Clanartus Viliras

Althurien's page

Goblinworks Founder. 3 posts (409 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


I'll be honest. I don't buy gaming resources any more. I think the Council of Thieves AP is very interesting, but I don't need all this stuff to make a good adventure. This goes for most PF resources, not just CoTs.


Erik Mona wrote:
I briefly toyed with the idea of setting Adventure Path 2 along the Wild Coast, and involving Queen Yolande's final push to exterminate the humanoids of the Pomarj, with Melf Brightflame as a major NPC.

I agree in part where you mention that this would be hard to make an adaptable series. Although I think Melf and Turrosh are both something akin to boba-fett of the greyhawk world, not enough mention tends to develope cult followings.

I think if dungeon does go ahead with more adventure paths, they dont necessarily need to be world specific (although my mouth waters at all the greyhawk lately) the only things needed for a greyhawk feel are names and places. An adventure set in a remote land (could be anywhere, shield lands, wild coast, gnarley forest) with the standard PHB pantheon and maybe the occasional famous NPC.

Melf Brightflame need not have the story revolve around him, have the story revolve around the PC's and let them run into Melf along the way, perhaps even rescue him from Turrosh Mak.

My Most memorable Adventure hook was having my pc's start ToEE discovering a clue to the whereabouts of Prince Thrommel (6 years after his dissappearance). My current greyhawk world is still set before the greyhawk wars, the giants are still yet to invade Sterich and Geoff. I'm getting excited thinking about the next 20years of gaming in this one thread.