Aluxra's page

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
What races are available?

Core, featured or uncommon are allowed as races. I was thinking of just going with a Human as Samurai don't get very many feats.

So a friend of mine is starting up a pathfinder game next month and everyone is still in the character creation phase. So far we have a barbarian, illusionist wizard and a rouge confirmed, maybe a druid and nobody knows what our last person is doing.

GM's specs:
Anything but 3rd Party
25 Point Buy
Max level 1 gold
Starting level 1
2 traits (can't have multiple from each trait list)
Solid plans to go to level 20.

I juggled between being an Inquisitor for a while and a sword and shield fighter. Now I'm looking at a Samurai archtyped into Sword Saint from the Order of the Dragon. The later is mainly for roleplay reasons, but the order isn't half bad in any case.

My problems start with, I've never been in a campaign that lasted past level five outside of 4th edition DnD. I'm incredibly new to pathfinder and my knowledge of 4th edition was shaky at best.

I'm not looking for optimization, I'll figure it out eventually. But I'd like to know how to get myself up off the ground with this character. Looking around I've seen the term Switch Hitter used a few times and it interests me a bit in terms of play style. I was thinking of using a bow, and maybe a two handed weapon then going in for my Iaijutsu Strike with my Kanata for the big stuff. I just don't know what sort of feats I would need for that, or if I would even have enough gold to gear myself for it.

Any help would be appreciated, even if its just pointing me in the right direction to find the information on my own since google isn't being very kind to me.