Amerisun's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Mr_Dionysus wrote:
It appears to be getting a little better. I had two books download just now after not being able to for 2 days. It still stalls a lot.

Probably because it's 1:30 am on the East Coast and we are getting tired and falling asleep so the system is a little less hammered.. going to try in the morning before heading to work... :-)

The real problem is they are using WebObjects technology for the backend coding for this site.. check the wiki...last stable release 2008.. initial release 1996... ancient for web technologies. :-)

Good luck getting this going, can't wait to download Pathfinder stuff, been wanting to play it forever and glad they put it on Humble Bundle even though they were not prepared for the onslaught!