
Amalica's page

16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


We did this in second edition once. We would compare our physical attributes to athletes and such, and the Mental attributes to the skills and knowledge we were experienced with.

But consider PC's are heroes that are above the average human or commoner, and are your players above the average commoner. To me the people in life that might be above an average human physically would be athletes and mentaly would be nobel prize winners etc..

any ways here is what I would consider my self:
I have played musical instruments for over 16+ years and have lots of useless and usefull knowledge.

Str 13 (I have done body building and look at the lift over head and off of ground stats and compare that to what you players can do)
Dex 10 (i'm not nimble, fast runner but str might play more there)
Con 16 (I had the flu once for like 8 hours thats it well and drinking boy can I spend a lot to get drunk)
Int 12 (Not a genius but I do know a lot)
Wis 8 (I haven't done a whole lot in life so I don't have many skills that rely on my awareness)
Chr 16 (I have entertained thousands and gotten some jing for it too, And they liked it)

I have done the online quizzes too and thats about what they picked for me too but I'm more like an elf and duel classed as a wizard or paladin

You can find information on Bhaal and Mykrul in the FR:Lost Empires supplement....Also if you have time it wouldn't hurt you to read the Time of Troubles trilogy to get an idea about the way these gods work and thier followers behaviors.

I was always a big fan of Bhaal, and I have many times used the story lines from Balders Gate PC games to tie in his ressurection.

Wow its amazing that the demand of free supplements has gotten to the point that people demand stuff before the actual product has been even released

My change to the above post

instead of Dragon will have to wait

How about

Dungeon issue 128 will have to wait cause I need the maps to issue 129.


airwalkrr wrote:

Greyhawk. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it's "geared towards" Greyhawk at all. I simply love the setting and always have. I adapt pretty much everything I like into Greyhawk because that's the only setting I feel comfortable running and it's the only setting I feel truly provides the D&D experience. To be fair, if AoW had been designed to work more easily with the Realms, I may not have even run it, since converting from the Realms to GH is harder than vice versa. When I get a Dungeon with a Forgotten Realms adventure or a Dragon with a Forgotten Realms article, I do read it, but then I say to myself "that's nice," put it on the shelf, and never really bother to look at it again. I have been known to adapt FR adventures to Greyhawk, but the high-power feel of most FR adventures puts them out of the scope of easy adaptability.

The first time I ran SCAP, I adapted it to a homebrew world based around Norse mythology. It turned out to work extremely well with the storyline, using Loki in place of Adimarchus. Followers of Surtur seemed the main villains most of the time, which tied in well with the volcano explosion and provided an excellent distraction. Now I'm also running SCAP online as a GH game, which I would have done the first time around, but my group decided since we play GH all the time we'd try something different.

GH remains one of the most flexible settings of all time. Much of what it written about it is vague or provides only basic details, leaving the DM enormous liberty to expound upon it as he wishes without feeling too constrained to make sure he doesn't violate the historical events of a novel he hasn't read. I think that's why Greyhawk is the most popular answer.

We still need a hardcover though. :)

You actually contradict your self, you say you ran it because its in GH basically. Which means it has everything to do with it being geared towards GH, for if it was geared towards FR you wouldn't have ran it.

Which supports the reason the next AP should be more generic allowing everyone to easily adapt it. Maybe even super generic like instead of naming the gods just introduce the main plots of all the adventures ahead of time and the key NPCs/God etc... so DM's can plan it out on thier own.

Big Jake wrote:

That sounds interesting. I've never used gestalt characters, and I'm interested in how it works out. Post a couple of messages here and there to let us know how well the characters do in the adventures, and what you had to do to make it playable for them.


Well basically there is a Clr/Sor, Bar/Ftr...but I also have them using a character tree and switch in other characters if they feel the info they have gotten would suit other skills or if a character would perish, so a Drd/Rog and Rgr/Rog also are part of the campaign. I also have a Ninja/Wu-jen traveling as an NPC with them. With only 2-3 characters at a time them being Gestalt balances the EL a little better. But to make things somwhat challenging I have to make the main NPC encounters Gestalt.

For instance Filge became a Nec/Warlock...and Kullen was a Bar/Rog...I am still developing the main NPC's 3FOE yet.

Beholder wrote:

I don't understand how you could have any trouble finding information / books / anything on Greyhawk.....

