Andor the Wise's page

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OK, this is a lot of conjecture, with little to back it up.

I'll start with posting what RJK has said about her on these and other threads (that I've found...if there has been more, please add):

James Jacobs Creative Director
Sep 16, 2006, 12:27 am
James Jacobs
Most of those questions are intentionally left up in the air for now. But as for the missing Malcanthet picture... I asked Rob about this myself and he ponited out something intereting... the hall only contains portraits of allies to the Maure Family. Malcanthet is Elluvia's patron, certainly, but neither of them are allies to the family overall.

Rob Kuntz Contributor
Sep 16, 2006, 04:36 pm
2 people marked this as a favorite. +
infomatic wrote:
Why doesn’t Malcanthet get a portrait? Y hates her, I realize, but half the subjects in the room seem to hate the other half, anyway (Orcus/Demogorgon/Grazz’t, Yeenoghu/Baphomet, etc.)
James answered this in part, but I'll also point out that the family was composed of individuals which had their own distinct powers and allies. When saying that the family had allies, it is only true because, in some cases, one of the individuals had gone the distance in attaining that ally and thus became the family's benefactor in that respect, and probably the one who would act as the family's intermediary with that "ally," the others being known to that Ally as a just faceless "Maure."

Rob Kuntz Contributor
Sep 21, 2006, 11:09 pm
infomatic wrote:

• The Red-haired woman: There's a similar woman (red hair, green eyes) described in the entry with the "favorite niece" inscription. I'm not sure if there's ever been a description of Elluvia; she'd be a key suspect, I suppose.
Well, he gave it to his niece, so he must be the Uncle (or an Uncle), note that it notes "Favorite," indicating also that there is at least one brother, whoever that is, heh?

Allen Stewart
Oct 4, 2006, 11:36 pm
Malyas' Shield
We're eagerly awaiting the Family Crypts. Will we find Uncle Maure down in the family crypts? Can he be aided or restored to health/life by altrustic PC's, (and GM's)?

In the familiar tune of 'where's Waldo', Where's Elluvia Maure? Is she still hanging around on some obscure outer plane? Inquiring minds want to know...

Rob Kuntz Contributor
Oct 5, 2006, 04:26 pm

Elluvia. Well, I hope someone puts 2 and 2 together on this woman, as she's part of one of the major plots, and the one which was "unexpected."

Indeed, where are all of the Maures now? We know of Aflebain, and since the ID Core still funstions that suggests taht some are still alive, eh?

infomatic wrote:
Shad-Duan – no mention of this guy anywhere, that I can tell, though given his name and title he may have a connection with the Cult of the Long Shadow. Is he the shadow figure that was attached to the red-haired woman (Wee Jas?)
Try page 93 of DUNGEON #112, Tome of the Black Heart for Sha-Duan.

Th red-haired woman is not Wee-Jas, far from it. The hair color is only a hint at the relationship this woman holds with another not of the family (big hint, note the illos in the issue for this). What is she doing in the picture?

Now, that last response from RJK, to me, is the biggest answer to who Elluvia is.
When I first read this, I misinterpreted 2 things: the hair color, and what is she doing in the picture.

1) hair color...up until Dragon 353, there wasn't any description of Malcanthet. I assumed, based on the artist rendering of the giant succubus,being that she had red hair, that Malcanthet did also. Even after obtaining the Dragon issue and seeing Malcanthet with black hair...I failed to put 2&2 together...or apart in this instance. If her hair color was a clue to the relationship she had with another NON-Maure...(another KEY word...ANOTHER), then WHO is this OTHER red-haired person? The only one I can think of is WEE JAS. No, Elluvia wasn't WEE JAS, but she served her. Perhaps WEE JAS was the cause of the MAGICAL catastrophe that happened?
Now, back to the ANOTHER comment. It could be saying Malcanthet and could mean ELLUVIA is not a Maure (by blood).


1) Sees all & knows all.
2) To see yog or learn too much about yog is to cause disaster.
3) The favor of YOG requires a human sacrifice or eternal servitude.
4) YOG-SOTHOTH knows the gate.
YOG-SOTHOTH is the gate.
YOG-SOTHOTH is the key and guardian of the gate.
5) Past, present, and future...all are one in YOG-SOTHOTH.
6) YOG's name is part of n incantation that can revive the dead.


1) Aforgomon: god of time
A) He manipulates time and space
B) always accompanied by a blinding light.

2) Umr At-Tawil
A) presides over the timeless halls beyond the Gate of the Silver Key and the Ancient Ones.

Thoughts based on this information (per # above)...

1) any wizard wants to know as much as possible, so who better to seek information from

2) is it possible that, IF Yog was the Maures' deity, only Uncle had ever seen him? Much power for the only person who
can come face to face with a god...many variations of power.

3) Uncle has been around longer than any of the Maures' (supposedly). He could be the eternal servant. Aflebain could be another...he stated he wouldn't mind "the thousands or tens of thousands of years ahead of him." The altar of bone could be the "human sacrifice" needed.

4) YOG-SOTHOTH is NOT the Opener of the Way...the GATE is ALL of TIME. He is the Maures' access to time travel/manipulation.

5) Yog's name is part of the formula that will/has revived Uncle.

6) Aforgomon- they needed this aspect to access the Current.
Umr At-Tawil- they needed this aspect to gain access to the Ancient Ones (Elders?)

Dragon 359 commented on who Y was. The following is basically a step summary of that...

Step 1) Call forth Unnamed Servant, who then inhabits an Immortal body to assist Servants of Y.

Step 2) Summon Y

Step 3) Summon Y's Master (who may or may not be the Primal Power that the family intended on summoning at all costs) via a complicated ritual which requires manipulating space and time to achieve.

Now, having said all of this...conclusions:

1) YOG-SOTHOTH is Y. He's their main deity for the purpose of time manipulation. HOWEVER, he is NOT the HE they prayed the boy would summon.

2) Dalt is obviously"the boy". He is also the Immortal body that the Unnamed Servant inhabits. (Reason for the different appearances in the paintings).

3) Way in the beginning, Uncle offers himself up to eternal servitude to gain Y's favor.

4) Dalt is summoned by the Maures. He is then possessed by the Unnamed servant, and summons Y.

5) the Maures build a temple etc to Y, and assure his service by the building of the bone altar.

6) They piss off the Elders, who are WAY more powerful than they are and are about to be "taught a lesson" by them. So they send Dalt who is wearing a robe festooned with a magical formula that helps in the "complicated ritual" to summon Y's Master.

7) So the REAL question is ...WHO is Y's Master?