archer from 3 Arrows for the King
Mystic from Dragonlance
Wicth from Wicthes Handbook
Shaman from Kingdoms of Kalamar

Partly this is due to the fact that 3PP resoruces can only come from core rules but I was wondering if anyone else noticed this and what a good solution would be as I doubt if these fine works will be updated to Pathfinder, or maybe even exist as PDF's in 2009. I guess I have 3 questions.

1. Was Power Creep a Wizards only thing?
2. Would it make more sense to power down Pathfinder classes or Power up othe classes?
3. What have others done so far in this regards, if anyting?

This may not be the right place but what the heck. My group is fienly getting back together, and they are looking to me as DM again. I was part of a 14 member multiple GM testing group of Pathfinder alpha a few months ago (and the guy who was supposed to submit feed back never did). In the mean time I began playing in a monthly Conan game. Boy am I enjoying it, but I love pathfinder also. So now comes the problem and question to both Pathfinder and Conan players.

Has anyone tride to place conan Dodge and Perry rules to Pathfinder/3.5 games?

If so have you had any problems with it on any levels (high level play, low, or just simply too much work)?

For the reacord I'm inclind to keep Pathfinder Magic, magic in conan is fine for conan or low fantasy, but my group wants to play high fantasy.

Armor is another issue, my thinking, and go with me on this one, is to say armor is normal (ie 3.P) however AC value subtracts from Dodge. So if you have +5 to dodge, have AC armor of +3, then dodge is +2 instead. Although I like armor as damage reduction it might be too much to inplace both rules set as one.

P.S. as a side note, since they guy who was supposed to submit our groups thoughts on the subject never did, is it too late to give feedback with anyhopes of changeing pathfinder. I don't want them to add conan rules, mind you, I have other thoughts on the subject.

Any feedback would be helpful, thanks Dre.

Almost forgot, K of K is going Hackmaster5th, though I've heard some rumors that even now they are still making 3.5 stuff at lest in PDF format, maybe supporting both Hackmaster and 3.5, which in terms of PDF or PonD might be a very smart move, why not support both fan base?

Player in my group wanted to play an OGL race for Pathfinder game. Worked out well, as far as backwards cap. would go. but it started me wondering. Which race did anyone discover in 3rd that is always in. I'm an old Palladium player so I let almost anything in, and 3.5 at lest gives the rules to do that. Still I have a list of my top ten. And for the record this isn't an attempt to start a fight so for the sake of argument lets argree that your picks shouldn't neccesarly be core in Pathfinder RPG. My list is not in any particular order, if I had to chosee # 1 & 6 are my favorits.

1. Pevishan. This was in two FFG books and fixed a lot of prob. with Sorc. wayy back in the day. Little trouble giving it Racial Levels, but I've worked some home rules for it.

2. Goblins from WOW rpg. They are just too cool. But I like Pathfinders take on Goblins too. Thinking of sub-racing the two.

3. Orcs. Never really understood why they were not core, since Elves are and they are not more powerful. Breaking my own rule :)

4. Centaurs come on gotta have centaurs.

5.Half-Dwarves I like most versions of this race given.

6. Lizardfolk I've yet to have anyone play them but I see Lizardfolk to be more like the Dino-people from East of Eden fantasy books. Note also like Goodmen Games raptor book as a sub-race.

7. Minotaurs of all types.

8. Hob-Goblin from R&R Excaliber. This was the race used by my player and actually it oddly works well with Pathfinder gobles as my Hobgoblins look down on their lesser brothern.

9. Drow but they are not all evil, they simply hate their surface counter parts.

10. Midnight had half-gnomes/half-dwarf.

11. Midnight also has half-elf/half-halfling.

Hey that's 11, oh well ten wasn't enough. I'll do the same for classes in an other post. I just wanted to get other peoples list, and how you use them.