In not saying there are a lack of books but FR has piles and pile of fluffy great info, and I do believe more novels in general to pull even more fluffy info so it is great for fleshing out character detail. Maybe Greyhawk does too but just not enough to keep my players or myself interested.

Personally I would rather run Ravenloft 7 out of 10 campaigns and overlooking the Overload that may still happen yet.....Bwaahhahahahahahha

Well I tried SCAP in GH but my player just couldn't get into the setting at all. I started them out in the FR and they love the fact that if they want to know about it there will be some book that will give them some background for characters. So this AP has been set in FR, but damn the conversions are killing me with the amount of extra prep time.

On top of that because there is only two of them I had them try out high powered gestalt characters. So thats means I have to change every encounter. OHhh woooowwwwies meeee.

But having the DM Genie has made some of my headaches go away.

Cheers to all at Dungeon for this awsome supplement.

And to those disappointed, remember it says updates to the Overload will come out as the adventures maybe it will eventually have what you need.

The NPC stats are the best and the specific info for the FR conversions of each of the first two adventures is helpful.

My question is will the future instalments of the web enhancements have the FR/Ebberon conversion notes for the new adventures?

Well I've been awake now for about..umm..3 1/2 hours and I have checked this site 8 times...ahhh the torture....ahhh.

And those ahhhs are the Kulkin "home alone" kid ahhs...Down with the republic.....the Insanity of it all

judge judy would have them by the balls for this

I know ya'lls major focus in the overload, but is there going to be a online supplement for issue 126. I use DM Genie and its been great having the maps in a PDF rather than having to scan them and edit them my self.

Thanks for the help

My players sometimes complain but enjoy the fact they have never had a part over 13lvl and only one character reach 17th level. They see it as a challenge. The best TPK I had was running Queen of the Spiders in a FR campaign. The Balor beheadeded 3 PCS in a row and the Vrock kept using telekinesis to slam the other into a brick wall until he was mush.

I agree it is enjoyable to kill the the min/max munch characters the most. They plan out their whole progression and think that they are invinceable, and they usually are to a point but the good ole "PC killer" dice always wins in the end.

I agree that a druid might not be the best for the WC at 1st level solo but if you do like a few posts say and start with some simple side trek like adventures centered around Diamond Lake it could turn out very good. Maybe once she is around 3rd or 4th level she is asked to go along with a fellow ranger that is investigating the Cairn. Running a Solo is great way to get in good Role-playing one on one. And Druids work best as Solo characters if they are roleplayed right. In all my experience as a DM Druids just hamper the party if they are played right. Even think how that Druid in the Baulders Gate PC game kept complaining about eveyone in the party. LOL

Because of the lack of players I always have to play a PC/NPC with the two other Players. I found the Vow of Poverty to be extremly handy because that character doesn't argue for the fancy magical items. Although he does want to take most of the Gold to build a orphanage for the children that have lost parents to the mines. So they are always still looking for work in Diamond Lake because they are more greedy for the magical items than gold.

Hah and Erik thats funnier because the NPC is a Ninja too. LOL

So they don't die so easily we now use Gestalt characters too. The only problem with that I have to change all the encounters to Gestalt too or just raise thier level.

Ophryon wrote:
Ha! Thanks T-bone, I needed a good belly-laugh! You know, they did say that Overload would contain all the "crunch" we needed to run AoW...

Well I really like the "fluffy" stuff personally. Sort of like when Lucky Charms comes with 30% more marshmellows. yeah fluff yeah fluff <('')> <(''<)<('')>(>'')>

I never realized not only was I waiting for the Overload but because I'm running AOW in Forgotten Realms there is supposed to be a web enhancement from Wizard's website for a map of the area around Daggerford. AHHH so much waiting AHHHHHH.

Well thats ok cause I'm switching my group to do online through Fantasy Grounds so it will take me a while to set it up anyways

Byron Zibeck wrote:
Dreeya wrote:
and yes I am proud to be a female gamer ;-)
Marry me.

Wow some of you are just strait nerds. In all but one of my campaigns have I had less than half female players over the last 18 years. And though they are not supermodels they all have been pretty "hot" too, you just got to let them know you really like to "Roleplay."

Ohh and Thanks Dungeon Staff for keeping us infromed about the progress, unlike the DDOnline developers.