
Alzared's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive 2/5

I am curious as well.

Dark Archive

Choose a Custom Magic Weapon and then the masterwork box.

Dark Archive

Just added to cart, will check it out this weekend.

Dark Archive

I use the Adventurer's sash from Seeker of Secrets. Just a move action to drop it.

Dark Archive 2/5

PFS in Lex is looking for a new home, Amazing Wonders is closing Oct 20th. I believe D20(Lokkak) is interested in having us on Wednesdays. Hope to stop in there tonight and check the place out.

Dark Archive 2/5

I am running this in about 4 hours from now, I will try it out.

Dark Archive

My Galaxy Note can't download from Paizo either.

Dark Archive 2/5

Sounds great. We play Tuesdays at 6pm.

Dark Archive 2/5

Sweet. We got a pretty good PFS group going in Lex at Amazing Wonders. Look foward to working with you.

Dark Archive 2/5

I put in enough for the poster. Need more art for my nerd cave.

Dark Archive 2/5

I lived in Holland for 2 years at Soesterburg. Good times....

Dark Archive 2/5

Had a great time at Forge, got 5 PFS games in.

I have been playing at Amazing Wonders since we started a few weeks ago.
We play Tuesday at 6pm and are doing The 3rd part of the first steps tonight. Have had 2 table going so far with a few spots open before we need a third.

Dark Archive

I had the same problem with some skills. Took me awhile to realize I had forgotten about the armour check penalty but Herolab did not.

Dark Archive

For more info, go to

There will be other games such as DnD and Battletech. Even some Larp if you are into that. But more than just a gaming convention it is also for comics.

Dark Archive

tumbler wrote:
I'm in Lexington with a group looking for a few new players

Where and when do you play? I also have a friend that is looking. We will be at ForgeCon next month trying some PFS games.

Dark Archive

I'm just south of Lexington. I feel your pain. There are several PFS games going on at ForgeCon next month, hoping to get something going from that.

Dark Archive

Anybody going to ForgeCon in Lexington Ky on May 25-27? There are a few PFS games going on.

Dark Archive

I was confused as well. Hoped for 1st but figured it was 4th level.

Dark Archive

Mine is still pending, I should really quit adding to this shipment, but I keep findIng things I want.

Dark Archive

Awesome, those are the books I was hoping for.

Dark Archive

Which books are covered by this deck? Such as Ultimate Magic?