
Andre Caceres's page

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I was thinking of asking this very same question. I'm almost glad I didn't because most of you know more about DC then I'll ever know. That being said I just have put in my hat, for what its worth.

1. First start from scratch in terms or your primary earth. Everything that's gone before can be said to have happaned somewere else. This isn't going to make fans happy but it will give a starting point.

2. In a perfect world without market demands, fan demands, and simple finicial suicide DC starts with 1 comic, 1 superhero, Superman. Yeah it sucks but if the man in blue is going to be the guy all others are measured by then there has to be a reason. Think of it this way if JSA worked during WWII then supermans first apparance wouldn't be that impressive to the world at large. A year later first isssue of Detective comics (no roben until year four with Dick).

3. DC cannot do #2 so something has to devised. My solution, come out with a series of Year One books, or declare other year one titles to be offical. Batman Year One works fine because it steps on no ones toes, Man of Steel I'm less sure about. In any case then have ongoing series, but the ongoing will be more or less Year 5 or 10. Thus Bats and Superman and wonderwomen will have been around. ACtually I'd go year five, most of the major DC heros will have come out by then, but most if not all will not have meet each other yet.

4. Decide who is know by year 5. By know I mean which heors are actively being heros. My basic list, I'll keep to 10
Superman (first superhero came out in the new Year one)
Batman (maybe doing stuff in year one, but as batman year two)
Wondewomen (year two)
Auqoman (Year two)
Green Arrow (Year Three)
Flash (Year Three)
Green Latern (Year Four)
Hawkman (Year Four)
Robin (Year Five)
Captain Marvel (Year Five)

5. This makes it easy to start new stroylines for everyother hero they want to introduce as it is now year five and new heros can come out. And it leaves open hidden unknown players such as DR. Fate or the Spector, oh they've been around for a long time, but now one knew it.

6. DC will have to decide how long it wants to wait for new versions of old charactes can come in. New Green Lanter year 12. New Robin year 11. so on and so forth. They don't have to plan everthing out but have some sort of time table.

7. No Teams. Yeah this one no one will like, but I simply wouldn't have these hoers know each other much less be working together already. Just think about it for a moment, the first major crisis (pun not intended) that the world will face, and that will cause a crossover will be the orgion of the JLA. Then you start the JLA title, it'll have an offical self contained history.

Not that it matters, because I have no say but thats how I'd outline the rules (open for debate and suggestions of course).


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Kvantum wrote:
DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Whimsy Chris wrote:
In 10 years when 5e comes out
Your naivety is cute. Other then that, thanks for sharing.
So what's the over/under set at? 7? 8? Or will WotC be sold off by Hasbro and whoever buys them automatically do a new edition in 5 years or so?

2010 4.5 and a massive reissue of their own gult of splat books.

2012 Hasbro gives up as the sales, while massive by RPG standards, just are even close to being imporatant to bottom line. 5th editon will be an online only game, much like WOW.

P.S. GSL revoked about the time of 4.5, WotC steals any good ideas that came out of 3PP

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XxAnthraxusxX wrote:

HMMM I guess i am homophobic. Not a crime i guess. In todays enlightened society it seems hip to ridicule anyone with any kind of moral center or religious belief. And homosexuality is so mainstream now it is as if it is the "in" thing all of the sudden. Invading even the most innocuous of arena's, Dungeons and Dragons.

Don't get it twisted though. I am not here to judge anyone. But pardon me if i don't bow and scrape to the politically correct crowd. It is the beauty of democracy, that you can give your opinion, i can give mine and armed storm troopers won't hunt either of us down and take us to task for it.
I do apologise for invading this rather disturbing thread,and if any one person was offended by anything i may have said, i apologise for that as well. On a parting note ,if there is room in PFRPG for a gay iconic, there has to be room for psionics as well. And for the record i do not condone the mistreatment of gays or psions in any way shape form or manner. Thank you.

Your not alone, if anything anyone who has labled you is ineffect doing the same to you that they think you are too them, without looking at the complexity of real life. I think of myself as homophobic but at the same time I have an older friend Ruben who is not only gay but has been openly so for 40+ years (he's 68 I think). Hell I actually think of him as a sort of mentor. He has given me very good advise had helped me though some personal problems, I will always count him as a close friend. The in no way says I aprove of his life style.

Idealist sometimes don't have a since of humor nor do I think do they look at the world as being complex. As a Chatholic I see being gay as a sin, but I can still deal with my views as a mature adult as you have. Hell I joke more then anyone but dosent change my core belife system. Don't think your alone and don't jump ship. As a said a few post above I think the guys at Pathfinder just wanted a more realistic fantasy setting, some like it some don't. Most I think are indiffernt. Your voice however is just as important as the rest of ours.